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  To be honest, I dont really know a whole lot about her, but she kills it in this speach. Definately now a fan of hers. I know many here will disagree with what she says, but Im curious anyways as to what people think of her here on this forum, and what kind of rebutals this gets.

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26 minutes ago, SaturdayGT said:


  To be honest, I dont really know a whole lot about her, but she kills it in this speach. Definately now a fan of hers. I know many here will disagree with what she says, but Im curious anyways as to what people think of her here on this forum, and what kind of rebutals this gets.

She’s a ******* nut. 

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Just now, rhughes said:

Interesting. What exactly brought you to that conclusion? 

She’s an alt-right figure. You know, “red pill” and all that, and some of the stupidest crap comes out of her mouth. 

“You can feel free to call me an Uncle Tom. It does not affect me. You know why? Because I actually read the book — Uncle Tom was the hero.”

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13 minutes ago, AUDub said:

She’s an alt-right figure. You know, “red pill” and all that, and some of the stupidest crap comes out of her mouth. 

“You can feel free to call me an Uncle Tom. It does not affect me. You know why? Because I actually read the book — Uncle Tom was the hero.”

You know how it is. Black folks always have to go above and beyond to prove themselves. ESPECIALLY as GOP tokens. 

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19 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

You know how it is. Black folks always have to go above and beyond to prove themselves. ESPECIALLY as GOP tokens.  

Candace simply found her grift and is taking advantage of it.

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38 minutes ago, AUDub said:

She’s an alt-right figure. You know, “red pill” and all that, and some of the stupidest crap comes out of her mouth. 

“You can feel free to call me an Uncle Tom. It does not affect me. You know why? Because I actually read the book — Uncle Tom was the hero.”

Was that a quote from her?

If it is it's hilarious. As the first thing I thought after watching that was, tons of people are gonna be screaming cornball and race traitor and uncle tom.






People are gonna get angry at this, but I've seen it expressed a billion times. (Although of course, not so on the nose)

Narrative of a lot of these new democrats: If you got dark skin, always be a victim, ALWAYS always always... if at any point you claim not to be then that's only because you're a damned uncle tom. If you got light skin you can't say people with dark skin aren't perpetual victims, you as a white american have to place them below yourself and then express sorrow over how inept they are compared to you.

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1 minute ago, Mims44 said:

Was that a quote from her?

If it is it's hilarious. As the first thing I thought after watching that was, tons of people are gonna be screaming cornball and race traitor and uncle tom.



People are gonna get angry at this, but I've seen it expressed a billion times. (Although of course, not so on the nose)

Narrative of a lot of these new democrats: If you got dark skin, always be a victim, ALWAYS always always... if at any point you claim not to be then that's only because you're a damned uncle tom. If you got light skin you can't say people with dark skin aren't perpetual victims, you as a white american have to place them below yourself and then express sorrow over how inept they are compared to you.

Victimhood, the “oh poor me the slighted alt-righty” is very much a part of her grift.

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22 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Candace simply found her grift and is taking advantage of it.

Yup. Just like Lehren and Coulter and Carlson and, well, most of them. 

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8 minutes ago, AUDub said:


Victimhood, the “oh poor me the slighted alt-righty” is very much a part of her grift.

I don't know anything about her and was covering the context of the video.


Could you explain a bit how she is "alt-right" she didn't seem to be a member of an racially biased extremist group.




Defining  Alt-Right from the first few google sources that popped up: 

The alt-right is a white nationalist, racist movement. Part of its membership supports anti-immigrationist  policies to ensure a continued white majority in the United States.

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely connected and somewhat ill-defined far-right movement. It contains white supremacists, white nationalists, white separatists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists and other hate groups.A largely online movement, the alt-right is found primarily in the United States, where it originated, although alt-rightists are also present elsewhere in the world.





Is alt-right a correct term for her?

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32 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

I don't know anything about her and was covering the context of the video.


Could you explain a bit how she is "alt-right" she didn't seem to be a member of an racially biased extremist group.




Defining  Alt-Right from the first few google sources that popped up: 

The alt-right is a white nationalist, racist movement. Part of its membership supports anti-immigrationist  policies to ensure a continued white majority in the United States.

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely connected and somewhat ill-defined far-right movement. It contains white supremacists, white nationalists, white separatists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists and other hate groups.A largely online movement, the alt-right is found primarily in the United States, where it originated, although alt-rightists are also present elsewhere in the world.





Is alt-right a correct term for her?

Yes. Gamergate is actually where she first popped up, and she even described her conversion as "taking the red pill."

She also thinks white nationalism is a myth, that the Southern strategy was a myth, and has endorsed several white-nationalist conspiracy theories.

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2 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:


  To be honest, I dont really know a whole lot about her, but she kills it in this speach. Definately now a fan of hers. I know many here will disagree with what she says, but Im curious anyways as to what people think of her here on this forum, and what kind of rebutals this gets.

She is a black conservative. Leftie Dems can't stand for that.

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11 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Yes. Gamergate is actually where she first popped up, and she even described her conversions as "taking the red pill."

She also thinks white nationalism is a myth, that the Southern strategy was a myth, and has endorsed several white-nationalist conspiracy theories.

I don't remember her name or face from the whole gamergate thing. But then again, that crap got so filled with everyone wanting to get popular over it there's no way I could remember them all. She mos def has a different look than the standard klansmen.





You seem to bring up a lot of 4chan stuff.

Do you believe that all their crap is truly indicative of where we as Americans are headed? Or that they represent a sizeable group of Americans? And not a smallish group containing mostly edgy kids and shut-ins?



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13 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

You seem to bring up a lot of 4chan stuff.

Do you believe that all their crap is truly indicative of where we as Americans are headed? Or that they represent a sizeable group of Americans? And not a smallish group containing mostly edgy kids and shut-ins?

I think they’re a small group with outsize influence, but that’s not too surprising as they’re actually very internet savvy and a lot of folks are receptive to their methods and message.

I mean, Candace Owens, a young lady with literally no credentials and serial bull**** spewer, just spoke in front of congress. Go figure. 

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2 hours ago, SaturdayGT said:

To be honest, I dont really know a whole lot about her, but she kills it in this speach. Definately now a fan of hers. I know many here will disagree with what she says, but Im curious anyways as to what people think of her here on this forum, and what kind of rebutals this gets.

I like her. She's still a bit young, but headstrong, intelligent and well-spoken.

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8 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

I like her. She's still a bit young, but headstrong, intelligent and well-spoken.

A heck of a lot better speaking to Congress than AOC who is IN Congress.

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9 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

I like her. She's still a bit young, but headstrong, intelligent and well-spoken.

She’s also a lying sack of s***. This exchange with Congressman Lieu was the funniest part of her testimony.

And just to prove that Lieu was on point and her denials were hot air, here’s the video of her “Hitler” comments.

She’s a blithering idiot. Y’all are falling for her grift. 

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33 minutes ago, AUDub said:

She’s also a lying sack of s***. This exchange with Congressman Lieu was the funniest part of her testimony.

And just to prove that Lieu was on point and her denials were hot air, here’s the video of her “Hitler” comments.

She’s a blithering idiot. Y’all are falling for her grift. 

It sounds a little like she was going for the Jab against globalists and comparing them to Hitler and it didnt go so well. Now it was trying to be made out as if she was saying that if Hitler was a Nationalist, he would be OK, including killing of jews and all non white blue eyed people right?...Surely Ive got something wrong or mixed up.

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1 hour ago, AUDub said:

She’s also a lying sack of s***. This exchange with Congressman Lieu was the funniest part of her testimony.

And just to prove that Lieu was on point and her denials were hot air, here’s the video of her “Hitler” comments.

She’s a blithering idiot. Y’all are falling for her grift. 

Wait, I've heard this before.

Hitler had a dog, therefore dogs are evil.

It's a seriously stupid argument, but I guess that's why these nimrods chose that approach. Instead of say.... Hitler being such a nationalist was why he wanted a national race, and didn't care about torturing and murdering members of the non chosen race. Id Ted Lieu's reasoning here is a baseline for the group, I'd say your version on Candace Owens fits right in.

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51 minutes ago, SaturdayGT said:

It sounds a little like she was going for the Jab against globalists and comparing them to Hitler and it didnt go so well. Now it was trying to be made out as if she was saying that if Hitler was a Nationalist, he would be OK, including killing of jews and all non white blue eyed people right?...Surely Ive got something wrong or mixed up. 

It was inexcusable. "The problem was..."

At it's best, it's at the very least, a profoundly ignorant and completely inaccurate portrayal of Hitler's politics. At it's worst,  it suggested that Hitler's crimes we excusable as long as they occurred within German borders.

Here's the quote from the video:


I actually don't have any problems at all with the word 'nationalism'. I think that the definition gets poisoned by elitists that actually want globalism. Globalism is what I don't want, so when you think about whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. He was a national socialist. But if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. To me, that's not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don't really have an issue with nationalism. I really don't. I think that it's okay.

So he wanted to conquer the world, that makes him a globalist? That's not how it works lol. I mean, conquest isn't built in to nationalism, but it's not incompatible at all.

And her rationalizations after she got all apoplectic aren't that much better.

First, she literally whips out the race card:


I think it's pretty apparent that Mr. Lieu thinks that black people are stupid..

Whips out the "he took me out of context" defense (he didn't):


...and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety. He purposefully extracted clip, he cut off, and you didn’t hear the question that was asked of me...

And again butchers history (she tends to do this a lot), let's focus on this one:


He was a homicidal, psychopathic maniac that killed his own people. A nationalist would not kill their own people

Nationalism, at its worst, take Hitler for example, is 100% about arbitrarily drawing lines between "our people" and "not our people. It's very easy to find yourself one of "our people" one day, and "not" the next. Pretty much the point of Niemoller's poem:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Where y'all see a "well-spoken" young woman, I see zero intellectual understanding or depth to her, profoundly ignorant of history and able to say any old bull**** because her audience simply won't care. I wouldn't go so far as to call her profoundly stupid, because it's a grift, an act, and she's at least smart enough to exploit that.

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And regarding the "charitable" interpretation above, even if she did forget about the "killing the Jews, gays, gypsies socialists" part of "making Germany great again," she was still perfectly happy about the destruction of democracy, suspension of free speech and other human rights. You know, the fascism part of the whole thing.

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Candace cares deeply for the black race. That some white guys would come on here and admonish her is telling. Their cherry picking is hilarious. Some see beyond that noise. Keep blackey down right? 


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17 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Candace cares deeply for the black race. That some white guys would come on here and admonish her is telling. Their cherry picking is hilarious. Some see beyond that noise. Keep blackey down right? 

Bought the grift, did you? Not shocked.

Your "seek truth" avatar is, again, laughably misplaced. 

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I hope nobody seriously thought the progressives would have a favorable opinion of Candace. She's a threat to the narrative and has been on their #$%^ list since her rise in popularity. Same could be said for many who have resisted indoctrination. 

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3 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

I hope nobody seriously thought the progressives would have a favorable opinion of Candace. She's a threat to the narrative and has been on their #$%^ list since her rise in popularity. Same could be said for many who have resisted indoctrination. 

Not threatened by her, no more than I would be by people like Milo Yiannapoulos or Jack Posobiec, folks cut from the same cloth. That she’s black doesn’t amount to a hill of beans to me. She’s your garden variety alt right wingnut. 

She decries playing the race card while yanking it out whenever she feels it’s convenient.

She accused a black man of being white because he criticized her.

She talks out her ass nearly constantly on history, society, etc.

She picked a fight with the THE FAMILY OF A MURDER VICTIM to push a narrative neither they nor said victim would not want pushed. 

She is an MRA and rape apologist.

She literally built a career on doxxing through her RedPillBlack YouTube channel, but has the nerve to tell people to “build bridges, not moats.” 

She expressed support for literal fascists like Marine Le Pen. 

Her response when the New Zealand shooter named her as his biggest influence was “LOL!”

But if this is the person you want to hold up as a shining beacon of conservative thought, go ahead. 

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