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Man arrested after shouting ‘womp, womp’ and pulling a gun on immigration protesters

by Avi Selk

6-8 minutes

Shane Ryan Sealy, 34, was arrested after brandishing a weapon at an immigration rally in Huntsville, Ala., pos June 30. (Melissa Parker/WAFF)

The gathering at a park gazebo in Huntsville, Ala., was by no means the largest of Saturday’s nationwide protests against President Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policies, though it was memorable for other reasons.

It began around noon, as an Episcopalian priest delivered a prayer to about 100 protesters gathered around the gazebo and a man marched back and forth in front of her, shouting “womp, womp!”

“Holy and ever-loving God . . .” said the priest, Kerry Holder-Joffrion.

“Womp, womp!” said the man.

“We pray for the children of this nation and all nations . . .”


The man was parroting former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who had uttered the same sound on Fox News several days earlier during a discussion about migrant children being seized from their parents at the border. Lewandowski’s sarcastic “womp, womp” revolted many people — but also apparently inspired a certain segment of Trump’s supporters, as the people at Big Spring Park were now discovering.

“We offer your love to all of our children . . .” Holder-Joffrion continued.

“Womp, womp!”

This was not the man’s only message. He held a sign above his head on which was written “ICE ICE Baby,” and he occasionally shout-sang the notes of a hip-hop song by the same name over the prayer.

The man had a handgun tucked in his cargo pants, according to police.

After he had disrupted the first half of Holder-Joffrion’s prayer, a few protesters began drifting away from the audience to confront the man. A woman paced backward in front of him, holding her own sign in his face as he marched forward — “Super Callous Racist Fascist Sexist Braggadocious.”

“Where are your ancestors from?” someone asked the man.

“Alabama!” he answered.

Holder-Joffrion felt her stomach tighten but made up her mind to finish the prayer.

“I didn’t open my eyes, so that I could stay focused,” she told The Washington Post. “My voice gained volume as it became more chaotic.”

In fact, she nearly shouted her remaining verses, cheered on by the crowd while the man continued to shout in the background.

“We ask that you give us the strength in the face of the opposition not to hate, but to love,” Holder-Joffrion said, the lines coming to her in the moment. “Prayer is stronger than hatred!”

It was around this point that the gun came out.

A Huntsville police spokesman said the man — identified as 34-year-old Shane Ryan Sealy — pushed one of the protesters, who pushed him back and knocked him to the ground, at which point Sealy allegedly produced the weapon.

Holder-Joffrion still had her eyes closed, and she said her husband, Democratic congressional candidate Peter Joffrion, didn’t see a scuffle — just a protester telling Sealy to “leave, leave, leave, leave.”

In any case, the weapon came out of the waistband.

“Gun, gun, gun, gun!” someone shouted in video published by WAFF 48 — just as Holder-Joffrion was praying for the nation’s strength.

Panicked shouts drowned her out, and the camera turned from the priest to Sealy, about 15 feet from the gazebo, brandishing what appeared to be a pistol at the crowd.

Most people dropped. “I got down on my face on the other side of the gazebo right here and just cried, I was so in shock,” rally organizer Ava Caldwell told WBTV.

But several protesters remained upright. One man pointed directly at Sealy, shouting warnings that the man was armed.

Holder-Joffrion said she remained standing under the gazebo, eyes still shut in concentration, determined to finish her prayer no matter what happened.

The video shows Sealy putting the gun back in his waistband and backing away from the crowd, then turning around and walking quickly in the opposite direction.

Of the few protesters who followed him, most did so with obvious caution — one man still holding his “Brown People Are Still People” sign as he watched Sealy go.

But a white-haired man nearly sprinted in pursuit, tossing his cap to the ground as he chased Sealy toward a tree line.

Sealy didn’t make it that far. A police cruiser soon rolled across the grass to meet him, and then a second car approached from his left.

Shane Ryan Sealy. (Huntsville Police Department)

He put his hands up, still holding his “ICE ICE Baby” sign. A former high school teacher, according to AL.com, he was initially arrested for possessing a gun within 1,000 feet of a protest. But he would later be booked into jail on misdemeanor charges of menacing and reckless endangerment.

Holder-Joffrion had her eyes closed through most of the action. She said she remained under the gazebo, continuing her prayer through to “Amen.”

When she finally opened her eyes, she looked across the park and saw about half a dozen police officers standing over Sealy.

“I realized they’d been among us in the crowd all along,” she said.

All around her, people were shaking, crying and getting up from the ground. A young girl who had been scheduled to speak later in the rally was too traumatized to get the words out, Holder-Joffrion said.

Still, the protest went on. Holder-Joffrion said a pastor delivered a second prayer immediately after hers — this one in Spanish.

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Alabama Boy Scouts bully son of Ethiopian immigrants at camp

Updated Jul 1, 11:58 AM; Posted Jun 30

4-6 minutes

Members of a Boy Scout troop based in Alabama bullied a Georgia Boy Scout who is the son of Ethiopian immigrants, throwing rocks and calling him the 'N-word' during a week-long camping trip at Camp Woodruff in north Georgia, according to Scout parents.

Troop 10 from Johns Creek, Ga., was camping next to Troop 76 from Vestavia Hills earlier this month when the incident happened, said Leanne Potts, whose son is in Troop 10 with the 14-year-old who was bullied. She said Troop 76 moved from its camping spot by the next day.

"It upsets me that this is that boy's summer camp memory," said Potts, of Alpharetta, Ga.

"The members of Troop 76 had thrown rocks," Potts said.

AL.com met in person with the teen who was bullied in Alpharetta this week, and spoke to his mother. They asked not to be named, but the mother confirmed that rocks were thrown and her son was called a racial epithet.

Some Scouts - not the ones from Alabama - were wearing "Make America Great Again" caps at the camp, she said. President Donald Trump campaigned on that slogan and often used harsh rhetoric against immigrants.

Dr. Rob Spiegel, a Birmingham physician who is the scoutmaster for Troop 76, affiliated with Liberty Crossings United Methodist Church, said the mid-June incident at Camp Woodruff is being overblown.

"Things happen at camp," Spiegel said. "There's a lot of misinformation."

He denied that members of Troop 76 threw rocks at a black Boy Scout from Troop 10.

"The rocks are not accurate," Spiegel said.

Spiegel said he spoke to the Boy Scout who was allegedly bullied. "I talked to that child," he said.

Asked if Scouts from Troop 76 had used the 'N-word," Spiegel declined to confirm or deny that allegation.

"We have African-American kids in our own group," Spiegel said. "I don't think it's a story. I've seen a lot worse things happen at camp."

The Rev. Wade Griffith, senior pastor of Liberty Crossings United Methodist Church, which sponsors Troop 76, addressed the incident in an email to church members.

"What happened was very regrettable and is absolutely inconsistent with the values and high ideals of scouting and, more importantly, the United Methodist Church," he wrote. "I am thankful that the Troop leadership acted decisively to evaluate the situation and to punish those responsible.  We are a church that is dedicated to loving God and loving ALL people.  As such, we strive to be a safe place for any person to come and seek God through worship, study, and service.  Going forward, we will continue to work to ensure that those values are reflected in every aspect of our church's ministry."

Scout leaders for Troop 10 did not respond to requests for comment.

An administrator at Camp Woodruff said he did not know the details of what happened. "We definitely knew there was an incident," said Matt Rendahl, director of camping for Camp Woodruff.

Rendahl said the issue was handled by scoutmasters for the units and that the camp did not send anyone home, although Troop 76 may have sent one of its scouts home on its own.

"We did have some bullying issues," Rendahl said. "We certainly have policies and procedures to combat bullying to try and reduce things like that from happening. We as adults need to help build them into good citizens."

Racial name-calling should not be tolerated, he said.

"We shouldn't have that in camp, or anywhere," Rendahl said.

Potts said she thinks Trump has fostered an atmosphere of intolerance that contributed to the Scouts' behavior at camp. She said her son and Scouts his age are too young to be aware how unusual Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric is for a president. "That's what worries me about this incident," she said.

Last year, Trump called out media outlets as "fake news" and made other controversial comments in a heavily political speech at the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree. "Boy Scout values are American values," Trump said at the 2017 National Jamboree in West Virginia. "As the Scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal. We could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that."

Boys Scouts of America Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh apologized for Trump's speech. "I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree," he said.

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12-Year-Old Black Kid Has Police Called On Him For Mowing A Lawn

Sebastian Murdock,

HuffPost HuffPost Sat, Jun 30 2:05 PM CDT
A 12-year-old child who started his own summer lawn-mowing business had the

A 12-year-old child who started his own summer lawn-mowing business had the cops called on him for doing his job. 

Reginald “Reggie” Fields, who lives in the Cleveland area, started Mr. Reggie’s Lawn Cutting Service with his family, and was doing just that when police showed up to a Maple Heights neighborhood last week.

“They said I was cutting their grass. I didn’t know it,” the 12-year-old told WEWS News 5.

Neighbors apparently complained to police that Fields was cutting into their lawn, Lt. Joe Mocsiran of the Maple Heights Police Department confirmed to Fox News on Friday.

Lucille Holt, Fields’ customer that day, told WEWS that she was confused when she saw a police officer approach.

“They said the kids cut their grass,” Holt said, speaking about her neighbors.

In a video uploaded to Facebook by Holt, children are seen doing yardwork together. Fields and his brother, 13-year-old Creshawn Austin, work on the business together. Though they aren’t related to Holt, the two boys refer to her as “Grandma,” Cleveland.com reported.

“You see the police car right there?” Holt says in the video. “My neighbors that stay in the house right there ― I guess I have a line where part of [the lawn] is not my yard. They called the police to tell the police that the kids was cutting their grass. Who does that? Who does that?”

Mocsiran told Fox no action was taken.

“A little kid is out there working hard ― heck no,” the lieutenant told the station.

“I was nervous,” Fields told Cleveland.com. “I thought they were going to tell me I was in trouble. I just walked away to another lady’s house and cut their grass. I just walked away and acted like nothing was going on and back in my own world.”

Reggie Fields, left, with his brother Creshawn Austin.

Fields and his family are now having the last laugh. After video of the incident went viral, Holt said she started getting flooded with phone calls asking to book appointments with Mr. Reggie’s Lawn Cutting Service. She set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the business, and the two boys have averaged four to five yards a day since Saturday, they told Cleveland.com.

Austin told the publication they are getting more supplies and storage to become “like a mini Home Depot.”

“It’s been busy,” Fields told the outlet. “We’ve been all over the place. My mom has to drive us all over.”

“Just give me a call,” Fields told WEWS. “I will be there, on time.”

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Hate is not limited to one segment of our society. It is awful WHEREVER  it is. Sadly it is only becoming worse and is on full display in this very forum.

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9 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Hate is not limited to one segment of our society. It is awful WHEREVER  it is. Sadly it is only becoming worse and is on full display in this very forum.

Accurate on the first two sentences. The third notsomuch. What we see on this forum pales in comparison to the events fifty posted.

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35 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Accurate on the first two sentences. The third notsomuch. What we see on this forum pales in comparison to the events fifty posted.

True but we have about 300 million people in this country and stuff like those items are bound to occur and rest assured in this era of social media, it's gonna get a full national airing.   

Meanwhile, I'm hoping the people promoting the hatred will stop by our church in a few weeks and watch our members help about 300 school aged kids (mostly minorities) pick out backpacks filled with schools supplies and help nearly 100 of those kids select a free winter jacket and maybe 50 of them get free haircuts....while others play on the inflatable slides and enjoy a free hotdog lunch and ice cream or snow balls.     But pretty sure this is not gonna make the news outside of our little community but we have been doing this for about 10 years now. 

Just saying.....those isolated instances noted above are the rare exception ….which is why they make the news  and why it is foolish to paint the entire society with that broad paint brush ……..whereas the huge number of good deeds like our Back to School Bash are not considered "news" in today's society.....which might be a good thing...:dunno:..


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Article one shows that there are major idiots in the world. The man started singing Vanilla Ice and is probably one of those guys that will defend that it was not a Queen rip off. Society today just needs to accept that protests will carry anti-protests. Just be louder than the other person and don't get in their face. Then be very careful about engaging others in a heated situation physically. Both sides have irrational people that are capable of causing violence. Every side is going to have its fanatics.

Second article unfortunately shows what has always been true. Teenagers are, and always have been, very mean and will go for the throat when they look to hurt someone. None of the accused were wearing Trump hats so don't see why that needs to be in there except to just fan the flames of left vs right. All we know the teens could be from democratic families. I'm sure I am not the only one growing up that saw teens bully other teens, and even participated in or been the victim, where inappropriate things were said for the one purpose of humiliating a kid. It's wrong in every way, but it has and probably always will happen. I've no doubts that they used the word.

Will be interesting to see how things at that age play out later. Recent articles show that whites are dying faster than births are occurring and that white children are already becoming minorities in schools. 2054 believe is the predicted whites are minorities projected date.

Article 3 is just lame bull****. As a kid that cut yards myself I can tell you that people can be very very anal about their property lines and the time of day that you do the work. I had the cops called on me cause nobody knew one client's neighbor worked nights, so cutting the grass at 11 am triggered him one day. It is dumb that it is an article in the first place, and we know if the kid was white the article would not have been written or would have said Man Calls Cops on Local Kids for Mowing Lawn.

The third article is the kind I'm really getting tired of. Least demonstrate that it was racially motivated and not just the guy is just a dick. Some people are just aholes to everyone regardless of color or religion. It is going to hit the cry wolf level one day and real issues will be overlooked.

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7 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

White people can see Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, aliens and Jesus in toast but can’t see racism right in front of their faces. 

Very racist comment to generalize like that.  Is that the knowledge you are sharing as you go about brainwashing your helpless students ...helping prepare them for the future ?

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8 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Very racist comment to generalize like that.  Is that the knowledge you are sharing as you go about brainwashing your helpless students ...helping prepare them for the future ?

Yes it is. And I hope you have watched Alex Jones and are aware that on July 4,  me and 3.5 million liberals plan to kick off the next Civil War.  I’d planned on just laying by the pool with a cold beverage and eating drunk chicken, but instead I’ll be fighting. May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Honestly it was a joke. Bur you white peoples don’t get humor, allusions or metaphors. Lighten up Frances. 

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2 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Yes it is. And I hope you have watched Alex Jones and are aware that on July 4,  me and 3.5 million liberals plan to kick off the next Civil War.  I’d planned on just laying by the pool with a cold beverage and eating drunk chicken, but instead I’ll be fighting. May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Honestly it was a joke. Bur you white peoples don’t get humor, allusions or metaphors. Lighten up Frances. 

Not sure who Alex Jones is but you sound like a real follower.....meanwhile enjoy your "drunk chicken" on the 4th.....poor bird never had a chance.:)

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11 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Not sure who Alex Jones is but you sound like a real follower.....meanwhile enjoy your "drunk chicken" on the 4th.....poor bird never had a chance.:)

I marvel at how you people are unaware of those  in the Trumpsphere. 

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9 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

White people can see Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, aliens and Jesus in toast but can’t see racism right in front of their faces. 

You claim you posted this as a joke... Don't quit your day job in order to enter comedy.

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45 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I marvel at how you people are unaware of those  in the Trumpsphere. 

"you people"......another generalization like ….."you white people".......sounds like Obama when he referred to his grandmother as a "typical white woman"....  Bet I would catch hell from you if  I made that same generalization /  assumption about you and "your people".   

Meanwhile I thought it was kind of crass of you to refer to your husband as the "drunk chicken"....but maybe that was some of your humor that I misunderstood.

Otherwise...enjoy the lazy day and "let not your heart be troubled"...….Alex Jones...or is it Van Jones?   are no threat to this country.  .

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15 minutes ago, AU64 said:

"you people"......another generalization like ….."you white people".......sounds like Obama when he referred to his grandmother as a "typical white woman"....  Bet I would catch hell from you if  I made that same generalization /  assumption about you and "your people".   

Meanwhile I thought it was kind of crass of you to refer to your husband as the "drunk chicken"....but maybe that was some of your humor that I misunderstood.

Otherwise...enjoy the lazy day and "let not your heart be troubled"...….Alex Jones...or is it Van Jones?   are no threat to this country.  .

Aren’t you glad to finally have a President who always chooses his words meticulously and never makes a broad generalization anyone could take offense with?

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3 hours ago, Mikey said:

You claim you posted this as a joke... Don't quit your day job in order to enter comedy.

The fact that it riled two of you makes it even funnier. Now I know how Jimmy Kimmel feels. 

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3 hours ago, AU64 said:

"you people"......another generalization like ….."you white people".......sounds like Obama when he referred to his grandmother as a "typical white woman"....  Bet I would catch hell from you if  I made that same generalization /  assumption about you and "your people".   

Meanwhile I thought it was kind of crass of you to refer to your husband as the "drunk chicken"....but maybe that was some of your humor that I misunderstood.

Otherwise...enjoy the lazy day and "let not your heart be troubled"...….Alex Jones...or is it Van Jones?   are no threat to this country.  .

You already make generalizations about me brainwashing my students without ever seeing my classroom performance. 

And here you’ve included another generalization, calling me crass. Drunk chicken is actually a whole chicken that is cooked resting on a can of beer. 

And as for Alex Jones not being a threat, the Sandy Hook parents may disagree. They’ve been harassed and threatened by Jones’s listeners. 


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2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Aren’t you glad to finally have a President who always chooses his words meticulously and never makes a broad generalization anyone could take offense with?

Apparently the right wingnuts here feel I should be held to a higher standard than Trump. I’m only telling it like it is. They don’t get sarcasm. 

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11 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Drunk chicken is actually a whole chicken that is cooked resting on a can of beer

Apple juice or Coke works just as well. Why waste a beer sticking it up a chickens butt?

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3 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Aren’t you glad to finally have a President who always chooses his words meticulously and never makes a broad generalization anyone could take offense with?

Don't you think he is getting better with political correctness and brashness? probably be fine his second term Tex.

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16 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Apple juice or Coke works just as well. Why waste a beer sticking it up a chickens butt?

It may work well but does it taste as well? 

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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

Been a while but I thought apple juice was best.

I use apple cider as a liquid when I smoke a butt. Never used juice. But I’m not sure stores near me sell CANS of apple juice. We use cheap beer not fit to drink.

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