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sarah sanders refused service. good or bad?


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Bad short term, possibly good longer term.


A Template for ‘Incivility’

Today’s protesters are reviving the tactics of the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 1960s and ’70s—with similarly mixed results.

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It’s not good IMO. I have no use for her either but I would think the attention would not be desired even for a left leaning city or state. But it worked out ok for the bakery that refused Joe Biden in ‘12. The shitgibbons probably had that slip their memories before they waged a squalling battle over political etiquette. 

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ok. so was it wrong in 2012 when a repub owned restaurant refused to serve joe biden? and yes for the record it is true and can be googled easily. so lets see how much you righties hate this sort of thing or only when it happens to someone on the right?

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17 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

ok. so was it wrong in 2012 when a repub owned restaurant refused to serve joe biden? and yes for the record it is true and can be googled easily. so lets see how much you righties hate this sort of thing or only when it happens to someone on the right?

Somewhat different. Biden was planning on making a campaign stop at the cookie shop. In advance the owner said he did not want to host the campaign stop since he was of different political persuasion than Biden nor have his picture made with him.

So Biden never went to the shop. He was not asked to leave by the owner nor was he "refused" service. This was a campaign stop with media coverage and the owner chose not to participate.

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Business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone, and people should have thick enough skin not to treat it like their family members were just murdered every time some guy or girl they rah-rah for is refused service.

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