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womp womp the hate is real


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25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I use apple cider as a liquid when I smoke a butt. Never used juice. But I’m not sure stores near me sell CANS of apple juice. We use cheap beer not fit to drink like PBR.

@augolf1716  not going to like that Elle. He will be offended.

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3 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

The fact that it riled two of you makes it even funnier. Now I know how Jimmy Kimmel feels. 

Oh, I wasn't riled by your statement. I thought the way you tried to worm out of standing behind one of your posts was, shall we say, interesting.

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8 hours ago, AU64 said:

Very racist comment to generalize like that.  Is that the knowledge you are sharing as you go about brainwashing your helpless students ...helping prepare them for the future ?

I found out where Elle teaches I think.


Looks like a racial based attack to me, but then again I'm seeing Jesus in toast and nothing in front of my face these days.

I'm just joking of course. Please don't hit me with a lurker facepalm Ichy..... which btw the UAlbany bus girls and an Air Force Cadet told me to tell you hi.

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7 minutes ago, Texan4Auburn said:

I found out where Elle teaches I think.


Looks like a racial based attack to me, but then again I'm seeing Jesus in toast and nothing in front of my face these days.

I'm just joking of course. Please don't hit me with a lurker facepalm Ichy..... which btw the UAlbany bus girls and an Air Force Cadet told me to tell you hi.

I love all the generalizations about my teaching career. You guys are about as off base as you can be so it’s highly amusing. 

I do wonder how you’d feel though if I accused you of being horrible at your job because of political views expressed in a smack talk forum. ?

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

Oh, I wasn't riled by your statement. I thought the way you tried to worm out of standing behind one of your posts was, shall we say, interesting.

I didn’t try to worm out of anything. But if you interpret it that way, that’s on you. Its funny how you right wing males absolutely adore attacking every word out of a liberal female’s mouth. 

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Dang there it was again....an absolutely crazy generalization from you know who …..which always starts with "you" and then is followed by some category of people who  offends her delicate sensibilities........and before I could help myself I had face palmed her again.    ?   I'm just putty in her hands.....

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12 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

I marvel at how you people are unaware of those  in the Trumpsphere. 

Perhaps your first clue Elle?

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21 hours ago, AU64 said:

True but we have about 300 million people in this country and stuff like those items are bound to occur and rest assured in this era of social media, it's gonna get a full national airing.   

Meanwhile, I'm hoping the people promoting the hatred will stop by our church in a few weeks and watch our members help about 300 school aged kids (mostly minorities) pick out backpacks filled with schools supplies and help nearly 100 of those kids select a free winter jacket and maybe 50 of them get free haircuts....while others play on the inflatable slides and enjoy a free hotdog lunch and ice cream or snow balls.     But pretty sure this is not gonna make the news outside of our little community but we have been doing this for about 10 years now. 

Just saying.....those isolated instances noted above are the rare exception ….which is why they make the news  and why it is foolish to paint the entire society with that broad paint brush ……..whereas the huge number of good deeds like our Back to School Bash are not considered "news" in today's society.....which might be a good thing...:dunno:..


Sorry. Caught me in an emotional state. Been reading a lot of Huffpo. I recant on items #2 and #3.

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4 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

I didn’t try to worm out of anything. But if you interpret it that way, that’s on you. Its funny how you right wing males absolutely adore attacking every word out of a liberal female’s mouth. 

just wait until you hear the leftest attacking Amy Coney Barrett next week when Trump selects her.

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8 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Apple juice or Coke works just as well. Why waste a beer sticking it up a chickens butt?

Stop that nonsense. Drink a sixer of PBR and cook the damn chicken. 

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4 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Won’t be the first time I’ve offended someone. But Golf is a man. He doesn’t whine. 

Puts him in the 50 percentile. Good man.

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38 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Sorry. Caught me in an emotional state. Been reading a lot of Huffpo. I recant on items #2 and #3.

Wow…..hate to hear that....will have you on our prayer list next week to cleanse your spirit. 

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24 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Wow…..hate to hear that....will have you on our prayer list next week to cleanse your spirit. 

Could be to late

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5 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

I love all the generalizations about my teaching career. You guys are about as off base as you can be so it’s highly amusing. 

I do wonder how you’d feel though if I accused you of being horrible at your job because of political views expressed in a smack talk forum. ?

Funny, I said I was joking didn't I.......and I didn't even add it in later did I to try and cover generalizations? So it worked for you when you generalize people, but not for others. Nice equality.

And you did try it with me remember? I was big enough to admit that my field includes some cross over of policies that are discussed here. I will take bets that you do more generalizing of individuals based off a "smack talk forum" than I do.

How would I feel if you actually did it...... laugh at how much of hypocrite you would be for doing it, and just be more convinced you are a troll looking to stir the pot.


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2 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

just wait until you hear the leftest attacking Amy Coney Barrett next week when Trump selects her.

Assuming the right survives tomorrow’s second Civil War...

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13 minutes ago, Texan4Auburn said:

Funny, I said I was joking didn't I.......and I didn't even add it in later did I to try and cover generalizations? So it worked for you when you generalize people, but not for others. Nice equality.

And you did try it with me remember? I was big enough to admit that my field includes some cross over of policies that are discussed here. I will take bets that you do more generalizing of individuals based off a "smack talk forum" than I do.

How would I feel if you actually did it...... laugh at how much of hypocrite you would be for doing it, and just be more convinced you are a troll looking to stir the pot.


Ok. I’ll be the bad girl. You guys are intelligent, smart and kind. And mean pot stirring Elle comes in here just to ruffle your feathers. Put whatever label you like on me. 

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6 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

It was the Jesus toast. 

I spelled obama in my Cheerios once.

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1 minute ago, GiveEmElle said:

I bet you won a spelling bee too.

More than one. ;)

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3 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Ok. I’ll be the bad girl. You guys are intelligent, smart and kind. And mean pot stirring Elle comes in here just to ruffle your feathers. Put whatever label you like on me. 

In other words, play by the same rules you do then?

I have no desire to insult, belittle, or label you... got more important things like searching for Big Foot, the Lochness Monster, aliens, and Jesus in toast to do.

But please, since I am so dumb, ignorant, and cruel.... and blind.....answer these four questions.

My comments about fanatics on both sides and the dangers of verbally engaging and becoming physical with individuals at protest with separate views? Tell me how that is wrong.

My comments on the fact that teenagers are cruel, and that I have no doubt they used the word, and that the Trump hats (as the article said none of the accused had them) was just media fanning flames. You obviously know all the accused and their backgrounds, so just confirm they are all Trump fanatics. I mean that is like saying X gang opened fire on CPD as they entered the building, and while not involved in the gunfire, people that lived in this building had listened to F the Police by NWA during the week. Tell me where I am wrong there.

I am curious on your professional thoughts. You think that when white kids are minorities in the school system that bullying is just going to go away? All the other kids are going to go, you were so bad to us and now we rule and we are going to be so kind to you. You believe that the tables won't flip? If I marry and have children with the latino woman I'm dating..... well how is that going to impact their educational/social experience in the k-12 school systems moving forward? Also given predicted demographic shifts do you think they will become a privileged class and thus gain advantages k-12?

And yes, the article about the kids cutting the yard. Just give me proof that it was racially motivated and that the guy isn't just an ahole. Please tell me how I'm blind because I don't buy the headline without any proof it was racially motivated.

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