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Ivanka Trump Used Personal Email For Government Business Hundreds Of Times: Report


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some of you people make me sick picking on a cool animal like a weasel. what did any poor weasel do to any of you or even anyone else..............?   lol

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

some of you people make me sick picking on a cool animal like a weasel. what did any poor weasel do to any of you or even anyone else..............?   lol

"Disingenuous is too hard to spell".  Also, actual weasels can't quote either, only in their case, they don't know how. :glare:

You said "x". No I didn't, but if you think so, quote it.       Crickets

Oh well, I guess that's what you might expect on a forum named "trash talk".


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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

"Disingenuous is too hard to spell".  Also, actual weasels can't quote either, only in their case, they don't know how. :glare:

You said "x". No I didn't, but if you think so, quote it.       Crickets

Oh well, I guess that's what you might expect on a forum named "trash talk".


what in the world are you talking about? i crack a joke and you gonna diss me? as far as crickets go i get to go eat just like the rest of you cats. i absolutely do not understand you or what got got up your behind and i certainly do not understand why you got your panties in a wad. good lord this was not even aimed at anyone person. funny those you claim know nothing can get a joke and you cannot? still i hope you had a good thanksgiving and i hope you feel proud after basically saying twice i am stupid. you have fun with that. i understand why so many laugh at you on these forums now.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

what in the world are you talking about? i crack a joke and you gonna diss me? as far as crickets go i get to go eat just like the rest of you cats. i absolutely do not understand you or what got got up your behind and i certainly do not understand why you got your panties in a wad. good lord this was not even aimed at anyone person. funny those you claim know nothing can get a joke and you cannot? still i hope you had a good thanksgiving and i hope you feel proud after basically saying twice i am stupid. you have fun with that. i understand why so many laugh at you on these forums now.

😂 His wife is out of town.........probably in the liquor cabinet😁.......far be it from me to be nosey but I dont think he was taking a jab at you fifty.


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2 minutes ago, kevon67 said:

😂 His wife is out of town.........probably in the liquor cabinet😁

that was one of the weirdest posts i have read lately. how does one get upset about a joke about weasels? and especially one not even aimed at anyone in particular? but i guess weasel might just become my new nicname just for him just to remind him how stupid his post was.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

what in the world are you talking about? i crack a joke and you gonna diss me? as far as crickets go i get to go eat just like the rest of you cats. i absolutely do not understand you or what got got up your behind and i certainly do not understand why you got your panties in a wad. good lord this was not even aimed at anyone person. funny those you claim know nothing can get a joke and you cannot? still i hope you had a good thanksgiving and i hope you feel proud after basically saying twice i am stupid. you have fun with that. i understand why so many laugh at you on these forums now.

I thought I was joking back. Seriously.

Apparently I didn't use sufficient "wink" or "laughing" icons?  :dunno:

Sorry for you taking it as a personal attack, but that certainly was not my intention - I took your post for the humorous crack it was.

My comments were (obviously) directed toward 78.  Geez, but you are tender.

I'll try to keep that in mind.

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14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

that was one of the weirdest posts i have read lately. how does one get upset about a joke about weasels? and especially one not even aimed at anyone in particular? but i guess weasel might just become my new nicname just for him just to remind him how stupid his post was.

I am not "upset" about your post.  In fact, I took it for the joke it was meant to be.  You are totally mistaking my intent. I was merely riffing on it.  You grossly misunderstood my post. My new nick-name for you is "presumptuous".   :rolleyes:

Regardless, I sincerely apologize for any role I played in that misunderstanding. 

(And I am not stupid.)


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31 minutes ago, kevon67 said:

😂 His wife is out of town.........probably in the liquor cabinet😁.......far be it from me to be nosey but I dont think he was taking a jab at you fifty.


Yes, yes and yes!   That's way better than your average. :thumbsup::laugh: 



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so you were not taking shots at my grammar? you said something about" x " and quotes which i assume you thought i was taking a shot at you. i am not afraid to call anyone out on here and if i was talking about you i would have mentioned you by name. and then the crickets thing because i did not answer you quick enough. since you are such a wonderful judge of me tell me how i should have responded. if you are going to be funny then try o BE funny. do not half azz it where folks have to wonder what the ehll you ae talking about...............

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14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

so you were not taking shots at my grammar? you said something about" x " and quotes which i assume you thought i was taking a shot at you. i am not afraid to call anyone out on here and if i was talking about you i would have mentioned you by name. and then the crickets thing because i did not answer you quick enough. since you are such a wonderful judge of me tell me how i should have responded. if you are going to be funny then try o BE funny. do not half azz it where folks have to wonder what the ehll you ae talking about...............

Seriously?  What was wrong with your grammar?  I didn't notice it.

"X" is a common way to indicate "whatever".  In this case, I could have used the specific example of 78 saying that I (and Elle) said something about Ivanka "deleting emails".  Neither of us did.  Which is why I said "quote it". (Which of course he cannot.)  I used "X" and "crickets" to imply a generalized example of weaseling behavior.  That's all.

It was certainly not a shot at you.  It was a shot at weaseling in general.

As far as how I think you should have responded, it would be as if you got my intent and meaning in the first place.  Obviously, you didn't, and I will take my share of the responsibility for that. 

(But like I said, I will try to this in mind in the future.)




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31 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

that was one of the weirdest posts i have read lately. how does one get upset about a joke about weasels? and especially one not even aimed at anyone in particular? but i guess weasel might just become my new nicname just for him just to remind him how stupid his post was.

I think it begin several pages back............the x represented him trying to get someone to quote him.......he said I said or some such.........made me dizzy trying to keep up........I had just finished reading it is why I chimed in........and yes I am bored as trash talk is a just before bed if nothing else left to do thing😂

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12 hours ago, homersapien said:

Seriously?  What was wrong with your grammar?  I didn't notice it.

"X" is a common way to indicate "whatever".  In this case, I could have used the specific example of 78 saying that I (and Elle) said something about Ivanka "deleting emails".  Neither of us did.  Which is why I said "quote it". (Which of course he cannot.)  I used "X" and "crickets" to imply a generalized example of weaseling behavior.  That's all.

It was certainly not a shot at you.  It was a shot a weaseling in general.

As far as how I think you should have responded, it would be as if you got my intent and meaning in the first place.  Obviously, you didn't, and I will take my share of the responsibility for that. 

(But like I said, I will try to this in mind in the future.)




ok well i did not understand. i thought it was a nazi grammar diss combined with wtf?  i consider my self corrected and we shall soldier on. i always liked you so imagine my fury if we were  political enemies. now i hope ya got or get laid! lol. and my apologies. it do get confused a llot at 64 which is one reason i seldom post in the political threads anymore. have a great one homer. and keep giving the good fight.

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12 hours ago, kevon67 said:

I think it begin several pages back............the x represented him trying to get someone to quote him.......he said I said or some such.........made me dizzy trying to keep up........I had just finished reading it is why I chimed in........and yes I am bored as trash talk is a just before bed if nothing else left to do thing😂

thanks for helping me out kev as i owe you one. i did not read every post in this thread so now i am understanding now.................and for the record i was not high yet when this all happened.  lol anyway i hate being a big dummy but it is what it is............

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55 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

ok well i did not understand. i thought it was a nazi grammar diss combined with wtf?  i consider my self corrected and we shall soldier on. i always liked you so imagine my fury if we were  political enemies. now i hope ya got or get laid! lol. and my apologies. it do get confused a llot at 64 which is one reason i seldom post in the political threads anymore. have a great one homer. and keep giving the good fight.

No worries.  Granted my post was a little cryptic to someone who might not know what I was actually thinking or meant.  That's the problem with written communication. Unless you're careful, it can be misconstrued.  And I wasn't as careful as I normally am in this case.  I take full responsibility. 

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And here's where 78 jumped the track of the narrative:

On 11/21/2018 at 10:53 AM, homersapien said:

Not to mention hiding information from future historians.

Clinton was guilty but these people are no less so.

To which AU78 responded:   "Prove it"


78 seems to assume that by "hiding information from future historians" I meant she erased something.    That's not what I meant. 

I was referring to the simple act of keeping a non-official email account.  An account with AOL (in this case) or with a personal server (in Hillary's case) means the information contained in that account is not maintained as part of the official government record.

One of the reasons such accounts are against the rules is to ensure that all official government information is archived by the government and thus available for possible future investigations or for historians.  So the mere fact of Ivanka using an AOL account for official business means the information contained within is not archived.  Actual erasing may occur but it's moot to the main point about using private accounts for official business.

Now 78's mistake may be an honest one, but had he provided a straight answer by clarifying what he wanted me to "prove", we could have nipped this in the bud.  But no, he starts with his weaseling aggression, implying I am being deceptive.

And I still don't understand what it is we are being "gullible" about. :dunno:

But that would require a straight response also.:-\

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

thanks for helping me out kev as i owe you one. i did not read every post in this thread so now i am understanding now.................and for the record i was not high yet when this all happened.  lol anyway i hate being a big dummy but it is what it is............

Your no dummy brother.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

thanks for helping me out kev as i owe you one. i did not read every post in this thread so now i am understanding now.................and for the record i was not high yet when this all happened.  lol anyway i hate being a big dummy but it is what it is............

I am much better at communicating in person.........I envy those with great typing and or writing ability........Typing is a slow process from my xbox 1 controller and I am impatient......so my thoughts come and go faster than I type with my thumbs.

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6 hours ago, homersapien said:

And here's where 78 jumped the track of the narrative:

To which AU78 responded:   "Prove it"


78 seems to assume that by "hiding information from future historians" I meant she erased something.    That's not what I meant. 

I was referring to the simple act of keeping a non-official email account.  An account with AOL (in this case) or with a personal server (in Hillary's case) means the information contained in that account is not maintained as part of the official government record.

One of the reasons such accounts are against the rules is to ensure that all official government information is archived by the government and thus available for possible future investigations or for historians.  So the mere fact of Ivanka using an AOL account for official business means the information contained within is not archived.  Actual erasing may occur but it's moot to the main point about using private accounts for official business.

Now 78's mistake may be an honest one, but had he provided a straight answer by clarifying what he wanted me to "prove", we could have nipped this in the bud.  But no, he starts with his weaseling aggression, implying I am being deceptive.

And I still don't understand what it is we are being "gullible" about. :dunno:

But that would require a straight response also.:-\

Seriously dude, you had two days to think about your error and this is the best you can offer? :lol:

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2 hours ago, NolaAuTiger said:

We all know that Homer's responses to such requests are always less than satisfactory lol.

Don't get your hopes up!

You nailed it. Simply pathetic response his, but predictable. I did laugh though, so there's that. IIWII. :homer:

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5 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

You nailed it. Simply pathetic response his, but predictable. I did laugh though, so there's that. IIWII. :homer:

Man, you are just sad. 

I even offered you an out by acknowledging it was a probably a simple misunderstanding.:no:


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On 11/21/2018 at 12:45 PM, GiveEmElle said:

Once again the right misses the point. This isn’t about Ivanka’s job vs. Clinton’s job. It’s about the hypocrisy of campaigning on your evil opponent using a private email server then your house doing the same and claiming they just didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that. 

elle they do not care about truth. this is why i mostly quit participating in arguments on here. the truth is irrelvant. it is just trying to win an argument regardless of facts and making fun of people when you do.

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