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"Worst Movie Ever Made" Thread


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I like some of the movies on this list. I was really hoping for some serious entries, such as Night of the Lupus. After some research on the internet it appears that the worst movie ever made is "Manos: Hands of fate."

Here is a hilarious review:


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Devil's Rain, starring William Shatner, Ernest Borgnine, Tom Skeritt, Eddie Albert, and John Travolta. Could that cast lay a stink bomb? Yep. It's on AMC every now and then if anyone wants a good laugh.

Honorable mention:

Ready to Rumble

Santa With Muscles

Terminal Island

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Caddyshack II--I don't think there has EVER been a wider disparity of quality between an original and its sequel...the original was an all-timer.  'shack II was horrific.


The only thing that saves this movie from the depths is Randy Quaid's character and especially the description of the Peter Blunt legal method.

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I may step on some toes with this one, but the worst move I can think of is The Matrix, and all the sequels that follow with it.


I really liked the first one, but I'll agree with you on parts II and III. Matrix and Highlander, to me anyway, are poster children for movies that don't need a sequel.

And BG, not liking Slap Shot? Blasphemy, dude, blasphemy.

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The Monty Python movie(s) are pretty bad too. The 70's and 80's British comedy is just dumb...and the accents make it worse. icon9.gif

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Go back to the early 80's when hack em' up horror flicks were the thing.  There was an obscure film called Motel Hell where the owners, an old man and woman, would kidnap their guests, bury them up to their necks and let em' cure until they were ready.  Then they would dig em' up, kill them and then grind them up for the tastiest sausage in these here parts.

Of course the obligatory group of teenagers stumbles upon the operation and all but one guy and the beautiful, constantly screaming girl, get killed.  The incredible climax of the movie is a fight between the old guy and our hero while the old dude is wearing a severed pigs head, wielding a chain saw and laughing maniacally.  When the fight is over and our heros hug amongst dozens of corpses hanging on meat hooks, the girl makes the incredibly PROFOUND OBSERVATION:

"I guess we should call the police."

Ya' think??? :blink:


I had forgotten that one! What a horrible movie. Still Remember the sign on the Hotel said Hotel Hello but the O was burned out...

The script was awful. I mean awful in a "written by some drunk teenagers" kind of way.

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Oh yeah...speaking of Clockwork Orange...I think ALL of Kubricks films save Full Metal Jacket sucked MONSTER ass.

2001 was terrrrrrrible

The Shining was worse

Spartacus was okay i guess.

But what is the deal with his "build up" in all his movies? 2001, they flew around with all those psyched out space images (at the end) for like 30 freaking mins. Its like, dude, the buildup is over...now we are tired of looking at the same crap.

SAME thing with the shining...remember in the end when jack was chasing them around the hedge maze in the snow? it was the same scene forEVER. how long can we look at jack running around? it got old.

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The Monty Python movie(s) are pretty bad too.  The 70's and 80's British comedy is just dumb...and the accents make it worse.  icon9.gif


Jenny! Where is Jenny? OMG! All I can say is...... BLASPHEMER!

"Go away, or I shall taunt you again..."

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I'm with Numa...i never thought they were funny. And I like dry british humor. But those movies were just pointless IMO.

Maybe I never watched them while drunk enough to 'get it'.

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Just thought of another....The Dark Backward....if anyone else has had the misfortune to see this movie, I share your pain. Wayne Newton's worst-ever attempt at entertainment.

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Jeepers Creepers 2

Clockwork Orange


Dude, Where's My Car?


I forgot about Clockwork Orange, mainly because I slept through 3/4 of it. Another bad B-Movie is Luther the Geek. Long story about why I rented it, but the worst special effects EVER

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okay, some of these movies are AMAZING. kubrick was a genius who lost it at the end. clockwork is great, 2001 is great, the shining is one of the highlights of his and jack's career (both star studded).

monty python is also amazingly funny. the meaning of life and quest for the holy grail are two of the most quotable comedies in history. i'm hurt that you guys don't like them, but.... "it's only a flesh wound."

matrix is great, but i'd nominate either of the sequels for this thread. easily.

i actually liked thin red line, but i can definitely see why some folks hated it. very hateable film that i liked.

so my addition to this thread.... the worst film i have ever seen....


when "poseidon" is reeking havok on the ship (this is an odyssey spoof) it's a old man in a blue suit standing against a blue background blowing on what appears to be a toy boat in a bath tub. so bad, i couldn't look away. i had to see the whole thing just to KNOW it was the worst thing i'd ever see.

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monty python is also amazingly funny. the meaning of life and quest for the holy grail are two of the most quotable comedies in history. i'm hurt that you guys don't like them, but.... "it's only a flesh wound."

Nah....randomness isn't always funny. And just because they have accents don't make it any funnier.

I really can't talk...I thought Napoleon Dynamite was hilarious. That movie was total randomness too. I guess it's just a generation difference or something...

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generation gap? are you an auburn grad from 2002? if so, you're older than me by probably 2 years. i loved naple-on as well.

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BASKET CASE. They really dressed it up as a good horror movie in the trailers. The monster was freaking claymation.

The first time they showed it it was stuck to the wall and when they saw it it looks at them and goes "blehhhhhh". The entire audience cracked up due to the letdown. We left maybe before it was halfway through and several left before us. What a scam.

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I guess I either didn't "get it" or I was really, really tired when I started watching this movie, but I thought "Dune" was a dreadful bore.

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I guess I either didn't "get it" or I was really, really tired when I started watching this movie, but I thought "Dune" was a dreadful bore.


Apparently you didn't get it. Its true sci-fi genius.

Watch it again and pay attention. If you miss just a few minutes, you miss important info.

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