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Trump’s white nationalism train keeps-a-rollin’


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Trump’s white nationalism train keeps-a-rollin’

Trump Train spews White Nationalism

Trump Train spews White Nationalism

This is an opinion cartoon.

If there was any doubt Donald Trump is a white nationalist, that train has left the station.

Trump: Congresswomen should go back to crime-infested places from which they came

The real problem is his base that laps up his bigotry and buffoonery like a platter of biscuits, grits and gravy, and the adults in the GOP that let him get away with it.

This president has given a voice to every abuser, bigot, bully, misogynist, racist and xenophobe in the country. He’s counting on their/your fear and support. All the while, the lily-livered lemmings in his chosen party - the ones who know better - remain silent. They’re just nodding their heads and going along for the ride.

Nationally, Mike Pence is a robotic, complicit bobble-head. Lindsey Graham? Did John McCain take your spine with him to the grave? Mitch McConnell? The white noise nothingness is deafening.

Locally, I’m looking at you, Bradley Byrne. You DO know better. At least you did before you sold your political soul. Richard Shelby knows better, but only raises his voice when it comes to Roy Moore. Mo Brooks? Nah. He doesn’t know any better. Bless his heart.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin is hacking, winning and grinning. Kim Jong Un, reveling in his sudden global credibility, is giving himself the highest high five he can give from atop a pile of his murdered people. Chaos serves them well.

In America, white supremacists and white nationalists are thrilled they finally have a voice. A bigly voice. A HUGE voice. And it’s coming from ...

Inside the White House.

Check out more cartoons by JD Crowe

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16 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

I suggest you buy a ticket, or get out of the way.

awwwwwwwwwwww i got a stalker. how cute are you sugar? maybe we can meet and discuss that ticket..................

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On 7/16/2019 at 7:51 AM, aubiefifty said:

This president has given a voice to every abuser, bigot, bully, misogynist, racist and xenophobe in the country.

Question......why are only white people these things?


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8 hours ago, Texan4Auburn said:

Question......why are only white people these things?


i never said they were. i see racists of different colors.

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you cannot justify your own racism just because someone else is a racist.

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

you cannot justify your own racism just because someone else is a racist.

So you are calling me a racist because I disagree and point out the direction of the article and the author lol?

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2 minutes ago, Texan4Auburn said:

So you are calling me a racist because I disagree and point out the direction of the article and the author lol?

wow you are on a roll. YOU are th etexan that claimed hate groups and racism was not on the rise under trump. am i right? be honest...wink. is that not you?

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2 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

wow you are on a roll. YOU are th etexan that claimed hate groups and racism was not on the rise under trump. am i right? be honest...wink. is that not you?

Nope, looks like you got memory issues. Aren't you the guy that claimed the criminal that ran from the police and refused to comply was just minding his own business in grandmothers backyard all day grilling out when the cops showed up and shot him in the back?

I'm the one that showed they were on the rise across the board in all groups, not just white supremacist. That wasn't popular though to point out the rise across the board.

Now again, why am I racist for questioning this phrase and the author in an article about white supremacy?


This president has given a voice to every abuser, bigot, bully, misogynist, racist and xenophobe in the country.

Now would like to discuss the wording and the article and how things of this nature influence individuals and even puts ammo in Trumps gun when it comes to votes? Remember I questioned the article not the poster.

Or are do wanna be the guy that just makes it personal in which case I will tell you what I would tell any gender, any religion, and any race that calls me a racist, and that is go **** yourself.

Anyway, thanks for reminding why I took time off from here and will do so again.

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12 hours ago, Texan4Auburn said:

Nope, looks like you got memory issues. Aren't you the guy that claimed the criminal that ran from the police and refused to comply was just minding his own business in grandmothers backyard all day grilling out when the cops showed up and shot him in the back?

I'm the one that showed they were on the rise across the board in all groups, not just white supremacist. That wasn't popular though to point out the rise across the board.

Now again, why am I racist for questioning this phrase and the author in an article about white supremacy?

Now would like to discuss the wording and the article and how things of this nature influence individuals and even puts ammo in Trumps gun when it comes to votes? Remember I questioned the article not the poster.

Or are do wanna be the guy that just makes it personal in which case I will tell you what I would tell any gender, any religion, and any race that calls me a racist, and that is go **** yourself.

Anyway, thanks for reminding why I took time off from here and will do so again.

yep that is you. why can't you people be honest? and i do not need to discuss racism among whites. i see it every single day. actually that was back when i was still in nice mode. lol  hell it takes a real an to admit the truth.

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

yep that is you. why can't you people be honest?

And just like the criminal you are misrepresenting facts. I remember the debate, and I remember where the statistics came from. Not sure where the dishonesty comes from, showing they were on the rise across the board is demonstrating they were on the rise lol.

And isn't you people on the offensive/racist terminology list... shame on you. And by you people, are you referring to all independents that live in culturally diverse cities with a multi-racial family, multi-racial group of friends, and in a bi-racial relationship?

Or do you mean anyone that doesn't agree 100% with you far left liberal with full on koolaid drinking gusto to which the playbook then dictates call them a racist.

Hate groups were on the rise, 7% total for that year.


The count of active groups that the civil rights organization labels as espousing hate climbed to 1,020, up from 784 four years ago, and was propelled by a rise in extremism, the center said. From 2017 to 2018 alone, the tally rose 7 percent

Did I potentially have some fun after a point with the numbers to see if more than just titles were being used. Yes I did, in which I laughed about the combination of hate group rising article with a picture of the Klan and claims the Klan was rising up. I also remember you denying quotes and information that were pulled from you own posted articles. Why did I have fun with it, see below:


While many groups are adding members, the SPLC found one of the best known hate groups, the Ku Klux Klan, appears to be in decline. The group, despite a history that stretches back more than a century, has been marked by infighting and difficulty connecting to a younger generation.

Now the other issue on the whole rise things was it was said to be all white all the time. Hence statements like the following, which were in your articles also, you denied and refused to address. The inclusion of other groups contributing to the rise in hate groups was not appreciated.


Black nationalist groups, often described as anti-Semitic, hostile to lesbians, gay and transgender people and anti-white, have picked up steam. They have been driven by events such as the outcry around NFL players taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem and hot rhetoric from controversial figures such as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.


8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

and i do not need to discuss racism among whites. i see it every single day.

Well that is gonna fix stuff isn't it. How will anything ever be resolved if you deem yourself to superior to engage in difficult conversations with whites? See my multi-racial/cultural group I eat, drink, and lay with are capable of doing that and addressing issues. Guess its one of those you people things.


8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

actually that was back when i was still in nice mode

. So one of those angry, racist, narrow minded, tunnel visioned, screw you if you don't fit into my square peg type of radical far left type guys. That's cool. One of those dudes that when you look at ANTIFA for example and go you people... your included. Mean I'm just personally judging you off the same limited criteria you did with me.

8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

hell it takes a real an to admit the truth.

Let us know when you become one.

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16 hours ago, Texan4Auburn said:

And just like the criminal you are misrepresenting facts. I remember the debate, and I remember where the statistics came from. Not sure where the dishonesty comes from, showing they were on the rise across the board is demonstrating they were on the rise lol.

And isn't you people on the offensive/racist terminology list... shame on you. And by you people, are you referring to all independents that live in culturally diverse cities with a multi-racial family, multi-racial group of friends, and in a bi-racial relationship?

Or do you mean anyone that doesn't agree 100% with you far left liberal with full on koolaid drinking gusto to which the playbook then dictates call them a racist.

Hate groups were on the rise, 7% total for that year.

Did I potentially have some fun after a point with the numbers to see if more than just titles were being used. Yes I did, in which I laughed about the combination of hate group rising article with a picture of the Klan and claims the Klan was rising up. I also remember you denying quotes and information that were pulled from you own posted articles. Why did I have fun with it, see below:

Now the other issue on the whole rise things was it was said to be all white all the time. Hence statements like the following, which were in your articles also, you denied and refused to address. The inclusion of other groups contributing to the rise in hate groups was not appreciated.


Well that is gonna fix stuff isn't it. How will anything ever be resolved if you deem yourself to superior to engage in difficult conversations with whites? See my multi-racial/cultural group I eat, drink, and lay with are capable of doing that and addressing issues. Guess its one of those you people things.


. So one of those angry, racist, narrow minded, tunnel visioned, screw you if you don't fit into my square peg type of radical far left type guys. That's cool. One of those dudes that when you look at ANTIFA for example and go you people... your included. Mean I'm just personally judging you off the same limited criteria you did with me.

Let us know when you become one.

i see i am not he only one with memory problems. if you were truthful you would state i got false info and admitted it. and also how dumb do you have to be thinking racism is not on the rise and then stating it was on the rise seven percent? if you got a seven percent pay raise you would consider it a large one. you are just another cat on the right with tbs and give trump a pass no matter how horrible or hateful he is.

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On 7/19/2019 at 7:08 PM, Texan4Auburn said:

Nope, looks like you got memory issues. Aren't you the guy that claimed the criminal that ran from the police and refused to comply was just minding his own business in grandmothers backyard all day grilling out when the cops showed up and shot him in the back?

I'm the one that showed they were on the rise across the board in all groups, not just white supremacist. That wasn't popular though to point out the rise across the board.

Now again, why am I racist for questioning this phrase and the author in an article about white supremacy?

Now would like to discuss the wording and the article and how things of this nature influence individuals and even puts ammo in Trumps gun when it comes to votes? Remember I questioned the article not the poster.

Or are do wanna be the guy that just makes it personal in which case I will tell you what I would tell any gender, any religion, and any race that calls me a racist, and that is go **** yourself.

Anyway, thanks for reminding why I took time off from here and will do so again.


Hate crimes increased 226% in places Trump held a campaign rally in 2016, study claims

David Choi

  • US counties where President Donald Trump held a campaign rally saw a 226% increase in reported hate crimes compared to similar counties that did not hold a rally, political scientists at the University of North Texas said in a Washington Post analysis.
  • The scientists found that Trump's statements during the 2016 campaign "may encourage hate crimes" in the respective counties.
  • The study measured the correlation between counties that hosted a campaign rally and the crime rates in the months that followed.
  • Hate crimes in the US reportedly increased 17% in 2017 compared to the previous year, according to an annual FBI report published in November 2018.

US counties where President Donald Trump held a campaign rally saw a 226% increase in reported hate crimes over similar counties that did not hold a rally, political scientists at the University of North Texas said in an analysis published in The Washington Post.

According to a study done by University of North Texas professors Regina Branton and Valerie Martinez-Ebers, and PhD candidate Ayal Feinberg, the scientists found that Trump's statements during the 2016 campaign "may encourage hate crimes" in the respective counties.

The study measured the correlation between counties that hosted a 2016 campaign rally and the crime rates in the months that followed. The scientists used the Anti-Defamation League's map that measures acts of violence and compared the counties that hosted a rally with others that had similar characteristics, including minority population, location, and active hate groups.

"We examined this question, given that so many politicians and pundits accuse Trump of emboldening white nationalists," the analysis said in The Post.

Protesters gather at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Branton, Martinez-Ebers, and Feinberg noted that their study "cannot be certain" that the marked increase was solely attributed to Trump's rhetoric. But they also shut down the suggestion that the reported hate crimes were fake.

"In fact, this charge is frequently used as a political tool to dismiss concerns about hate crimes," the analysis said. "Research shows it is far more likely that hate crime statistics are considerably lower because of underreporting."

"Additionally, it is hard to discount a 'Trump effect' when a considerable number of these reported hate crimes reference Trump," they continued. "According to the ADL's 2016 data, these incidents included vandalism, intimidation and assault."

Hate crimes in the US reportedly increased 17% in 2017 compared to the previous year, according to an annual FBI report published in November 2018.

Democrats have widely cited Trump's rhetoric in emboldening hate groups, however, he has brushed off these suggestions.

Following the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand that killed 50 people, Trump said that he did not believe white nationalism was a rising threat — despite evidence suggesting that far-right extremists and white supremacists were responsible for over half of extremist-related deaths in 2017.

"I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems," Trump said last Friday.

"The Fake News Media is working overtime to blame me for the horrible attack in New Zealand," Trump also tweeted. "They will have to work very hard to prove that one. So Ridiculous!"

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The 'MAGA bomber' who sent pipe bombs to CNN and Democratic leaders said he never meant for them to explode

Kelly McLaughlin

4 minutes

Cesar Sayoc Jr., 57, told the judge overseeing his case that his only intention in sending the bombs was to "intimidate and scare."

The letter was filed less than two weeks after Sayoc pleaded guilty to sending the pipe bombs in the lead up to the 2018 midterm elections.

The bombs were sent to 16 targets, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and the CNN offices in New York and Atlanta.

Visit INSIDER's homepage for more.

The Florida man who is accused of sending pipe bombs to CNN and prominent critics of President Donald Trump told the judge overseeing his case that he never intended for any of the explosives to go off.

Cesar Sayoc Jr., 57, wrote a letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court Tuesday, less than two weeks after pleading guilty to sending the pipe bombs as part of an attack that caused no injuries but spread a fear of political violence across the US in 2018.

"The intention was only to intimidate and scare," Sayoc said in the two-page letter, seen by INSIDER. "What started out as hoax, decoys, devices were not ever meant to work or could have worked, hurt or harm anyone."

He said in the letter that he is "forever sincerely in remorse and extremely sorry" for what happened.

Read more: Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc pleads guilty to sending bombs to Trump critics

Sayoc was accused of sending bombs to 16 targets in the weeks before the 2018 midterm elections, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and the CNN offices in New York and Atlanta. None of the bombs detonated.

He was arrested in late October after he was found living in a van covered in Trump stickers. His family's attorney at the time said Sayoc, a former body builder, had found "a father figure" in Trump, according to the New York Daily News.

Sayoc faces up to life prison at his sentencing on September 12. He was charged with 65 counts, including using weapons of mass destruction and mailing explosives with intent to kill.

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13 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i see i am not he only one with memory problems. if you were truthful you would state i got false info and admitted it. and also how dumb do you have to be thinking racism is not on the rise and then stating it was on the rise seven percent? if you got a seven percent pay raise you would consider it a large one. you are just another cat on the right with tbs and give trump a pass no matter how horrible or hateful he is.

How dumb would you have to be to think that I would be dumb enough to post that statistic if I didn't think hate group numbers had increased.

You got me man, I'm just a give Trump a pass type of guy. Which is why I voted for Clinton, then voted for Beto, and will vote for Beto if he could get the nomination.

You haven't even figured out that my concern with the rhetoric of said article is that those type of comments will drive independents toward Trump and not in a good way. It is the exact kind of thing that Alexa I believe was talking about. Cause you label all whites racist they are eventually gonna say **** it, I can't win, and go with the guy that will have their back. Its basic tribalism and identity politics that I posted an excellent article about from the Guardian.

Thank you for demonstrating that the left has moved from inclusion to exclusion and that only the extreme are invited to the party. I was actually on your side in this and you just went into attack mode on a personal level.

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11 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

Hate crimes increased 226% in places Trump held a campaign rally in 2016, study claims

David Choi

  • US counties where President Donald Trump held a campaign rally saw a 226% increase in reported hate crimes compared to similar counties that did not hold a rally, political scientists at the University of North Texas said in a Washington Post analysis.
  • The scientists found that Trump's statements during the 2016 campaign "may encourage hate crimes" in the respective counties.
  • The study measured the correlation between counties that hosted a campaign rally and the crime rates in the months that followed.
  • Hate crimes in the US reportedly increased 17% in 2017 compared to the previous year, according to an annual FBI report published in November 2018.

US counties where President Donald Trump held a campaign rally saw a 226% increase in reported hate crimes over similar counties that did not hold a rally, political scientists at the University of North Texas said in an analysis published in The Washington Post.

According to a study done by University of North Texas professors Regina Branton and Valerie Martinez-Ebers, and PhD candidate Ayal Feinberg, the scientists found that Trump's statements during the 2016 campaign "may encourage hate crimes" in the respective counties.

The study measured the correlation between counties that hosted a 2016 campaign rally and the crime rates in the months that followed. The scientists used the Anti-Defamation League's map that measures acts of violence and compared the counties that hosted a rally with others that had similar characteristics, including minority population, location, and active hate groups.

"We examined this question, given that so many politicians and pundits accuse Trump of emboldening white nationalists," the analysis said in The Post.

Protesters gather at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Branton, Martinez-Ebers, and Feinberg noted that their study "cannot be certain" that the marked increase was solely attributed to Trump's rhetoric. But they also shut down the suggestion that the reported hate crimes were fake.

"In fact, this charge is frequently used as a political tool to dismiss concerns about hate crimes," the analysis said. "Research shows it is far more likely that hate crime statistics are considerably lower because of underreporting."

"Additionally, it is hard to discount a 'Trump effect' when a considerable number of these reported hate crimes reference Trump," they continued. "According to the ADL's 2016 data, these incidents included vandalism, intimidation and assault."

Hate crimes in the US reportedly increased 17% in 2017 compared to the previous year, according to an annual FBI report published in November 2018.

Democrats have widely cited Trump's rhetoric in emboldening hate groups, however, he has brushed off these suggestions.

Following the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand that killed 50 people, Trump said that he did not believe white nationalism was a rising threat — despite evidence suggesting that far-right extremists and white supremacists were responsible for over half of extremist-related deaths in 2017.

"I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems," Trump said last Friday.

"The Fake News Media is working overtime to blame me for the horrible attack in New Zealand," Trump also tweeted. "They will have to work very hard to prove that one. So Ridiculous!"


Just for fun... correlation does not equal causation.

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11 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

The 'MAGA bomber' who sent pipe bombs to CNN and Democratic leaders said he never meant for them to explode

Kelly McLaughlin

4 minutes

Cesar Sayoc Jr., 57, told the judge overseeing his case that his only intention in sending the bombs was to "intimidate and scare."

The letter was filed less than two weeks after Sayoc pleaded guilty to sending the pipe bombs in the lead up to the 2018 midterm elections.

The bombs were sent to 16 targets, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and the CNN offices in New York and Atlanta.

Visit INSIDER's homepage for more.

The Florida man who is accused of sending pipe bombs to CNN and prominent critics of President Donald Trump told the judge overseeing his case that he never intended for any of the explosives to go off.

Cesar Sayoc Jr., 57, wrote a letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court Tuesday, less than two weeks after pleading guilty to sending the pipe bombs as part of an attack that caused no injuries but spread a fear of political violence across the US in 2018.

"The intention was only to intimidate and scare," Sayoc said in the two-page letter, seen by INSIDER. "What started out as hoax, decoys, devices were not ever meant to work or could have worked, hurt or harm anyone."

He said in the letter that he is "forever sincerely in remorse and extremely sorry" for what happened.

Read more: Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc pleads guilty to sending bombs to Trump critics

Sayoc was accused of sending bombs to 16 targets in the weeks before the 2018 midterm elections, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and the CNN offices in New York and Atlanta. None of the bombs detonated.

He was arrested in late October after he was found living in a van covered in Trump stickers. His family's attorney at the time said Sayoc, a former body builder, had found "a father figure" in Trump, according to the New York Daily News.

Sayoc faces up to life prison at his sentencing on September 12. He was charged with 65 counts, including using weapons of mass destruction and mailing explosives with intent to kill.

Lol, how is this guy any different than the "courageous American" Antifa (Biden's words not mine) member that firebombed government property that the AOC gang won't denouce while using their rhetoric?

They should of shot the guy in the article above also.

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