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Trump tees off on the poor


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Trump tees off on the poor

Trump tees off on The Poor

Trump tees off on The Poor


This is an opinion cartoon.

Every time President Trump spends a weekend in Mar-a-Lago or waddles off to play another round of golf at one of his resorts, it costs American taxpayers millions and millions of dollars.

Trump loves welfare, but only the corporate kind of welfare that keeps the mega-rich from having to scramble about, digging their manicured paws under Corinthian leather (not to be confused with “2 Corinthians” leather) couch cushions looking for change to get by.

So, when it comes time to trim the fat or gut a program, guess where Richie Rich Tantrum Tweeter-in-Chief looks first: America’s poor people. Under the Trump administration’s proposed SNAP benefit change, three million people could lose food stamps.

America First = Rich America First. Poor Americans Last.

Makes sense. Let’s snatch food from the mouths of the poor. Because we need that money to pay subsidies to the farmers who can’t stay in the business of producing food. Because ... Trump tariffs.

Trump may as well take a Sharpie and scribble “the poor” or “taxpayer” on every Titleist he smacks down the fairway. Because that’s what he’s doing. He’s teeing off on poor people and taxpayers. Every day. For fun. And getting away with it.

Because - all of a sudden - too many of you think it’s OK to let a president get away with anything he wants to do.

Very. Stable. Costly. Genius.

Check out more cartoons by JD Crowe

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5 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Nobody cares about your blabbing about Trump. 

dooode....you my boy. you are the wonderkind! yep. i wonder what kind of idiot you really are. you just stated you could care less about my blabbing about trump and yet you had to take time to reply which makes you a liar. really fellow you need to quit. but the tbs is real strong in you little guy. tell me is trumps sack really hairless like some of his assault victims say? we need a good laugh i will give you this........at least you do not claim to be a follower of jesus and then do the devils work like some on here do. come on back when ya got something more than insults................

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Only because of the golf cartoon.  Homer and fifty, a small white ball with dimples.  I must honor fifty though. You are way more familiar with Trump's junk than anyone else I know. Congrats.

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On 7/24/2019 at 12:44 PM, jj3jordan said:

Nobody cares about your blabbing about Trump. 

i could not give a sh*t about you blabbing about my blabbing trump sack boy...........

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dooode you guys cling to his scrotum like superglue but nice try. and show me where me and homer hurt you little buddy...............

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

dooode you guys cling to his scrotum like superglue but nice try. and show me where me and homer hurt you little buddy...............

Not sure where you reside my friend but I am nowhere near anybody's scrotum. Sounds like you are though. Enjoy.

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Both of y’all sound like teenagers with this smack talk. 😂 

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