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"Worst Movie Ever Made" Thread


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Read this review for "Fist of Fear, Touch of death" and make sure to watch the sample videos at the bottom of the page.


Here is a movie reviewer's opion of Aaron Banks who is featured in the sample film clips:

"This guy... [aaron banks]... reminds me, for some reason, of a child molesting clown who lures kids with candy and then kills them. This guy might be nice in real life, but he is one sleazy ****, which sums him up to a T. "

The viciousness of this review is only matched but the quality of the film.

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How about Catwoman?  It was the in-flight movie when I flew to Vegas right before Christmas.  It was unbearable.  I was mad that I spent $2 to buy the headset to watch it (actually $4, considering I had to buy my g/f's headset, too).  I didn't bring anything to read on the flight, so it was the only thing to do to kill a couple of hours.  Even a few cocktails didn't make it any more enjoyable.


If I were a typical guy, oh, say, WarTim for instance, my reply might go something like this...

"Dude, Halle Berry was in a leather cat suit and carried a whip. You mean there was dialog?????"




:lol::lol: Yep, that's me ! ! ! ! :D

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  • 9 months later...

Either Dragonheart or Kill Bill. One was mindless with sorry story & acting, the other was no story with mindless blood & guts.

Walked out on both.

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The Bridges Over Madison County--my wife even fell asleep on this chick flick

Captain America---one of my fav comic heros but the 1991 movie was cheesy

No Holds Barred--Hogan needs to stick with wrestling

Death to Smoochy---worst Robin Williams film ever

Cult favorites that I love but alot of others think are horrible:

The Last Starfighter

The Ice Pirates

Buckaroo Banzai

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spaceballs is one bad movie.  "may the swartz be with you"


Blaphemer.....Dont you like the Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein Movies either?

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I didn't get into spaceballs the 1st time. I think it had alot to do with joan rivers voice. Now I appreciate it for the classic it is.

Young Frankenstein is an all-time classic!!!

Frau Mueller (whiiiiiinnnnnny!)

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spaceballs is one bad movie.  "may the swartz be with you"


Blaphemer.....Dont you like the Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein Movies either?


i have watched this movie since the original post (february) and i must retract what i said about the movie.

i must say Chocolat and Chicago are two of the worst movies i have seen.

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Hmmm, let's see.....

"the bear"

"junction boys"

"dark pink tide"

Shall I continue? :D

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Read this review for "Fist of Fear, Touch of death" and make sure to watch the sample videos at the bottom of the page.


Here is a movie reviewer's opion of Aaron Banks who is featured in the sample film clips: 

"This guy... [aaron banks]... reminds me, for some reason, of a child molesting clown who lures kids with candy and then kills them. This guy might be nice in real life, but he is one sleazy ****, which sums him up to a T. "

The viciousness of this review is only matched but the quality of the film.


There is one movie that truly stands out as the worst movie ever - VideoDrome. It sucks so horribly that even people who own the movie can't describe what it's about. :puke:

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For the blasphemer’s who spoke ill of monty python all I will say is . . . “Death awaits you all with big sharp pointy teeth!!!!!!!!!”

Top 3 worst movies

1. Best in Show


3. Fast and Furious 1or 2 take your pick

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I'm sticking with Pearl Harbor as the worst. I'm sure there are worse movies around; I'm certain anything starring Brittney Spears, J-Lo, or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would have me weighing the option of hurling myself into the nearest woodchipper BUT, for all the pre-release hype Pearl Harbor garnered, the movie sucked bigtime. I will never forgive Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay for what they did.

Halle Berry sitting by the pool in Swordfish.......it just doesn't get any better! :big:

A curse upon all of you badmouthing Monty Python, Blazing Saddles, and Spaceballs.

"Is the Swartz dangerous?"

"Only if it's on your side."

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Videodrome is a great film; it's part of my highly selective personal collection. VIDEODROME WILL BLOW YOUR MIND. It's some of Cronenberg's best work.

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"Hero"- some Crouching Tiger knockoff, after the first five minutes I turned off the DVD player.

The Last Starfighter is great 80's semi badly mad movie.

Does anybody remember an animated movie called "The Last Flight of the Dragons"?

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Howard the Duck: Any movie in the 80’s with Lea Thompson running around in her underwear with a duck made me want to be a duck. She did not age well but she was an 80’s hottie.

Ernest Goes To Camp, Ernest Save Christmas, Ernest Goes To Jail: These movies were not meant to be cinematic giants. They did exactly what they were supposed to do, they entertained the kiddies. I have all of them and my kids love’m.

AHHH. Ishtar: I actually paid to see that. It had two acclaimed actors in it at the time. And usually the critics don’t know a good movie if it bite them in the ass. But they definitely got this one right. Disconnected and horribly stupid.

Cocktail, Gymkata, Barb Wire (filmed in Mobile & along the Gulf Coast), Bio-Dome, Kangaroo Jack: These were all watchable enjoyable movies. Not classics but definitely not some of the worst.

Dragonheart was a fun movie. The kids enjoyed it. And I mean now every dragon should have the voice of James Bond!!

Fried Green Tomatoes was a beautiful movie. Told like the great movies of the past. The world through an older person’s eyes. Sit down and listen to the elderly sometimes. You’ll get a different perspective on things.

Some of you don't understand the meaning of worst. If a movie has any enjoyment value at all, it can't be worst. I guess I am pretty lenient on movies. Just because it doesn't have me on the edge of my seat does not a bust make for me. I guess I don't really have a worst. Some I just like better than others.

Although Ishtar will never be viewed by me again. EVER.

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IMHO.....worst movie ever....FARGO.....

2nd worst....anything staring Jim Carey....He simply isn't funny..and plays the EXACT same character in every movie.... :puke::puke: My opinion of course.... :)

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"Cobra" was terrible, too...it was one of those Sly Stallone/Brigitte Nielsen collaborations before they divorced.

Most of Bill Cosby's stuff is good, but "Leonard Part 6" blew ass.

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