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White House expects US Justice Department to step up crackdown on recreational marijuana


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President Donald Trump is not opposed to the administration of medical cannabis but appears interested in tackling drug abuse


The US Justice Department will step up enforcement of federal law against recreational marijuana, White House spokesman Sean Spicer has said, offering the Trump administration's strongest indication to date of a looming crackdown on the drug, even as a solid majority of Americans believe it should be legal. 

“I do believe you'll see greater enforcement of it,” Spicer said in response to a question during a news conference. But he offered no details about what such enforcement would entail. President Donald Trump does not oppose medical marijuana, he added, but “that's very different than recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into.” 

A renewed focus on recreational marijuana in states that have legalised pot would present a departure from the Trump administration's statements in favour of states' rights. A day earlier, the administration announced that the issue of transgender student bathroom access was best left to states and local communities to decide. 

Seems like a regressive move politically, but when you pick Sessions to run your DOJ...

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Some of you know I am no pot smoker or supporter. I don't pity those caught with it because they know the consequences. which are over 99% harmless unless you are a repeat offender or in other trouble. But Colorado seems to have proven the benefits of loosening regulations and collecting tax. I think the dumass AG is politicizing a problem that is not really a problem. Seems to be a habit one month in to this administration..

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Let's build hundreds of private, for profit, federal prisons and, fill them up with dope smokers.  Make America great again!


They were one step ahead of you:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-department-will-again-use-private-prisons/2017/02/23/da395d02-fa0e-11e6-be05-1a3817ac21a5_story.html?utm_term=.35fa9429a575

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Let's build hundreds of private, for profit, federal prisons and, fill them up with dope smokers.  Make America great again!

Let's borrow billions and turn it over to corporations-- the Dow will soar!!!

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