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Americans Are Absolutely Terrified of Trump


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Americans Are Absolutely Terrified of Trump

Peter Wade

July 21, 2019 3:04PM ET

“They say, ‘I’m scared.’ And I have not—I’ve never in my total of 37 years in public service ever heard a constituent say that they were scared of their leader,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings


President Donald Trump speaks to the media before boarding Marine One helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP/Shutterstock

Over the weekend, two Democratic representatives shared stories of their constituents telling them they are straight up terrified of President Donald Trump and his policies.

On CNN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered Saturday, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) told the host that a young child, a third-generation American, told her they are scared that their family will be taken in the middle of the night. “A child grabbed my legs and said, ‘Mrs. Dingell, Mrs. Dingell, I am worried that someone’s going to come to our house in the middle of the night, drag my family out, and no one’s ever going to see us again.'”

Dingell added that she spoke with the superintendent of the school district who said the child’s comments are not uncommon. This is what America’s kids are worrying about. “Debbie,” the superintendent told her, “you need to understand that’s what our kids are talking about.”

These children’s fears are not unfounded. In addition to detaining thousands of undocumented immigrants, ICE has also been taking American citizens into custody. It’s such a concern, some Americans have been carrying their passports with them at all times. One US-born Marine veteran was arrested by ICE despite having his American passport with him at the time.

“Is that who we are as Americans?” @RepDebDingell talks to @secupp about the President’s “disturbing” racist rhetoric and if the fights between the “squad” & Trump distract from Democratic policy efforts. pic.twitter.com/um81i2kBqG

— SE Cupp Unfiltered (@UnfilteredSE) July 21, 2019

Then, Sunday on ABC’s This Week, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said that many of his constituents have told him they are “scared” of Trump. When host George Stephanopoulos asked Cummings whether he was worried about the direction of American politics after the president’s racist comments, Cummings said most Americans do not support what Trump has been saying.

“No matter where I go, what I’m hearing over and over again is—from my constituents is please save our democracy, please save our country,” he said.

He added, “And you know something else they say, George? They say, ‘I’m scared.’ And I have not—I’ve never in my total of 37 years in public service ever heard a constituent say that they were scared of their leader.”

“Scared of their leader? Scared of the president of the United States?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“Of the president of the United States, that’s exactly right,” Cummings replied.

Stephanopoulos then asked if Cummings believed Trump is racist. Cummings responded in the affirmative, saying unequivocally, ” I believe he is—yes, no doubt about it. And  I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I got to tell you, George, when I think about what he said to these young ladies who are merely trying to bring excellence to government and trying to make sure that generations yet unborn have an opportunity to experience a true democracy, when I hear those things it takes me back, like I said. And I can still remember bleeding from my forehead when people were throwing bottles—and these were adults, throwing bottles and saying go home, n****r.”

Rep. Elijah Cummings says that his constituents tell him they're "scared" ofTrump.

"I have never in my total of 37 years in public service — ever, heard a constituent say that they were scared of their leader."
Via ABC pic.twitter.com/dCceVmouUJ

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) July 21, 2019

America is reliving and reviving the darkest moments of our history. And it’s not just Americans who are terrified. It’s the world. As a 2019 Pew poll revealed, a growing number of people around the world see America as a major threat.


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12 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Of what?

read it..................

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4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

read it..................

I read that sack of horse hockey above. Doesn't explain anything except that liberals are insane.  Why does that kid worry about somebody dragging away their family?  Are they here illegally? Third generation...so no not illegal.  Wonder who is feeding her that horse crap that ANYBODY is going to come take away their family?  Cummings "No matter where I go"  No matter, its everywhere!!! Oh yeah Trump uhh..won your state. Maybe there are a few other constituents who aren't afraid of Trump.  They ought to be afraid of having you as a representative because you are an idiot Elijah!

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2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

I read that sack of horse hockey above. Doesn't explain anything except that liberals are insane.  Why does that kid worry about somebody dragging away their family?  Are they here illegally? Third generation...so no not illegal.  Wonder who is feeding her that horse crap that ANYBODY is going to come take away their family?  Cummings "No matter where I go"  No matter, its everywhere!!! Oh yeah Trump uhh..won your state. Maybe there are a few other constituents who aren't afraid of Trump.  They ought to be afraid of having you as a representative because you are an idiot Elijah!

dude i am pretty sure you do not have kids. shaking my head here. if you do and still do not understand about that baby being afraid  i feel sorry for you. and i am not even trying to be smartazz.

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

dude i am pretty sure you do not have kids. shaking my head here. if you do and still do not understand about that baby being afraid  i feel sorry for you. and i am not even trying to be smartazz.

Dude, I have three and I did not fill them with propaganda about someone kidnapping their parents. Where do you think they got this information.  Not on their own. Their parents terrified them, not Trump.

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6 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Dude, I have three and I did not fill them with propaganda about someone kidnapping their parents. Where do you think they got this information.  Not on their own. Their parents terrified them, not Trump.

while that could be possible i doubt it.kids hear stuff on tv and at the playground. the fact is if trump was not doing what he is doing there would be no effect on any kids......

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I have two. My kids aren't afraid of Trump or any other POTUS. They have been taught to think for themselves and not blindly react to alarmism like mindless lemmings.

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Correct me if I am wrong. They have actually arrested 35 nation wide? Apparently trump has built about zero miles of wall. That would mean that these people are really afraid of nothing but fear mongering by others. 

Turns out they only arrested 18...

trump has built Zero Miles of Wall...

Turns out he is just a big a failure as President as he has been in his business life.


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56 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Correct me if I am wrong. They have actually arrested 35 nation wide? Apparently trump has built about zero miles of wall. That would mean that these people are really afraid of nothing but fear monger IV by others. 

Turns out they only arrested 18...

trump has built Zero Miles of Wall...

Turns out he is just a big a failure as President as he has been in his business life.


Russians? 🤷

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i got several friends that are afraid of trump. believe it or not. some of them even started a private room where they can discuss trump at length without losing friends or pissing family off because they dare to disagree with trump and his actions.........

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8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i got several friends that are afraid of trump. believe it or not. some of them even started a private room where they can discuss trump at length without losing friends or pissing family off because they dare to disagree with trump and his actions.........

Like I said: Knowing all that, WHY WOULD ANYONE BE LIVING IN FEAR? 

This national acclamation that some have with Death threats etc...

How many have actually taken a shot at said politicians? Has AOC had shots taken at her? Has someone actually threatened your friends? ACTUALLY, PROVABLY Threatened them? How many times? on video or in a text or email or in a letter? How many times? show us the proof here please.

I am getting so very tired of the hyperbole from both sides. 

"Speculation" = Bovine Excrement
"Living in Fear" = Bovine Excrement
Hyperbole = Bovine Excrement

Maybe we just need to get better at Detecting and Ignoring Hyperbole

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Just now, DKW 86 said:

Like I said: Knowing all that, WHY WOULD ANYONE BE LIVING IN FEAR? 

This national acclamation that some have with Death threats etc...

How many have actually taken a shot at said politicians? Has AOC has shots taken at her? Has someone actually threatened your friends? ACTUALLY, PROVABLY Threatened them? How many times? on video or in a test or email or in a letter? How many times? show us the proof here please.

I am getting so very tired of the hyperbole from both sides. 

"Speculation" = Bovine Excrement
"Living in Fear" = Bovine Excrement
Hyperbole = Bovine Excrement

Maybe we just need to get better at Detecting and Ignoring Hyperbole

actually i went to the group and asked any of them that would to post their fears about trump. maybe i get a few answers i can post with no names. i will tell you the lady that started the private group is a retired guidance counselor and teacher who is highly educated and not some wiff running their mouth.

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20 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

actually i went to the group and asked any of them that would to post their fears about trump. maybe i get a few answers i can post with no names. i will tell you the lady that started the private group is a retired guidance counselor and teacher who is highly educated and not some wiff running their mouth.

Missed the entire point, and i mean the ENTIRE point.

I couldnt careless about how they feel. I mean could not care less. 

I asked specifically about real world factual events that caused those fears. I do not want to hear one more story about being triggered etc. I want to know exactly how many death threats, threats, etc and I want PROOF. No stories etc. I want to see the death threats, etc. I want to know if this is for real or just more BOVINE EXCREMENT. 

IE: Why would anyone FEAR trump? He is a colossal failure at just about everything. He has lied his entire life about every accomplishment. What in the name of hell has anyone got to FEAR? "But Dave he supports the Alt-Right...." Given. True.  AAANNNDDD so what? Are people really getting threatened and attacked or is just more of the grocery store a**hole and her Latino-Dem on Black-Dem Crimewave?

ICE has Arrested somewhere between 18-35 NATIONWIDE. Obama arrested 121 in a similar weekend. What is scary about complete incompetence? 
How many miles of wall has been built? It would appear that in reality Zero to not many. What are we supposed to be scared of again? "Orangeman said bad things?" If that scares you as an adult, turn in your adult/man cards. 

I am asking for facts, not one more story, word, etc. I want to see facts. 

Trump is a loser and half.
Every adult in America should be able to see that.
He is nothing more than an adolescent blowhard.
I see absolute zero reason for fear.
We need to recognize Hyperbole for what it is: Meaningless Words, and nothing more.\

PEOPLE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. I swear it feels like half of America is looking for the next outrage, the next gotcha. Please, lets act like adults and question things being said. Quit falling for the BS.

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I was afraid of what would happen to America had H. Clinton been elected. However, I was never afraid of her.

I am very concerned that we are raising a generation or two of scardy-cat wimps. My god, we have people in the South calling animal control because a baby alligator got in their yard. You just put it back into the canal where it came from, or ignore the damn thing. People call the police because some kid has a BB gun. Now people are afraid of President Trump. Maybe we need to expand these "safe places" that are said to be on the northern college campuses where wimps go when they feel "triggered". Put one in every neighborhood then every wimp on the block could go there and hunker down in terror when somebody's toy poodle gets loose.  

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44 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I was afraid of what would happen to America had H. Clinton been elected. However, I was never afraid of her.

I am very concerned that we are raising a generation or two of scardy-cat wimps. My god, we have people in the South calling animal control because a baby alligator got in their yard. You just put it back into the canal where it came from, or ignore the damn thing. People call the police because some kid has a BB gun. Now people are afraid of President Trump. Maybe we need to expand these "safe places" that are said to be on the northern college campuses where wimps go when they feel "triggered". Put one in every neighborhood then every wimp on the block could go there and hunker down in terror when somebody's toy poodle gets loose.  

let me clarify something mikey. some of those afraid of trump would whip your azz with one hand tied behind their back. i know a ton of these people. and no mods i am not justifying violence but if mikey wants to call folks wimps for being afraid of something concerning trump i think it is fair to state the obvious. these people some of you would make fun of or not allow their voices to be heard because blah blah blah is something  i strongly disagree with.

   the fact is with all the hate trump drums up does make people afraid or weary. people can be afraid of the way the country is heading. a maring that was born in america was picked up by ice. people on these very boards have stated trump could be deranged or have mental issues. so why is it a stretch trump can get us into some kind of bull oversea's or even here? the fact he demonizes the press which is part of american checks and balances in this country is scary to me. he keeps lying about the four congresswomen to the point they are receiving death threats on a daily basis is pretty alarming. the cops fired for saying one in partular needs a round should be proof of fears trump drums up. also the fact trump runs on fear is more than enough to make decent citizens fearful. all people count. they have their reasons so i strongly disagree with people needing to man up or give up their man card. that is pretty callous in my book. there are reasons why folks feel threatened and not all of them are just bullsh*t reasons.

   ice just arrested a marine in active serve that was born and raised in america. so you folks can disregard peoples beliefs all you want but not me. i do not have to agree with it but they have just as much right as anyone else. shame on you. pretty sure the above article was about a child being afraid of someone coming in and ripping him fromk his family.

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and i forgot lots of folks are afraid of the climate change thing. and when turmp orders his environment folks niot to use the word it is concerning as well. i fear for the next few generations coming up behind us.




US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal

Oliver Milman

8-10 minutes

Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the officials instructed to reference “weather extremes” instead.

A series of emails obtained by the Guardian between staff at the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), a USDA unit that oversees farmers’ land conservation, show that the incoming Trump administration has had a stark impact on the language used by some federal employees around climate change.

A missive from Bianca Moebius-Clune, director of soil health, lists terms that should be avoided by staff and those that should replace them. “Climate change” is in the “avoid” category, to be replaced by “weather extremes”. Instead of “climate change adaption”, staff are asked to use “resilience to weather extremes”.

The primary cause of human-driven climate change is also targeted, with the term “reduce greenhouse gases” blacklisted in favor of “build soil organic matter, increase nutrient use efficiency”. Meanwhile, “sequester carbon” is ruled out and replaced by “build soil organic matter”.

In her email to staff, dated 16 February this year, Moebius-Clune said the new language was given to her staff and suggests it be passed on. She writes that “we won’t change the modeling, just how we talk about it – there are a lot of benefits to putting carbon back in the sail [sic], climate mitigation is just one of them”, and that a colleague from USDA’s public affairs team gave advice to “tamp down on discretionary messaging right now”.

In contrast to these newly contentious climate terms, Moebius-Clune wrote that references to economic growth, emerging business opportunities in the rural US, agro-tourism and “improved aesthetics” should be “tolerated if not appreciated by all”.

In a separate email to senior employees on 24 January, just days after Trump’s inauguration, Jimmy Bramblett, deputy chief for programs at the NRCS, said: “It has become clear one of the previous administration’s priority is not consistent with that of the incoming administration. Namely, that priority is climate change. Please visit with your staff and make them aware of this shift in perspective within the executive branch.”

Bramblett added that “prudence” should be used when discussing greenhouse gases and said the agency’s work on air quality regarding these gases could be discontinued.

Other emails show the often agonized discussions between staff unsure of what is forbidden. On 16 February, a staffer named Tim Hafner write to Bramblett: “I would like to know correct terms I should use instead of climate changes and anything to do with carbon ... I want to ensure to incorporate correct terminology that the agency has approved to use.”

On 5 April, Suzanne Baker, a New York-based NRCS employee, emailed a query as to whether staff are “allowed to publish work from outside the USDA that use ‘climate change’”. A colleague advises that the issue be determined in a phone call.

Some staff weren’t enamored with the new regime, with one employee stating on an email on 5 July that “we would prefer to keep the language as is” and stressing the need to maintain the “scientific integrity of the work”.

In a statement, USDA said that on 23 January it had issued “interim operating procedures outlining procedures to ensure the new policy team has an opportunity to review policy-related statements, legislation, budgets and regulations prior to issuance”.

The statement added: “This guidance, similar to procedures issued by previous administrations, was misinterpreted by some to cover data and scientific publications. This was never the case and USDA interim procedures will allow complete, objective information for the new policy staff reviewing policy decisions.”

Kaveh Sadeghzadeh of the Natural Resources Conservation Service added that his organisation “has not received direction from USDA or the administration to modify its communications on climate change or any other topic”.

Trump has repeatedly questioned the veracity of climate change research, infamously suggesting that it is part of an elaborate Chinese hoax. The president has started the process of withdrawing the US from the Paris climate agreement, has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to scrap or amend various regulations aimed at cutting greenhouse gases, and has moved to open up more public land and waters to fossil fuel activity.

The nomenclature of the federal government has also shifted as these new priorities have taken hold. Mentions of the dangers of climate change have been removed from the websites of the White House and the Department of the Interior, while the EPA scrapped its entire online climate section in April pending a review that will be “updating language to reflect the approach of new leadership”.

The series of emails. Some parts were redacted before the emails were released. The Guardian has further redacted phone numbers, and highlighted key passages.

“These records reveal Trump’s active censorship of science in the name of his political agenda,” said Meg Townsend, open government attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity.

“To think that federal agency staff who report about the air, water and soil that sustains the health of our nation must conform their reporting with the Trump administration’s anti-science rhetoric is appalling and dangerous for America and the greater global community.”

The Center for Biological Diversity is currently suing several government agencies, including the EPA and state department, to force them to release information on the “censoring” of climate change verbiage.

While some of the changes to government websites may have occurred anyway, the emails from within the USDA are the clearest indication yet that staff have been instructed to steer clear of acknowledging climate change or its myriad consequences.

US agriculture is a major source of heat-trapping gases, with 15% of the country’s emissions deriving from farming practices. A USDA plan to address the “far reaching” impacts of climate change is still online.

However, Sam Clovis, Trump’s nomination to be the USDA’s chief scientist, has labeled climate research “junk science”.

Last week it was revealed that Clovis, who is not a scientist, once ran a blog where he called progressives “race traders and race ‘traitors’” and likened Barack Obama to a “communist”.

As the crisis escalates…

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51 minutes ago, bigbird said:


For real though.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

and i forgot lots of folks are afraid of the climate change thing. and when turmp orders his environment folks niot to use the word it is concerning as well. i fear for the next few generations coming up behind us.

Alarmism and fear mongering is sometimes necessary to manipulate the young, uneducated and ignorant masses isn't it?  

Why don't you let us all know when the next mythical "tipping point" occurs and we'll all crack a beer and watch it fizzle out like all the rest of them? The ridiculous predictions have become quite entertaining over the years.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

ice just arrested a marine in active serve that was born and raised in america. so you folks can disregard peoples beliefs all you want but not me. i do not have to agree with it but they have just as much right as anyone else. shame on you. pretty sure the above article was about a child being afraid of someone coming in and ripping him from his family.

And he is afraid because of what? I bet he is afraid of what Hyperbole spewing adults have told him and nothing more. He is afraid because the fear merchants want him afraid. There is nothing this assclown is doing that anyone should be afraid of. 

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Short true story. Happened to me. I am in my commercial pilot uniform in a convenience store buying a snack to give the crew I am going to jumpseat with. Young attractive black mother in her 20s has a 4 yr old girl in line in front of me. The child turns to me and says quite strongly "You are the Po Po, and I'm not afraid of you" finger approaching my bellybutton.  Now where you think this child learned this attitude? I said no sweetheart I'm not the Po Po but Po Po are your friends.  That is why children are "terrified" of Trump. Totally off base hyperbole, lies designed to sow discontent. And it should almost be a crime to hobble a child with this type of attitude growing up.

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My family fosters kids from the city.  The anti police attitude is taught early.  Some of it is deserved, some not.

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i got several friends that are afraid of trump. believe it or not. some of them even started a private room where they can discuss trump at length without losing friends or pissing family off because they dare to disagree with trump and his actions.........

Dear God, you mean there are more like you out there?


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People like aubiefifty are the end-result of what the system intends to create of the population: grown-ass adults spending their entire day following completely irrelevant "news stories" and fearing made-up issues.  The day-to-day impact for 99% of the population of the presidency switching from Obama to Trump is literally non-existent; yet you see these NPC's cowering in a corner as if their world is being turned upside down.  Live your freaking lives you losers and stop wasting precious seconds over something that not only has no impact on you, but for which you can't even control.  You go to work and you pay taxes; nothing has or will change for you.

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