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Driving Pet Peeves


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Rubber neckers ..... you're going to cause another wreck. Have you never seen a fender bender before? Have you never seen 2 vehicles on the side of the road with a police officer behind them :rolleyes:

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How about people who buy cars that look like cop cars?

Why would you INTENTIONALLY buy a car that causes people to sweat and worry about whether or not they are going to get a ticket...?


I see a lot of regular people driving plain white Crown Vic's and I always think it's a cop. Some even go as far as putting a radar detector on the windshield and a luggage rack on top. It would suck driving one of those because the traffic in front of you would always be driving really slow.

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When a car is stalled or pulled over, no carnage to see at all, and everyone has to gawk to see what is happening - holding up those of us who really could not care any less.

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The Smoker in front of you who just threw his cigarette out of the window at you.

I've had that happen to me soooo many times and man that pisses me off. Ashes fly all over your car and sometimes into the car if you have any windows open. Sometimes I wish I could pull up in front of them and light a small pack of firecrackers and throw it out of the window at them. Nasty habit to begin with but geeze, must you be an @zzhole too?? :P

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The Smoker in front of you who just threw his cigarette out of the window at you.

I've had that happen to me soooo many times and man that pisses me off.  Ashes fly all over your car and sometimes into the car if you have any windows open.  Sometimes I wish I could pull up in front of them and light a small pack of firecrackers and throw it out of the window at them.  Nasty habit to begin with but geeze, must you be an @zzhole too??  :P


yes, yes, I'm sick of this too. They throw out their cig and it bounces off your car or it hits the ground in fromt of you. Use your dang ashtray or throw them in your floor board. Stupid Stupid Stupid

I'll mock peopel. f they begin to tap out their ashes at the window I pretend to do the same. I've blown the horn at people who've done this, been flipped off, being looked at weird as if I'm the guilty one.

Pisses me off

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4. People who parrallel you on the freeway. Either get in front or behind. There's NO OTHER cars around us...dont drive speed up/slow down just to match my speed. Drive how fast YOU think you should drive.

5. 18 wheelers in the left lane.

6. "Construction" zones for 20 miles...but no construction. Just an orange cone here and there on the side of the road...but 50mph speed limit anyway.

4 and 6 in particular piss me off...Louisiana was infamous (now that most of I-10 there has been resurfaced, this is less of a complaint) for having a 45 mph speed limit on a 1-lane part of I-10 when there wasn't a soul working on the road.

I've heard #4 referred to as "boxing off traffic" and it makes me crazy.

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People who FLY through parking lots crossing over empty parking spaces.

Speed bumps every 9 feet in apartment complexes. I dont mind the big round speed bumps, but apt complexes always get the little "squared off" ones that are really harsh on your suspension.

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When you are on a two lane highway and there is no one behind you for MILES and someone pulls right out in front of you...WHY COULDN'T YOU WAIT 5 SECONDS????

Someone who is turning and half way through the turn they can't remember is this is the store they wanted to go to so they stop in the middle of driving lane to decide if they are turning in the right spot or not...and you almost rear end them....

OMG, Me and my fiance have serious road rage...DO NOT mess with me while I am driving. I may not be the most perfect driver, but I know what ticks people off and I avoid doing those things...

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When you are on a two lane highway and there is no one behind you for MILES and someone pulls right out in front of you...WHY COULDN'T YOU WAIT 5 SECONDS????..


Yes, this is a big one for me.

Also, people who drive without their lights on even though there's heavy fog.

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When you are on a two lane highway and there is no one behind you for MILES and someone pulls right out in front of you...WHY COULDN'T YOU WAIT 5 SECONDS????..


Yes, this is a big one for me.

Also, people who drive without their lights on even though there's heavy fog.


And people who don't turn their lights on when it rains, it is the law in Alabama.

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To the two Mexican's, in the 1985 Ford conversion van with the ladders on top, driving on Greensprings this morning, who I was forced to follow from Lakeshore all the way to University. Who never got over 23 mph! And to the guy wearing the Bama hat & coat driving the red Chevy Blazer who kept his rear bumper even with their front bumper. :angry2::angry2::angry2:

:angry2: STAY OFF THE DANG ROADS!!!!! :angry2:

:smash: :smash: :smash: :smash: :smash: :smash: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm all for this. Especially if people are going 50 in a 55

But what if I'm going 65 in a 55 and someone's rding my bumber?

I'm already going 10mph over, should I be made to get over in the right lane?

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I'm all for this. Especially if people are going 50 in a 55

But what if I'm going 65 in a 55 and someone's rding my bumber?

I'm already going 10mph over, should I be made to get over in the right lane?


You better if it's me behind you! :lol:

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I'm all for the bill.

Sad thing is, we have to pass legislation to FORCE people to do what they KNOW is the right thing in the first place. :(:(

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