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What's up with most kids not wearing knee pads? Does it make them a step faster? Does it increase the chance of a knee injury? Humor an old geezer please and thanks.

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12 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

What's up with most kids not wearing knee pads? Does it make them a step faster? Does it increase the chance of a knee injury? Humor an old geezer please and thanks.

they'll wear them next year.    they become mandatory after this year

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1 hour ago, doverstutts said:

they'll wear them next year.    they become mandatory after this year

They've been mandatory for decades.  It's just been loosely enforced and only "recommended" that they actually cover the knees.  Next year its a point of emphasis and a requirement that the pants/knee pads cover the knees and no longer a recommendation. 

Mandatory Equipment
ARTICLE 3. All players must wear the following mandatory equipment:
a. Helmet.
b. Hip pads.
c. Jersey.
d. Knee pads.
e. Mouthpiece.
f. Pants.
g. Shoulder pads.
h. Socks.
i. Thigh guards.

d. Knee Pads. Knee pads must be at least 1/2-inch thick and must be covered
by pants. It is strongly recommended that they cover the knees. No
pads or protective equipment may be worn outside the pants.

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Someone please tell me why. I knew the rule was changing but not why the kids do it and to what benefit versus maybe getting hurt. Thanx again. MN

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

Someone please tell me why. I knew the rule was changing but not why the kids do it and to what benefit versus maybe getting hurt. Thanx again. MN

The rule isn't changing. It's been this way for DECADES.  It's just now (finally) allegedly going to be enforced.

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3 hours ago, WarTiger said:

They've been mandatory for decades.  It's just been loosely enforced and only "recommended" that they actually cover the knees.  Next year its a point of emphasis and a requirement that the pants/knee pads cover the knees and no longer a recommendation. 

Mandatory Equipment
ARTICLE 3. All players must wear the following mandatory equipment:
a. Helmet.
b. Hip pads.
c. Jersey.
d. Knee pads.
e. Mouthpiece.
f. Pants.
g. Shoulder pads.
h. Socks.
i. Thigh guards.

d. Knee Pads. Knee pads must be at least 1/2-inch thick and must be covered
by pants. It is strongly recommended that they cover the knees. No
pads or protective equipment may be worn outside the pants.


Well ^%#$&($^&% what kind of &^$%#$%#^& rules are these?

Gotta wear PANTS!

Talk about stuff that limits an athlete's abilities! Damn! Well, okay, football. But women's sports. Jeez! NCA taking all the fun out of sports.



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