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Gus took 'refreshing' look at his past offenses


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4 minutes ago, gr82be said:

This is Gus we're talking about here, or Oblivigus as I call him in those types of games. I'm in the Missouri crowd to and it's a populated place right now. If he's has changed then wonderful but it will take more than a win Saturday night to prove it. He will have to have a game where things aren't going his way for us to see the changes he's made. I'm very worried that if Nix makes a mistake or two he will go ultra conservative and then he's back to square one and he can start packing. Whether it is Nix or even Gatewood at some point he better put the game in their hands and live or die with it. This year he is going to have to let his players make plays and get out of the way.

Totally agree.  I'm waving at you, BTW, since we're in the same "state" :wavey:.

"Yes", to the bolded part also.  Just a couple seasons ago I remember letting myself believe Gus finally turned the corner for realz.... He didn't.  Yes, it'll take a full season of minimal head-scratchers for me to feel comfortable.

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27 minutes ago, keesler said:

2018 UAT & AU had 7 common opponents >>  LSU/Arky/MSU/UT/OM/aTm/UGA.  UAT finished 7-0 & AU finished 3-4

2017 UAT & AU had 6 common opponents >> OM/aTm/Arky/LSU/MSU/Clemson.  UAT finished 6-0 & AU finished 4-2 (beating the piss out of uat/uga)

2016 UAT & AU had 6 common opponents >> Clemson/aTm/LSU/MSU/Arky/OM.  UAT finished 5-1 & AU finished 4-2

2015 UAT & AU had 6 common opponents >> OM/UGA/Arky/aTm/LSU/MSU.  UAT finished 6-0 & AU finished 1-5 :puke:

In the same time frame the head to head goes to uat 3-1 over AU.

So while Auburn does have a difficult schedule more times than not, half a dozen of on our schedule are common opponents with uat.  And both always have 3 cupcakes the likes of JaxSt/AlaSt/Liberty/ULL/Citdel/SoMiss/ArkySt/WKU added to the mix.   




More perspective: From 2014 to 2018 uat averaged about five "five star" players per recruiting class. AU averaged about one per class, and less than half of those finished their college career at AU. Yeah, Gus can win some he should lose and lose some he should win, but comparing him against a team like uat seems a bit unfair. 

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Awesome if true. I hope he's rediscovered some plays that were successful. His buck-sweep was amazing when it worked. Counter-run plays could be tremendously destructive considering we usually just run straight.

A real route tree would be cool too... 

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4 minutes ago, AUinfusion said:


More perspective: From 2014 to 2018 uat averaged about five "five star" players per recruiting class. AU averaged about one per class, and less than half of those finished their college career at AU. Yeah, Gus can win some he should lose and lose some he should win, but comparing him against a team like uat seems a bit unfair. 


We all have differing opinions on just how much "help" Saban gets from the NCAA & SEC by their blind eyes but nevertheless, comparing anybody to the evil empire is unfair right now.

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18 minutes ago, AUsince72 said:

Totally agree.  I'm waving at you, BTW, since we're in the same "state" :wavey:.

"Yes", to the bolded part also.  Just a couple seasons ago I remember letting myself believe Gus finally turned the corner for realz.... He didn't.  Yes, it'll take a full season of minimal head-scratchers for me to feel comfortable.

Like Gus vs LSU, he has to finish and not let them off the hook...


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I’m in the boat with most others, I’ll have to see it first. However, it is a step in the right direction. For a long time I believed that Gus’ pride had him oblivious to all of this. It is at least refreshing to hear him say it.

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19 minutes ago, gr82be said:

Like Gus vs LSU, he has to finish and not let them off the hook...



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1 hour ago, AUinfusion said:


More perspective: From 2014 to 2018 uat averaged about five "five star" players per recruiting class. AU averaged about one per class, and less than half of those finished their college career at AU. Yeah, Gus can win some he should lose and lose some he should win, but comparing him against a team like uat seems a bit unfair. 

I was comparing common opponents between AU & uat, not comparing coaches.  Outside of the head to head rivalry AU/uat both teams share an average of 6 common opponents with 3 cupcakes each, and I simply listed the W/L records for the last 4 yrs.  

Would you agree that Auburn had a solid advantage over new coaches like Pruitt/Moorehead/Orgeron/Smart?  That's 4 teams with a coaching turnover, and AU failed to monopolize and take a win.  It's mind boggling to see a season HC like Gus lose to guys like this.


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5 hours ago, steeleagle said:

No, going back to his 09-10 years playing calling is what he SHOULD NOT DO! Why? He even said it.

Other teams started to use his type plays, and the upper level teams started to learn how to defend it by 2014 and he said he was stubborn in 2015 and 2016 by not adapting and working to counteract the defenses and rules changes that limited his offensive scheme's effectiveness.

What he has to show is how has he has redesigned his playcalling and improved on his plays that worked in 2009-2011 and some in 2013. If he reverts back to 2009 I feel our offense will sputter and have problems sustaining drives and scoring in the RZ...

Yeah.....I didn't mean by running the same exact plays. I meant the energy,  the mixing up, using intermediate passing, the tempo. The way he called the games was night/day compared to what we've seen as of late. That's what I mean. 

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3 hours ago, AUinfusion said:


More perspective: From 2014 to 2018 uat averaged about five "five star" players per recruiting class. AU averaged about one per class, and less than half of those finished their college career at AU. Yeah, Gus can win some he should lose and lose some he should win, but comparing him against a team like uat seems a bit unfair. 

The whole thing was about common opponents. 

It's funny, Auburn people like saying stars don't matter as long as it fits their narrative, however look JUST HOW QUICKLY stars become relevant... 

That was as much about a comparison to the rest of the division as a comparison to Alabama. 

I seriously can't believe  you think how we have fared vs the rest of the West isn't something fair to say

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I'm curious to see what happens when the Frosh qb chunks his first interception. After White's int against State, Malzahn pulled back so fast it would've made a crawfish proud.

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7 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

I'm curious to see what happens when the Frosh qb chunks his first interception. After White's int against State, Malzahn pulled back so fast it would've made a crawfish proud.

If he's wise he will just say something like "now that that's out of the way lets go to work"

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1 hour ago, amsterjam said:

So he's going to evolve by going back to his roots and studying his old offenses? Isn't that like the opposite of evolving?

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana

Looking back helps to find what worked and what went wrong. And as I have mentioned several times over the years, Chris Brown of Smart Football was initially highly skeptical that Malzahn would come to Auburn and run a run first (run/play action) offense because Malzahn (believe it or not) had a reputation for offenses that like to sling the ball all over the field in high school and then at Tulsa took a couple of run of the mill QB's and passed for like 4000 yards in a season. It may just be that with Bo Nix there is a QB that Malzahn thinks has the ability to really make opposing defenses pay.

AU will run. And when the defense loads the box to shut down the run, Air Auburn takes to the skies.  That's what I hope for anyway.


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6 hours ago, amsterjam said:

So he's going to evolve by going back to his roots and studying his old offenses? Isn't that like the opposite of evolving?

How can you evolve if you don’t remember where you came from? 

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well he finally has realized what the fans have known for years. Predictability, conservative, playing scared, ill prepared, all have become Gus characteristics.

Lets hope he can change it and quick. In the past after the first scripted series, if things didn't go right it was pretty much a crap shoot on what to do.

Set the tone Gus, don't wait to see what the opponent will give you cause by then you can't react and we lose.

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The offense that Gus brought to Auburn has gone the way of the wishbone. It worked until opposing DC's figured out how to defend against it. I'm pulling for my Tigers, and waiting to see if the coach of the Tigers has changed his stripes.

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