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Shivers - Over-hyped or improperly utilized?


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3 minutes ago, Mikey said:



Shivers - Over-hyped or improperly utilized?


None of the above.

This is the question that the "so-and-so should play more" posters always seem to ignore. When player A goes in, someone has to come out.

Nice try. Look immediately above your response. 

Nobody ignores the question. You just ignore the answer. Which is quite a feat, given that this argument has been the same- and it's been a popular one- for years now. 

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2 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

I like Boobie for a lot of reasons and I'm not unhappy that Gus has made him the primary back in this offense.

Yup. Same. Just really wish that Gus could adjust his thinking on what "primary back" entails. 


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6 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Yup. Same. Just really wish that Gus could adjust his thinking on what "primary back" entails. 


I think he is adjusting, but that's just me. 17-18 carries for one back doesn't bother me at all if we are going to run the ball 30-40x a game.

Edit: 40+ times a game, which is what we've done each game. 43, 45, 63, 41.


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23 minutes ago, AUDevil said:

I think James Mungro running the counter trap still keeps Tuberville and Lovett up late at night.

Ugh that was an ugly game...I had actually blocked that one from my memory, while hanging on to the Cadillac 40 carry game the previous year lol


That was a cool series though.

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1 minute ago, Barnacle said:

I think he is adjusting, but that's just me. 17-18 carries for one back doesn't bother me at all if we are going to run the ball 30-40x a game.

Same. I'm just still a little concerned that Boobee got that many carries just in one half. I feel like a more even distribution would be the next step in this evolution that I hope is happening.

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1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

Same. I'm just still a little concerned that Boobee got that many carries just in one half. I feel like a more even distribution would be the next step in this evolution that I hope is happening.

He had 17 of 63 attempts against Kent State and 18 of 41 against TAMU. Not sure about the second half though 

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That kid is tough as nails and quick as lightning.  I think he helps us win some games eventually.  This offense is still a work in progress at this point and I believe Gus and Caddy will find a role for him as the season goes along.  He’s too important not to have a role.

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1 minute ago, Barnacle said:

He had 17 of 63 attempts against Kent State and 18 of 41 against TAMU. Not sure about the second half though 

Almost all of his carries against Texas A&m came in the second half. He didn't get his first one until three minutes left in the second quarter.

If I remember the Kent State game script correctly, he got almost all of the carries until it became evident that we weren't going to have a close game on our hands.

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10 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Nice try. Look immediately above your response. 

Nobody ignores the question. You just ignore the answer. Which is quite a feat, given that this argument has been the same- and it's been a popular one- for years now. 

Since Boobie is averaging 5.0 yards per carry and Shivers 5.3 there's no validity in your post and I chose to not respond to it. Is that a problem for you?

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8 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Since Boobie is averaging 5.0 yards per carry and Shivers 5.3 there's no validity in your post and I chose to not respond to it. Is that a problem for you?

No, it's probably better that you don't respond to me. But generally speaking when people say really silly things that aren't even remotely true, somebody else will point that out. I guess that is a problem for you. Frequently.

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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

There's not a running back on earth than can be put in a game and given one carry and be productive

"RB2 needs to do more with his two touches a game if he wants to play more."

"RB1 needs 25 touches a game so that he can get in a rhythm and because he gets stronger as the game goes on."

-the same people, usually

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1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

That's very easy. Boobee has the 2nd-most carries in the league but is only getting the 9th-best production per carry. 

There are PLENTY of carries to go around, just like have been every year. 

Boobee is asked to get the hard yards and protect the QB....JMO but not thinking Shiver is gonna be able to do that. ….maybe DJ Williams though...

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2 hours ago, doverstutts said:

Nobody is knocking the kid....he has all of the intangibles, guts, speed, quickness, toughness,etc....he can't help not being 6'1" 230 and with his size, he is limited in this offense....i think he ought to be looked at as a punt returner

YOU said he was a waste of a schollie. That sounds like "knocking the kid" to me. I admire your confidence in your ability to evaluate talent. 🙄

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2 hours ago, JMassie11 said:

To give you a better idea here are some stats with in red being his most productive years. In these years he had 4-8 rushes per game and 3-5 catches per game. 


Dear gods, man.  Charge your phone.

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🤦‍♀️ This just feels very much like dragging the SAME conversation up for the 3rd or 4th time.  Are y’all TRYING to run Momma Worm off? Why can’t we just le the guy play and see how he does over the season? I have a lot of faith in him and feel like he’s going to surprise a lot of people.  Obviously, the coaches think a lot of him.  

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

Since Boobie is averaging 5.0 yards per carry and Shivers 5.3 there's no validity in your post and I chose to not respond to it. Is that a problem for you?

5.3 is with the padding from Kent State.  Outside of that game he's averaging less than 2 YPC which is what originally prompted my post.  I was looking at stats and was very surprised how unproductive he's been with the limited opportunities he's been given.

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23 minutes ago, Grumps said:

YOU said he was a waste of a schollie. That sounds like "knocking the kid" to me. I admire your confidence in your ability to evaluate talent. 🙄

it is a waste if he doesn't contribute.....he doesn't fit the offense, if its a "downhill run/ play action" offense....next year, i doubt he sees the field very much if williams gets healthy

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3 hours ago, doverstutts said:

I considered it a wasted schollie and still do, but he has enough speed and quickness that he can still find a place in the offense, that place has to be developed by the coaches though. 

Wasted? He's playing in a role that isn't what most of us envisioned but it's the role he has. As long as he is playing it isn't a wasted scholarship. A wasted scholarship would be a guy who gets tossed out on his ear for disciplinary reasons without ever actually contributing. That is not Shivers. I just don't understand that line of thinking but it isn't the first time. Some folks just like shock value I guess. Shaun is doing what he can to help his team, he's a hard worker and to this point a great ambassador for the team and has earned the respect of many. No waste here. He stays out of trouble and is doing what's asked of him. 

There's a huge difference in being disappointed for him as most of us are and being disappointed in him as you seem to be.

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My 2¢...

First off... Big fan as he is tough, confident, fast + more, as well as seemingly a fantastic ambassador for Auburn.

With that:

I think, before he officially even joined the Tigers, he did derive a bit of a cult following (which includes me) and his mom certainly helped by engaging the board in a very positive and fun way (at least until things got real and the board wasn't as "friendly").   So as for many on this board's expectations?  Sure, he could have been a tad over-hyped in the beginning.... again, me included.

He does have a couple questionable features which might be holding him back IMO.  This isn't so much to do with his size but his running style.  I feel he runs a bit too upright.  This, coupled with his lighter weight, contributes to him being a little easier to knock down than I expected, which a previous poster alluded to.

Also, I'm not sure if his pads are too big or what but he's not particularly nimble.  I don't mean to say "slow" (cuz obviously he's not) but he doesn't exactly cut on a dime like an O-Mac or Corey Grant (or comparable sized greats like Barry Sanders or Sproles).  Watch him cut...it's almost like watching a car do a 3 point turn.  He's straight line fast & burst quick but he's not as shifty as I expected.

Also, just curious... Can he catch?  I mean, I know he has 2-3 catches on screens (for negative total yardage) but I haven't seen him used on a wheel route, etc.  Not sure if that's strictly a limit of his utilization or again, could he use more arm flexibility...or can he catch?

I'm not so worried about his size, in general, because as pointed out, there's been some college & pro football legends that are roughly his size.  So, again, I don't feel size is the issue.

Anyway, that doesn't really answer anything as for the OP.  He has tons of talent and has some fantastic plays on his resume.  However, I do see things he needs to work on to be featured more.  Just not sure if he's being coached up enough or if he's hit a ceiling.....?  With Gus, one never knows.

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Cant believe so many fell for such a negative OP. The question is basically - so yall wanna bitch about a player, or bitch about a coach? No positive option whatsoever which is not surprising at all considering the source. 

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4 hours ago, McLoofus said:

That might be true for you and a few others. In my case it's wrong and I'm guessing it's wrong with regards most others who would like to see him play more.

Momma was just icing on the cake and it's beyond infuriating that some dumbass ran her off. 


Someone ran her off?    That sucks.

The icing on the cake is to me is the only over hyped part.   I think he is as good as advertised,  but I was EXTRA hopeful because Momma was brave enough to post  on a  football  forum.   Since I also post on that forum I get imaginary  bragging rights as if I am an old family friend.  LOL    Not sure I would have the guts to post here if my son was on the team.  Even if he had great talent. 


I don't want to know who ran her off, or why.   There is always someone that makes it personal.   A personal attack on someones kid  is crossing the line.  Hence why we don't /shouldn't attack the players..  It is an instant trigger point to a parent.   I've seen too many parents get run off of forums basically for standing up for their child.  


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2 hours ago, cole256 said:

There's not a running back on earth than can be put in a game and given one carry and be productive

That made me immediately think of Tristan Davis his freshman year. I remember listening to a game on radio that season in Branson MS. I think it was Arky or Miss St. He had an incredible night. A blast from the past but your point is well made. 


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The Worm is a special player that is capable of taking it to the house each time he touches the ball. I do wish Gus would utilize him better and maybe this is coming. He has a world of talent that I hope will be prevalent in future games this season. I would love to see some plays that would involve him, Schwartz, and Stove on the field at the same time. 

Speed kills and this could be deadly if done the right way with this group of speedsters. 

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