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Opinion | The El Paso Killer Loved Trump. Do You? Then You’re Responsible, Too.

CJ WerlemanAugust 3, 2019Getty Images

5-6 minutes

At least 20 people were shot dead by a Trump-loving white supremacist in El Paso, Texas on Saturday, placing the 21-year-old suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

The shooter’s motive quickly appeared in the form of a manifesto, which two federal law enforcement officers told CNN they were investigating as belonging to the killer.

The gunman’s alleged manifesto reads like a carbon copy of those written by the killers who carried out the recent attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand; the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh; and the synagogue in San Diego.

“This is a response to the Hispanic invasion,” the suspect allegedly posted online just days before the shooting. He then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of “pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc,” while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing.”

He also spoke approvingly of President Trump, especially the “send her back” chants directed at Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. And his social media feed was full of MAGA quotes like #BuildtheWall:

The Shooter in El Paso according to a Sargent on the scene says the shooter is Patrick Crusius

If this is true, the Twitter account associated with Patrick is full of Trump and MAGA related postings.

Another right wing extremist motivated by xenophobia pic.twitter.com/2YIg8AnBh6— Davis Schmiven (@WheresMyArk_23) August 3, 2019

It drove home the truth of the matter: This alarming spate of mass casualty terrorist attacks on black churches, synagogues, and mosques didn’t emerge out of a vacuum. They’re the direct result of the President of the United States referring to immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees as “invaders,” “rapists” and “terrorists.”

Since Trump first announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential race, he has framed white America as under threat from or in direct competition to non-white immigrant “invaders,” specifically in regards to jobs, security, and “way of life,” whatever that means.

“People hate the word ‘invasion,’ but that’s what it is,” said Donald Trump on March 15.

Trump has normalized overt racism in such a way that genocidal “great replacement” conspiracy theories have moved from the dark corners of the internet into mainstream political discourse, with neo-Nazis coming out from their secret hiding places to march openly in the streets.

It’s for this reason hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities have reached unprecedented levels since Trump took office, and it’s for this very reason right-wing extremists are responsible for 100% of terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The blame must now extend beyond Trump himself, however, for his role in the White House is pretty now much that of a poll-watching pundit, who crafts his messaging based on what sells best to his base.

Put simply, he ain’t selling what his supporters aren’t buying, and what they’re buying is his racist discord and xenophobia, which is measurably and demonstrably getting Americans killed.

What alternative explanation is there? They certainly aren’t supporting him for their healthcare. Trump took that away. They certainly aren’t supporting him for his tax cut. 83% of the benefits for that went to the top 1% of income earners. They aren’t supporting him for “draining the swamp,” either. No other administration in US history has piled up so many federal indictments. And they definitely aren’t supporting him for reducing the deficit. He’s ballooned that by a record 77%.

They’re supporting him because he channels their racial grievances, as study after study bears out. The latest, published by Sociological Quarterly, found “the nativist narrative about ‘taking back America’ and anti-immigrant sentiment became stronger forces than economic issues.”

There might have been excuses for voting for Trump in 2016. People were sick and tired of politics as usual. They saw both parties as equally inept or corrupt, and they wanted to stick it to the “establishment.”

But they have now had nearly three years to assess that vote. They’ve heard his now 10,796 proven lies and falsehoods. They’ve heard him praise Nazis who chanted, “Jews will not replace us.” They’ve heard him tell four minority congresswomen to “go back to where they came from.”

And they’ve seen the murderers who are listening to his words and taking the lives of Jews, Muslims, Latinos, and other Americans, out of pure hate.

If you still support Trump after all this, then you have demonstrated you’re totally down with his brand of racist, sexist, xenophobic hatred, the kind that is getting black churches, synagogues, mosques, schools, cinemas and malls shot up by far-right psychopaths all over the country.

If this is you, then you are in the words of US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton an irredeemable “deplorable.”

CJ Werleman is a journalist, columnist, and security and terrorism analyst.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward.

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on a lighter note if there can be such a thing how about those folks in texas? hundreds if not thousands lining up to give bllod. ones that could not give brought water and snacks for those waiting in long lines. and tons of doctors and surgeons coming in on off days to help those in need. you texas folks are awesome.

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Somewhere between "Open Borders and Free Healthcare for Illegals" AND "Build the Wall," there has to be a way.

Folks, DC is broke. It is so crazy partisan that logic and compassion are gone on both sides. 


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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:


<<<Black Man Selling Cigarettes>>>                                                             <<<Racist White Man that just Killed 20 and Shot up a Walmart>>>>

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:


Resisted arrest.                                                                                                       Gave up.


Why post crap like this?

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

Resisted arrest.                                                                                                       Gave up.


Why post crap like this?

The guy on the Left is begging to breathe...

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According to Yahoo, the FBI has identified conspiracy theories as a new domestic terror threat.

The FBI for the first time has identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat, according to a previously unpublicized document obtained by Yahoo News. (Read the document below.)

The FBI intelligence bulletin from the bureau’s Phoenix field office, dated May 30, 2019, describes “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists,” as a growing threat, and notes that it is the first such report to do so. It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs.

Further down in the article:

The FBI is already under fire for its approach to domestic extremism. In a contentious hearing last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Christopher Wray faced criticism from Democrats who said the bureau was not focusing enough on white supremacist violence. “The term ‘white supremacist,’ ‘white nationalist’ is not included in your statement to the committee when you talk about threats to America,” Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said. “There is a reference to racism, which I think probably was meant to include that, but nothing more specific.”

My comment:  The FBI is identifying a new threat that is not racially based and the D-Ill is complaining that he needs to make is racially based.  Which stance has a tendency to divide the country?  Radicalism does is not race based.



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7 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The guy on the Left is begging to breathe...

I remember the incident, very unfortunate.  The bottom line is; if you comply with the police officers, it’s likely you will survive the day.

It is unfortunate that the media and some here, want to base everything on race.  It can cloud the real reason the incidents occur and obscure the solutions.

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4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I remember the incident, very unfortunate.  The bottom line is; if you comply with the police officers, it’s likely you will survive the day.

It is unfortunate that the media and some here, want to base everything on race.  It can cloud the real reason the incidents occur and obscure the solutions.

Forget Race for a minute. Garner was being arrested for a $2-3 Tax Code Violation. NYPD sent 4 cops to pick up a guy for barely a misdemeanor. If it went to court, i bet the judge would let him go. We are talking a $2-3 TAX CODE VIOLATION. Its like getting killed getting arrested for not putting money in the parking meter. 

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4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Forget Race for a minute. Garner was being arrested for a $2-3 Tax Code Violation. NYPD sent 4 cops to pick up a guy for barealy a misdemeanor. If it went to court, i bet the judge would let him go. We are talking a $2-3 TAX CODE VIOLATION. its like getting killed getting arrested for not putting money in the parking meter. 

The reason for the arrest is irrelevant.  He was being arrested, comply.  If he complied and went to court he would be alive today. 

ETA:  I’m winning the ICHY sweepstakes today.

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8 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Forget Race for a minute.

Did you read the Yahoo article I posted?  That’s what the FBI is trying to do, but the Democrats try to push the racial divide in this country on a daily basis.

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

The guy on the Left is begging to breathe...

You cant compare them ..one laid down his weapons, raised his hands and submitted to his arrest as he planned and will be executed in 15-20 years. The other refused repeatedly to cooperate and forced the authorities to take him in a way they would have  preferred not to. His health, obesity,illegal activity ( which we know was minor but had to be dealt with) all coupled with his own declaration not to go to jail killed him. Basically suicide. False equivalence like this is ridiculous and we are better than that. 

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36 minutes ago, alexava said:

You cant compare them ..one laid down his weapons, raised his hands and submitted to his arrest as he planned and will be executed in 15-20 years. The other refused repeatedly to cooperate and forced the authorities to take him in a way they would have  preferred not to. His health, obesity,illegal activity ( which we know was minor but had to be dealt with) all coupled with his own declaration not to go to jail killed him. Basically suicide. False equivalence like this is ridiculous and we are better than that. 

c'mon man how long do you have to quit struggling before they quit trying to kill you? yes he fought. i might be mistaken but i believe the dead guy and the cop had words before. the point is they killed him over selling cigs. they are still investigating it because the cop that killed him was fired. and also how many cops does it take to get cuffs on a guy? that is an excuse. and i believe a couple of witnesses said he begged for his life. he told them he could not breathe until he could not talk. but four cops? they killed that boy period. and those are just the ones in the picture.

also the coroner said eric garner was choked to death and ruled it a homicide. those are indisputable facts. as long as the police are allowed to police their own police will get away with murder. the cop that killed him did. and also i am pretty sure choke holds were outlawed at that time.

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i just copied this off of yahoo.com............

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke said Saturday night that President Donald Trump's rhetoric on race played a role in the mass shooting that killed at least 20 people in El Paso.

O'Rourke, who is running to be the Democratic presidential nominee, spoke about the shooting minutes after spending time with victims in his hometown.

While speaking to the media, he ran through examples of Trump making comments attacking people of color, including the 'go back' tweets aimed at Democratic freshmen female lawmakers who are all U.S. citizens and people of color.

"He is a racist and he stokes racism in this country," O'Rourke said. "It fundamentally changes the character of this country and it leads to violence."

When asked on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday morning if he thought Washington Governor Jay Inslee was correct in calling Trump a "white nationalist," O'Rourke replied, "Yes, I do."

DEADLY WEEKEND: El Paso, Dayton make 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days, more shootings than days in the year

O'Rourke's comments came hours after a mass shooting in an El Paso Walmart left 20 people dead and 26 injured and before a shooting spree early Sunday at an entertainment district in Dayton, Ohio left at least nine dead and 16 hurt.

The El Paso shooting could be prosecuted as a hate crime after investigators discovered an anti-immigrant diatribe possibly connected to the suspect.

"Right now we have a manifesto from this individual that indicates a possible hate crime," El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said at a Saturday press conference.

Trump, who has tweeted several words of condolences and support to the victims of the shootings and residents of the cities, recently said he is the "least racist person" in the world.


HuffPost Mary Papenfuss,HuffPost 15 hours ago

Hundreds of mothers surged to the White House with other protesters Saturday evening to demand stricter gun control laws in the wake of the horrific mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, that killed at least 20 people

The powerful, spontaneous “Moms Demand Action” demonstration was one of a series of heartfelt expressions of support and sympathy throughout the nation for the victims of the shootings at a Walmart, in which at least 26 people were injured.

Mothers hoisted signs reading “Coward Congress” and chanted: “Whose house? Our house!”

A representative of the group told The Washington Post that members were meeting nearby for a conference. When the women learned of the massacre, “the tenor and tone of the whole room changed” and participants decided to march, said one of the group’s leaders, Amber Gustafson.

“We’re fed up. It’s past time for change,” she said.

Elsewhere, people flooded social media with expressions of condolence and offers of help. Before a baseball game at Yankee Stadium in New York, a moment of silence was observed.

In the El Paso area, hundreds of residents lined up to donate blood for the victims of the shootings after police issued a plea that was picked up and passed along by others. One good Samaritan bought pizza to hand out to the crowds of blood donors waiting outside in the hot sun.

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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

on a lighter note if there can be such a thing how about those folks in texas? hundreds if not thousands lining up to give bllod. ones that could not give brought water and snacks for those waiting in long lines. and tons of doctors and surgeons coming in on off days to help those in need. you texas folks are awesome.

It's what decent people do in times of crisis.....regardless of skin color.........in 2005 I hated Texas because I had to pay close to 7 bucks for a can of Skoal Citrus..........as I walked out the door I realized it was not their fault I was such a tight ass😁.......true story.

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37 minutes ago, kevon67 said:

It's what decent people do in times of crisis.....regardless of skin color.........in 2005 I hated Texas because I had to pay close to 7 bucks for a can of Skoal Citrus..........as I walked out the door I realized it was not their fault I was such a tight ass😁.......true story.

skoal citrus? i bet you put pineapple on pizza too........tell me i am wrong so i can feel better about you.......

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46 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

skoal citrus? i bet you put pineapple on pizza too........tell me i am wrong so i can feel better about you.......

I would have to be high to put pineapple on pizza😉😂

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4 hours ago, alexava said:

Y. The other refused repeatedly to cooperate and forced the authorities to take him in a way they would have  preferred not to. His health, obesity,illegal activity ( which we know was minor but had to be dealt with) all coupled with his own declaration not to go to jail killed him. Basically suicide. 

Correct. They just released an autopsy report recently and the report said he died of health related complications, either asthma or heart attack, I can’t remember which but he wasn’t “choked” to death. @aubiefifty the officer hasn’t been fired. He’s been on desk duty. The DOJ and other prosecutorial authorities have exonerated him from criminal charges. If you watched the DNC debates the other night, DeBlasio took a lot of grief because he hadn’t been fired. A judge recently recommended his termination, but at last report he was still an employee of the NYPD. 

Edit: In my opinion, the biggest mistake in Garner’s case was not calling for the paramedics quick enough. The reason the police was there was because of business owners in the area complaining about Garner selling illegal cigarettes and other items. It wasn’t like they just rolled up on him and jumped out. He’d had numerous run-ins with NYPD for the same type stuff.  

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6 minutes ago, aubearcat said:

Correct. They just released an autopsy report recently and the report said he died of health related complications, either asthma or heart attack, I can’t remember which but he wasn’t “choked” to death. @aubiefifty the officer hasn’t been fired. He’s been on desk duty. The DOJ and other prosecutorial authorities have exonerated him from criminal charges. If you watched the DNC debates the other night, DeBlasio took a lot of grief because he hadn’t been fired. A judge recently recommended his termination, but at last report he was still an employee of the NYPD. 

Edit: In my opinion, the biggest mistake in Garner’s case was not calling for the paramedics quick enough. The reason the police was there was because of business owners in the area complaining about Garner selling illegal cigarettes and other items. It wasn’t like they just rolled up on him and jumped out. He’d had numerous run-ins with NYPD for the same type stuff.  

I think they have very recently fired or a judge has recommended they do fire him. There’s no doubt the choking  contributed to his death. But he had several minutes to comply. He didn’t pose a risk but you gotta take him and he didnt leave much option. I think he was a good person. I don’t think anyone would say he deserved to die. Nobody intended to kill him. It was simply an accident magnified by his poor health. I have seen plenty of problems with police brutality since. I know it exists. This is not what I saw with Garner. Using this with such false equivalence hurts the credibility of the user. Use one of the other, clear cases. 

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14 minutes ago, alexava said:

I think they have very recently fired or a judge has recommended they do fire him. There’s no doubt the choking  contributed to his death. But he had several minutes to comply. He didn’t pose a risk but you gotta take him and he didnt leave much option. I think he was a good person. I don’t think anyone would say he deserved to die. Nobody intended to kill him. It was simply an accident magnified by his poor health. I have seen plenty of problems with police brutality since. I know it exists. This is not what I saw with Garner. Using this with such false equivalence hurts the credibility of the user. Use one of the other, clear cases. 

Yes, a judge recommended his firing recently but unless it was done over the weekend, he’s still employed. I also believe it was definitely not an intentional killing or even situation. People complained about Garner numerous times, brass said, “Hey, go take care of this complaint “. Vice cops got out with him as they’d done several times before and Garner was as frustrated as the cops were about having to answer the same call over and over again. He mildly resisted. A much smaller cop tried to take him down, it caused Garner to have a medical reaction that eventually resulted in his death. There’s absolutely nothing racial about it at all. Like I said earlier, obviously a poor decision in not calling for paramedics quicker. 

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8 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Blaming Trump is ridiculous. People are batsh!t crazy and just want something to trigger their radical ideas

One thing you will find out about both the recent shooters is that they were both disliked, bullied, stand offish, and showed nasty tempers in HS.

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58 minutes ago, Texan4Auburn said:

One thing you will find out about both the recent shooters is that they were both disliked, bullied, stand offish, and showed nasty tempers in HS.

I haven't seen much about them, nothing about the Ohio one except his sister was one of the victims.

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