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here is the thing about nike and the flag


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12 hours ago, Grumps said:

I wonder if you or anyone else on this forum has EVER heard of a white supremacist group using the "Betsy Ross" flag as their symbol???

I have, but my finger is a bit more on the pulse of such happenings than most here.

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13 hours ago, Grumps said:

I wonder if you or anyone else on this forum has EVER heard of a white supremacist group using the "Betsy Ross" flag as their symbol???

Nope...and, even if some peckerhead likes the Betsy flag it is irrelevant.  A flag dating from 1777 means what it means ... not what some overly sensitive social justice (not) warrior wants it to mean in an effort to eliminate  any meaningful show of good ole fashion American patriotism.  This is the same horse-s*** that has democrats trying to tear down monuments everywhere.  I believe this is what you drama queens call cultural appropriation ... you don't get to do it.

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Colin Kaepernick tries to use a Frederick Douglass quote out of context to bash the 4th and Ted Cruz sets the record straight.

Kaepernick initiated his descent by tweeting a quote from Douglass: “‘What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.’ – Frederick Douglass.”

Cruz then launched his fusillade:

You quote a mighty and historic speech by the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass, but, without context, many modern readers will misunderstand. Two critical points: This speech was given in 1852, before the Civil War, when the abomination of slavery still existed. Thanks to Douglass and so many other heroes, we ended that grotesque evil and have made enormous strides to protecting the civil rights of everybody.

Douglass was not anti-American; he was, rightly and passionately, anti-slavery. Indeed, he concluded the speech as follows: “Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented, of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country. There are forces in operation, which must inevitably, work the downfall of slavery. ‘The arm of the Lord is not shortened,’ and the doom of slavery is certain. I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from ‘the Declaration of Independence,’ the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age.”

Cruz concluded, “Let me encourage everyone, READ THE ENTIRE SPEECH; it is powerful, inspirational, and historically important in bending the arc of history towards justice.”


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On 7/4/2019 at 10:05 AM, GiveEmElle said:

What if Americans stood up to hate groups who use this flag as a symbol of white supremacy in the same manner they stood up to CK and Nike? But that’s not going to happen is it? People rather scream that CK and Nike are unpatriotic  and ignore white supremacists just so they can wear the flag on their feet to show their true patriotism. 

I don't get this?

In the same manner as "they" stood up to Kap and Nike?

People say Kap and Nike are making a stupid decision that they will not support. Pretty sure that's the exact same response the kkk or other hate groups receive. Where do you live where people are having some strong showing against Kap while the klan parades around them unchecked?

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2 hours ago, AUDub said:

I have, but my finger is a bit more on the pulse of such happenings than most here.

Do you mean in person?

Or some possibly PS'd pics on 4chan? :lol: 

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1 minute ago, Mims44 said:

Do you mean in person?

Or some possibly PS'd pics on 4chan? :lol: 

Let them live out their delusional fantasy.

You have about as realistic a chance of getting hit by a bus as you do of meeting an actual "white supremacist" in person.  Its complete fear-mongering.

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33 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

Do you mean in person?

Not in person, no.

33 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

Or some possibly PS'd pics on 4chan? :lol: 

Goes beyond the *chans. Identity Evropa, along with past and current iterations of the Klan, have been known to co-opt it. 

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1 hour ago, metafour said:

Let them live out their delusional fantasy.

You have about as realistic a chance of getting hit by a bus as you do of meeting an actual "white supremacist" in person.  Its complete fear-mongering.

That's ridiculous

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1 hour ago, metafour said:

Let them live out their delusional fantasy.

You have about as realistic a chance of getting hit by a bus as you do of meeting an actual "white supremacist" in person.  Its complete fear-mongering.

The accuracy of your quote depends upon how you define "white supremacist". If you give the term a more literal interpretation as being a white person who thinks he/she is superior to people of other races, especially blacks, because of their skin color, then I would disagree. Racism is still rampant. But if you define the term as someone who is actively and openly trying to diminish the rights and status of people of color then you may be right. I am around people who say racist things all of the time, but I have not, to my knowledge, ever met someone I would call a white supremacist.

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On 7/5/2019 at 1:10 PM, SaltyTiger said:

Pretty good indicator that a business supports Trump when they fly the Flag. Feel sure that they will dispose of the old one properly and replace it soon. 

I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke or not. 

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On 7/4/2019 at 9:45 AM, I_M4_AU said:

I believe Colin originally said he wasn’t disrespecting the flag or America, but doing the kneeling in solidarity with the oppressed people of color.

Now, it seems, he is disrespecting the flag and America.

Oh, ok.

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On 7/6/2019 at 8:07 AM, AUDub said:

I have, but my finger is a bit more on the pulse of such happenings than most here.

Well, my first encounter with the KKK did happen in Trussvegas. Just saying.

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On 7/6/2019 at 12:42 PM, Grumps said:

The accuracy of your quote depends upon how you define "white supremacist". If you give the term a more literal interpretation as being a white person who thinks he/she is superior to people of other races, especially blacks, because of their skin color, then I would disagree. Racism is still rampant. But if you define the term as someone who is actively and openly trying to diminish the rights and status of people of color then you may be right. I am around people who say racist things all of the time, but I have not, to my knowledge, ever met someone I would call a white supremacist.

it is called enabling. and it is very real. anniston police kicked two men off the force a few years ago because they were klan members. and watchdog groups say this is a new tactic by many racist groups now. even many gangbangers are sending folks in the army to learn military tactics. just because you are not aware does not mean it is not happening. tell me you have never heard a ton of people say they celebrate roberet e lee's birthday instead of martin luther kings? and while many love lee it is fact he fought against letting slaves have the right to vote after the war. also many of you hate groups are crowing about membeships being on the rise.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

it is called enabling. and it is very real. anniston police kicked two men off the force a few years ago because they were klan members. and watchdog groups say this is a new tactic by many racist groups now. even many gangbangers are sending folks in the army to learn military tactics. just because you are not aware does not mean it is not happening. tell me you have never heard a ton of people say they celebrate roberet e lee's birthday instead of martin luther kings? and while many love lee it is fact he fought against letting slaves have the right to vote after the war. also many of you hate groups are crowing about membeships being on the rise.

I can't tell if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing or just rambling. Summarizing my post. Racism is rampant, but, to my knowledge I have not met a person actively/openly trying to diminish non-white races. Which part do you disagree with? I agree with you that there are a lot of bad people out there that I have not met. I disagree that you can tell about "white supremacy" by whose birthday you celebrate.

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3 minutes ago, Grumps said:

I can't tell if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing or just rambling. Summarizing my post. Racism is rampant, but, to my knowledge I have not met a person actively/openly trying to diminish non-white races. Which part do you disagree with? I agree with you that there are a lot of bad people out there that I have not met. I disagree that you can tell about "white supremacy" by whose birthday you celebrate.

i agree with some and disagree with some. most of the folks i heard talk about celebrating lee instead of king let it be known they hated blacks for the most part. several in fact. but yes i think folks try to hurt blacks every single day. look at the people trying to make it harder for blacks to vote. look at schooling. i should not have to point this out to you. most of you folks on the right would denie kap the right to protest if you could. when i was serving when nam was going on it was understood by most in the military we were protecting the right to protest. and this was when kids were in the streets daily trying to put an end to the viet nam war.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i agree with some and disagree with some. most of the folks i heard talk about celebrating lee instead of king let it be known they hated blacks for the most part. several in fact. but yes i think folks try to hurt blacks every single day. look at the people trying to make it harder for blacks to vote. look at schooling. i should not have to point this out to you. most of you folks on the right would denie kap the right to protest if you could. when i was serving when nam was going on it was understood by most in the military we were protecting the right to protest. and this was when kids were in the streets daily trying to put an end to the viet nam war.

Thanks for your service. You have no idea what you are talking about when you state what "most of you folks on the right" would do. But I will defend to the death your right to be incredibly wrong! Have a great evening!

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2 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Well, my first encounter with the KKK did happen in Trussvegas. Just saying.

Not entirely surprised. There are some serious pockets of humanity out there, man. Even in the well-to-do ‘burbs. 

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