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Trump Urges Democratic Congresswomen To 'Go Back' To Other Countries In Racist Rant


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Nina Golgowski,

President Donald Trump launched an inaccurate, vitriolic attack against progressive Democratic congresswomen on Sunday, referring to them as foreign-born and telling them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came from”

In Twitter postings, Trump didn’t name anyone in his rant, though he apparently was targeting a group that includes four high-profile lawmakers who won election last November ― Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on New York, Rashida Tliab of Michigan, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

All four are women of color ― though only Omar was born outside of the U.S. Born in Somalia, her family immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. Ocasio-Cortez, like Trump, was born in New York, while Tlaib was born in Detroit and Pressley in Cincinnati.

The freshmen congresswomen have been outspoken critics of Trump, particularly over his handling of immigration and overcrowded detainment centers which have caused a humanitarian crisis along the U.S-Mexico border.

Omar and Tlaib both took shots at Trump at an event on Saturday, with Tlaib telling the crowd: “We’re going to impeach the MF’er, don’t worry!”

Trump, in his criticism of the unidentified “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen,” said they “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all).”

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough,” he continued.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) quickly assailed the president, saying in a tweet that his comments reaffirm that his signature Make America Great Again slogan “has always been about making America white again.”

Pelosi criticized Trump’s tweets as “xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation” and said that instead of attacking members of Congress, “he should work with us for humane immigration policy that reflects American values.

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.) also was among the first to call out Trump’s tweets as blatantly racist.

“That is a racist tweet. Telling people to go back where they came from? I think that’s wrong,” he said during an interview on Fox News.

“These are American citizens elected by voters in the United States of America to serve in one of the most distinguished bodies,” he said.

Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-Calif.), appearing on CNN on Sunday, also slammed Trump, calling his words “incredibly racist.”

“I’m proud to be the daughter of immigrants from Mexico,” she said. “I’m proud to bring a perspective and experience to Congress in my policy decision-making ― and that’s what the diversity of the Democratic Party does and I’m proud that we have more women in Congress and more women of color in Congress than ever before.”

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The White House attempted to defuse the intense backlash, with a Trump aide insisting ― despite the wording of the president’s tweet ― that “anyone who says the president told members of Congress to go back to where they came from is lying.”

Matt Wolking, deputy director of Trump’s “rapid response” team, justified that spin in a tweet of his own by noting that the president told the congresswomen to “then come back and show us how it is done.”

Wolking did not address the inaccuracy of Trump claiming that more than one of the congresswomen he clearly had in mind “originally came” from another country. 

Meanwhile, a host on Sunday’s “Fox and Friends” on Fox News ― Jedediah Bila ― treated Trump’s tweets as a jocular matter, saying, “Someone’s feeling very comedic today.”

She added: “I think President Trump is making an important point. (He’s) saying if you don’t like what this country stands for, you’re not going to change it and take away all these things that Americans value so much. Like, if you don’t like it leave, and go set up camp somewhere else.”

With his tweets, Trump’s waded deeper into a dispute between the four progressive congresswomen and Pelosi that stemmed from the quartet’s discontent with the recent legislative efforts to increase funding for immigration and border control agencies to deal with the migrant crisis on the U.S. border with Mexico. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tliab and Pressley were among the most outspoken critics of a bill that finally passed, arguing that the legislation did not go far enough to improve standards at detention centers. 

After Pelosi criticized the women, urging them to come talk to her in private if they have a complaint, Ocasio-Cortez accused the speaker of being disrespectful of them while singling out “newly elected women of color.”

Trump, speaking to reporters on Friday of Ocasio-Cortez and Omar, said he “doesn’t even know where they came from.”

i cannot wait for the trumpers to defend this. i guess when racist folks used to tell blacks to go back to where they come from is not racist either.

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Who says we can't have bipartisan agreements...Trump and Pelosi in lockstep on the freshman clown show...there is hope for the republic...

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7 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Who says we can't have bipartisan agreements...Trump and Pelosi in lockstep on the freshman clown show...there is hope for the republic...

there is a joke. you have been claiming or insinuating this as long as i have been on the politics forums. nice try leroy boy. no cigar


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28 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Who says we can't have bipartisan agreements...Trump and Pelosi in lockstep on the freshman clown show...there is hope for the republic...

President posts something purely racist, here’s your response. Good Christ, you people. The depth of your depravity knows no bounds.

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6 minutes ago, AUDub said:

President posts something purely racist, here’s your response. Good Christ, you people. The depth of your depravity knows no bounds.

Exactly.  Japan is a real piece of work.

Reminds me a little of Raptor.

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god bless white america.........

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42 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Raptor with an ellipses compulsion.

that is above my paygrade here so i will have to look that one up...........lol

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52 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

that is above my paygrade here so i will have to look that one up...........lol

He... punctuates... every... sentence... with... an... ellipsis (...)

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1 minute ago, AUDub said:

He... puncutates... every... sentence... with... an... ellipsis (...)

lol yes i looked it up. i was expecting something a little more harcore.............thanx

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5 hours ago, japantiger said:

Who says we can't have bipartisan agreements...Trump and Pelosi in lockstep on the freshman clown show...there is hope for the republic...

Your response time is improving.  Mere minutes after the original post and you're already deflecting the thread into a different direction.  You must work out.

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Irony to the max

Trump calls on minority congresswomen to apologize after he said they should ‘go back’ to their countries

President Trump on Monday called on a group of minority, liberal congresswomen to “apologize” to the United States, Israel and him and accused them of “racist hatred” a day after he said in inflammatory tweets that they should “go back” to their countries.

“When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said,” Trump said in new tweets Monday. “So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!”

He later criticized Democrats for coming to defense of the congresswomen, whom he claimed had showed “racist hatred” in their speech and are “very unpopular & unrepresentative.”

With his latest tweets, Trump dug in further on a line of attack that has drawn widespread condemnation from Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who on Sunday called the president’s comments “xenophobic.” Republicans have remained largely silent.


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1 minute ago, homersapien said:
Irony to the max

Trump calls on minority congresswomen to apologize after he said they should ‘go back’ to their countries

President Trump on Monday called on a group of minority, liberal congresswomen to “apologize” to the United States, Israel and him and accused them of “racist hatred” a day after he said in inflammatory tweets that they should “go back” to their countries.

“When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said,” Trump said in new tweets Monday. “So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!”

He later criticized Democrats for coming to defense of the congresswomen, whom he claimed had showed “racist hatred” in their speech and are “very unpopular & unrepresentative.”

With his latest tweets, Trump dug in further on a line of attack that has drawn widespread condemnation from Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who on Sunday called the president’s comments “xenophobic.” Republicans have remained largely silent.


i was getting ready to post this......lol

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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

Please point out the racist element of Trump's tweets.  

Should I explain how your ass and a hole in the ground are two different things while I’m at it? 

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24 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Should I explain how your ass and a hole in the ground are two different things while I’m at it? 

So you can't....that's what I thought.  Where did he invoke race?  Let me make it easy...Here are his tweets:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......

....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....

....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

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This analysis nails it:

"Central to Trump’s racism — and more broadly to Trumpism writ large — is not just the content of the racism itself. It’s also that he’s asserting the right to engage in public displays of racism without it being called out for what it is. A crucial ingredient here is Trump’s declaration of the ability to flaunt his racism with impunity.

Trump’s racist attack on nonwhite progressive lawmakers is following this pattern, and indeed, it’s worth looking at what has come next, which is also revealing and important.

As you’ve heard, Trump tweeted on Sunday that four outspoken Democratic congresswomen “originally came from countries” that are “corrupt” and a “catastrophe,” and that they should “go back” to them. Three of his targets (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley) were born in the United States, and the fourth (Ilhan Omar) is a Somali refugee.

The remarks drew widespread condemnation, largely with the exception of Republicans. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced Trump for wanting to make "America white again,” and, while some news organizations danced around what Trump had done, others explicitly labeled the comments “racist.”

In a series of new tweets, Trump raged at Democrats for calling him “RACIST,” condemning their “disgusting language.” He is now accusing the congresswomen of anti-American sentiments.

Trump’s claim that nonwhite U.S. lawmakers who were born here should “go back” to their corrupt and disastrously run countries confirms once again that he is a white nationalist. It echoes Trump’s assertions about not wanting immigrants from “s---hole countries,” which he contrasted unfavorably with people from places like Norway.

But the new comments also contain the suggestion that nonwhite lawmakers who were born here, but trace roots back to such places, are in some sense not members of the American nation. They should “go back” to where they came from. They didn’t actually come from those places, but for Trump, they may as well have, and this renders their belonging and loyalty to this nation suspect.

The flat-out denial that any of this is racist is also a key ingredient here. This denial is more than just an effort to minimize the political damage such racist displays might do among swing voters (while keeping up the dog whistling to the base). It’s more than a “doubling down.”

Rather, the denial is crucial to the overall statement: The explicit idea here is that Trump is free to engage in public racism without it being called out for what it really is, that is, with no apology or capitulation to those who label it as such.

Good reporting has confirmed that by instinct or otherwise, Trump understands his public racism in just this way. After Trump refused to unambiguously condemn the Charlottesville white supremacists, claiming there’s racism on “many sides,” advisers persuaded him to give a second speech singling out the racism of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

But, as Bob Woodward’s recent book reports, Trump then saw a TV commentator describe this as a “course correction.” Trump exploded, raging: “You never make those concessions. You never apologize. I didn’t do anything wrong in the first place. Why look weak?” He then reverted to the “many sides” formulation.

For Trump, there wasn’t “anything wrong” with the original remarks. Why? Because by all indications, Trump genuinely subscribes to some form of the view that anti-white racism should be placed on a historical footing equivalent to that of anti-black racism and white supremacy, rather than recognizing the latter as a monstrous world-historical crime that defines our history and is deserving of unique condemnation. (Thus, Trump is now assailing the four nonwhite lawmakers as the true racists in this showdown.)

Trump believes his voters applaud this. He reportedly felt “vindicated” after offering his “many sides” speech, because he believed his base would cheer it.

Similarly, just before the 2016 election, Adam Serwer spoke to dozens of Trump voters and came away convinced that many supported his vows of discriminatory policies toward Muslims and Latino immigrants, but crucially, they also felt Trump was “reassuring” them that supporting such policies is “nothing to be ashamed of.”

This aspect of Trump’s appeal is often described as an unwillingness to capitulate to “political correctness.” But that euphemistically obscures the deeper degradation taking place here.

As Jacob T. Levy observes, Trump’s repetition of racist and white nationalist tropes is laying waste to the norm, recently observed in both parties, according to which elites signal to white voters (at least nominally) that they should be better than our history.

In so doing, Levy notes, Trump is “changing what Republican voters think it means to be a Republican." He’s changing their expectations of how Republican politicians should behave.

In that context, the reluctance of GOP lawmakers to condemn Trump’s latest racism becomes a lot more significant. And so does Trump’s staged denial of the racism that’s staring us all in the face, which is central to the broader normalizing of it that’s underway."

Greg Sargent



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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

So you can't....that's what I thought.  Where did he invoke race?  Let me make it easy...Here are his tweets:

Yeah, takes some real deep analysis to see that calling out four Congresswomen and assuming that because they are all people of color, they are of foreign birth and need to "go back where they came from" is racist.  :rolleyes:

Act like a person with walking around sense.


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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Yeah, takes some real deep analysis to see that calling out four Congresswomen and assuming that because they are all people of color, they are of foreign birth and need to "go back where they came from" is racist.  :rolleyes:

Act like a person with walking around sense.


Where did he mention color? 


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1 minute ago, japantiger said:

Where did he mention color? 

It really isn't as hard as you'd like to pretend it is, if one has ever been exposed to deductive reasoning and possesses a modicum of common sense.  He called out the "progressive Democrat Congresswomen" who had been criticizing him the most over the last couple of weeks.  Those Congresswomen are all women of color. 

This bull**** of plausible deniability you blithely wish to believe isn't fooling anyone else.

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Also, Trump isn't even bothering to deny who he was referencing.  He called two of them out by name today.  Stop with the silly "who could he possibly be talking about" crap.  You know better.


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Just now, TitanTiger said:

It really isn't as hard as you'd like to pretend it is, if one has ever been exposed to deductive reasoning and possesses a modicum of common sense.  He called out the "progressive Democrat Congresswomen" who had been criticizing him the most over the last couple of weeks.  Those Congresswomen are all women of color. 

This bull**** of plausible deniability you blithely wish to believe isn't fooling anyone else.

So you admit he made no mention of race or color.  Thanks for conceding the point.  So in your view,  any criticism of "someone of color" is a racist attack?  Sure, that's it...because, I mean, there's nothing else these folks have mentioned that would open them up to criticism.  Talk about lacking deductive reasoning.  


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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

So you admit he made no mention of race or color.  Thanks for conceding the point.  So in your view,  any criticism of "someone of color" is a racist attack?  Sure, that's it...because, I mean, there's nothing else these folks have mentioned that would open them up to criticism.  Talk about lacking deductive reasoning.  

Keep reading, low watt:


and no, I don’t think “any critique” of a person of color is racist. I, along with people who are intellectually honest and possess basic sentience, do think that when you assume a person of color is a foreigner by birth and not a real American like yourself, it is racist. 

You should post less. 

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Keep reading, low watt:


and no, I don’t think “any critique” of a person of color is racist. I, along with people who are intellectually honest and possess basic sentience, do think that when you assume a person of color is a foreigner by birth and not a real American like yourself, it is racist. 

You should post less. 

I see you're a bit overwrought.  If I were you I'd be upset too. In the last few days Trump has:

1) defended Nancy Pelosi against charges of racism by the dancing bartender when her own party sat idly by and

2) made the focus and the face of the democrat party (much to the chagrin on Nancy Pelosi) four absolute radical leftists who can't form a sentence that

  • doesn't blame America for every one of the worlds ills;
  • doesn't put foreigners ahead of American citizens;
  • doesn't include a shout out to Russia Truther nonsense. 
  • doesn't slam the only middle east democracy and show their rank anti-semitism
  • doesn't put into clear focus their complete disdain for the foundations of this nation; when they are living off the largess of the American taxpayer 

Good luck getting America to unsee that.   

As for my posting frequency; free speech really seems to bug you guys.  You should maybe read a good treatise on the 1st Amendment.  Here's a good one:



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