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Trump Urges Democratic Congresswomen To 'Go Back' To Other Countries In Racist Rant


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9 minutes ago, japantiger said:

I see you're a bit overwrought.  If I were you I'd be upset too.

Only because you're an idiot.


9 minutes ago, japantiger said:

In the last few days Trump has:

1) defended Nancy Pelosi against charges of racism by the dancing bartender when her own party sat idly by and

Don't really care about her, him, AOC or who's defending who


9 minutes ago, japantiger said:

2) made the focus and the face of the democrat party (much to the chagrin on Nancy Pelosi) four absolute radical leftists who can't form a sentence that

  • doesn't blame America for every one of the worlds ills;
  • doesn't put foreigners ahead of American citizens;
  • doesn't include a shout out to Russia Truther nonsense. 
  • doesn't slam the only middle east democracy and show their rank anti-semitism
  • doesn't put into clear focus their complete disdain for the foundations of this nation; when they are living off the largess of the American taxpayer 

Good luck getting America to unsee that.   

As for my posting frequency; free speech really seems to bug you guys.  You should maybe read a good treatise on the 1st Amendment.  Here's a good one:



More content free rambling from japan that adds nothing of value to any forum he blights.

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13 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:


There you go quoting another liberal rag. EVERYONE knows that the Woodland News is way to far to the left.

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On 7/14/2019 at 1:09 PM, AUDub said:

President posts something purely racist, here’s your response. Good Christ, you people. The depth of your depravity knows no bounds.

Half of America thought it was racist commentary. The other half's interpretation was you either love America or you don't and if you don't leave. Who is right? Can you prove it?

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On 7/14/2019 at 1:57 PM, aubiefifty said:

god bless white america.........

How embarrassing you are. So sad.

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On 7/17/2019 at 7:26 PM, AUFAN78 said:

How embarrassing you are. So sad.

i see through your bull. you boys prove every single day how racist you guys are. You would have never given obama a pass if he said those kinda things. david duke just came into public view saying he and trump were running the same platform. let that sink in dimwit.

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29 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i see through your bull. you boys prove every single day how racist you guys are. You would have never given obama a pass if he said those kinda things. david duke just came into public view saying he and trump were running the same platform. let that sink in dimwit.

Dude, do some research and consider thinking prior to posting. My embarrassing comment was generous.

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12 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Dude, do some research and consider thinking prior to posting. My embarrassing comment was generous.

how about saving that advice for your boy trump? the tbs is strong in you.

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9 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

how about saving that advice for your boy trump? the tbs is strong in you.


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......But Wallace pointed out that “during his 2016 campaign, and even as president, Mr. Trump has been as critical of this country as anything” the congresswomen have said. Pivoting off the mention of Ocasio-Cortez, Wallace asked Miller to defend Trump’s false claim that the New York congresswoman had called “our country and our people ‘garbage.’” (Actually, Ocasio-Cortez was referring to particular policies, not the country.) When Miller obliged, Wallace cited a 2014 tweet from Trump, in which Trump said the United States under Obama was “garbage.” Miller, clearly peeved at being caught in a trap, snapped:

Throughout this interview, Chris, you’re continuing to conflate Donald Trump’s criticisms of President Obama versus AOC’s deep and systemic criticisms of the country itself.

And so, let me just cut to the heart of the issue. These four congresswomen detest America as it exists, as it is currently constructed. They want to tear down the structure of our country. They want it to be a socialist, open borders country.

If you, as Donald Trump says, want to destroy America with open borders, you cannot say you love your country. If you attack border agents the way that Ocasio-Cortez has, it means you have a deep-seated hatred of the nation as it exists. That’s why you want to erase its borders, fundamentally transform the country and in the process, it doesn’t matter if American citizens lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their livelihoods, lose their health coverage and lose their very lives.


Miller’s words do more than just undercut his earlier whataboutism and distraction. They lay bare (again) the authoritarianism at the heart of the Trump administration: To disagree with this president is to disagree with America itself. To criticize the country is to tear it down. To suggest America, as “currently constructed," is imperfect is to threaten Americans’ “very lives.”

As a political tactic, portraying policy disagreements as disloyalty has long been a staple of U.S. politics. We saw it, for example, during the Iraq War when cynical Republicans liked to imply that any critique of the war was an attack on the troops and the country. But Miller’s formulation, with its conscious inclusion of national identity and subconscious-but-no-less-obvious inclusion of race, is an especially hateful ideology. Sadly, as demonstrated on Wednesday, the president’s most loyal supporters agree with it. It is a chilling vision, and the sooner its adherents are out of power, the better.


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