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An Observation

Proud Tiger

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I notice some threads are being moved from this forum to the smack forum. Not clear why since the topics themselves aren't smack. Guess I'm wrong but it seems a thread becomes smack after resposes. But it is interesting that the replies in the smack forum are a whole lot less even though the topics are interesting. Clarification appreciated.

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2 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I notice some threads are being moved from this forum to the smack forum. Not clear why since the topics themselves aren't smack. Guess I'm wrong but it seems a thread becomes smack after resposes. But it is interesting that the replies in the smack forum are a whole lot less even though the topics are interesting. Clarification appreciated.

They are either just potshots at libs or they are of a nature that there's zero chance any substantive conversation is coming from it.

The regular forum is for serious, thoughtful discussions.  Libs getting their comeuppance because of getting too political at the Oscars/Emmys/Grammys/BET Awards doesn't reach that bar.

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