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Fox News defends CNN


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35 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm not going to spend much time on this tangent, so if you want to debate it further, start a new thread, but you are not called out on honesty because people disagree with your positions.

 If that's the case, then they should be able to cite from all the alleged times that I've been caught lying. Just understand , that I will not take this lying down. I will not allow myself to be the victim of those who want to bear false witness.


 I did not start this little sidebar. If you want to warn anybody about staying on topic, then do so appropriately towards those who falsely accuse me and others.  If they want to make the charge, then they should be able to prove it. 

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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Nope, sorry.  You don't get to define the terms.  A snowflake is anyone that gets their panties in a twist over normal things.  In this case, getting butthurt over being asked reasonable questions.  Don't like it?  Tough s***.


None of this has anything to do with what Shep said.  The Russia stuff happened.  His people had contacts with Russian intelligence officials before the election, his NSA discussed things with them that he shouldn't have.  The Russians hacked the DNC.  This is all known stuff.  Asking questions about it to probe and see what dots may be connected is the job of the press.  You'd be screaming your fool head off if this had occurred with Obama and the questions weren't being asked.

 All those "known stuff" that you claim is so solid? I'm betting much of it is fake, and has just been reported as true. In fact, much of it has already been debunked.In fact, much of it has already been debunked

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15 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 All those "known stuff" that you claim is so solid? I'm betting much of it is fake, and has just been reported as true. In fact, much of it has already been debunked.In fact, much of it has already been debunked

Link please.

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Just now, AUUSN said:

"Daesh is not losing ground"

 That's not a citation. That is a quote. Unattributed. Said by who? When? Date? 


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Just now, AURaptor said:

 That's not a citation. That is a quote. Unattributed. Said by who? When? Date? 


That was all you slick.

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2 hours ago, AUUSN said:

Ok, kids, now gather around because you are going to witness some class A weaseling!

 Read the thread three times, at no point do I say what you quoted me is that saying. So I guess you lied. There was a context issue, about the threat of the Islamic state. Overtime they grew, and then  weakened,  because in part of our military involvement.  Against a threat that Obama tried to brush off as inconsequential. 


" The containment the General was talking about is different than the containment Obama was talking about." - usn 


 I have ( iphone dictation correction )  to admit that after two years, it was "about damn time" that we started taking it to the JV team. 

even though you failed to prove your point, you at least tried. That's more than most others have done on this board. 

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58 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 All those "known stuff" that you claim is so solid? I'm betting much of it is fake, and has just been reported as true. In fact, much of it has already been debunked.In fact, much of it has already been debunked

Your "bets" don't move the needle for me.  We know there were contacts (phone, email, etc) between Trump aides and the Russians.  We know there were conversations between Flynn and the Russians.  We know the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC.  We know the timeframe of some of the conversations with the Russians overlapped with the hacking.  No serious person disputes any of these things.  We may not know the content of all those conversations and we might not know whether the timing of the contacts and the hacking are merely coincidence (and to the degree that people are speculating on the content, that could be fake, but that's also not the point).  But it is perfectly reasonable to ask questions and expect answers on the matter.  That's not "fake" or debunked.

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

 If that's the case, then they should be able to cite from all the alleged times that I've been caught lying. Just understand , that I will not take this lying down. I will not allow myself to be the victim of those who want to bear false witness.


 I did not start this little sidebar. If you want to warn anybody about staying on topic, then do so appropriately towards those who falsely accuse me and others.  If they want to make the charge, then they should be able to prove it. 

I didn't say you started it.  I'm just saying, we aren't going to belabor this point.  I'm simply telling you, it's not about your opinions.

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On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2015 at 10:47 PM, AURaptor said:

Found the map. Fine. After 2 years, some land is taken back. About damn time.


36 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 Read the thread three times, at no point do I say what you quoted me is that saying. So I guess you lied. There was a context issue, about the threat of the Islamic state. Overtime they grew, and then  weakened,  because in part of our military involvement.  Against a threat that Obama tried to brush off as inconsequential. 


" The containment the General was talking about is different than the containment Obama was talking about." - usn 


 I haven't go on to admit that after two years, it was "about damn time" that we started taking it to the JV team. 

even though you failed to prove your point, you at least tried. That's more than most others have done on this board. 


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8 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

So.  You liberals want to silence Milo Yiannopoulos.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Your "bets" don't move the needle for me.  We know there were contacts (phone, email, etc) between Trump aides and the Russians.  We know there were conversations between Flynn and the Russians.  We know the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC.  We know the timeframe of some of the conversations with the Russians overlapped with the hacking.  No serious person disputes any of these things.  We may not know the content of all those conversations and we might not know whether the timing of the contacts and the hacking are merely coincidence (and to the degree that people are speculating on the content, that could be fake, but that's also not the point).  But it is perfectly reasonable to ask questions and expect answers on the matter.  That's not "fake" or debunked.

I guess Obama isn't one of those " reasonable " persons. 


“We were frankly more concerned in the run up to the election to the possibilities of vote tampering, which we did not see evidence of,” he said. “And we’re confident that we can guard against.”

During an interview with the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, Obama downplayed the hack of a private email account of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, defending his administration for revealing in October that the Russian government was connected.

“None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”

Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.

He also criticized President-elect Donald Trump for calling on the Russian government to hack Hillary’s emails to reveal the contents of the deleted emails from her private server, and reminded the audience that Trump had campaign officials connected to Russia.

“What’s happened to our political system where some emails that were hacked and released ended up being the overwhelming story, and the constant source of coverage – breathless coverage – that was depicted as somehow damning in all sorts of ways when the truth of the matter was it was fairly routine stuff?” he said.


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10 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I guess Obama isn't one of those " reasonable " persons. 


“We were frankly more concerned in the run up to the election to the possibilities of vote tampering, which we did not see evidence of,” he said. “And we’re confident that we can guard against.”

During an interview with the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, Obama downplayed the hack of a private email account of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, defending his administration for revealing in October that the Russian government was connected.

“None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”

Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.

He also criticized President-elect Donald Trump for calling on the Russian government to hack Hillary’s emails to reveal the contents of the deleted emails from her private server, and reminded the audience that Trump had campaign officials connected to Russia.

“What’s happened to our political system where some emails that were hacked and released ended up being the overwhelming story, and the constant source of coverage – breathless coverage – that was depicted as somehow damning in all sorts of ways when the truth of the matter was it was fairly routine stuff?” he said.


Don't really care about Obama or his opinions.  Since when do you?  We're talking about Trump's people and the reasonableness of asking questions about all of the Russia stuff.  Stay on topic or have future posts deleted.

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18 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Don't really care about Obama or his opinions.  Since when do you?  We're talking about Trump's people and the reasonableness of asking questions about all of the Russia stuff.  Stay on topic or have future posts deleted.

Well, Obama, being President, IS suppose to have some sort of sway and gravitas w/ his words, is he not ? Not to mention the resources to be able to find out certain things, via our Intelligence Agencies , the likelihood of whether or not our elections could be hacked.( It wasn't ) 

" No serious person would even suggest you could rig the election.. " Barack Hussein Obama. 

Of course, he SAYS this , before the election. It was clearly in Obama's benefit to instill confidence in  the process, to the American people, and the world, as Hillary was so comfortably ahead in the polls.  

And that should have ended it all.

But then the election happened, And Hillary lost. 

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 If that's the case, then they should be able to cite from all the alleged times that I've been caught lying. Just understand , that I will not take this lying down. I will not allow myself to be the victim of those who want to bear false witness.


 I did not start this little sidebar. If you want to warn anybody about staying on topic, then do so appropriately towards those who falsely accuse me and others.  If they want to make the charge, then they should be able to prove it. 

That has been done repeatedly.  Your refusal to acknowledge is meaningless.  Deception and deflection are, for the most part, all you bring to the forum.

You are a poor contributor.

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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Well, Obama, being President, IS suppose to have some sort of sway and gravitas w/ his words, is he not ? Not to mention the resources to be able to find out certain things, via our Intelligence Agencies , the likelihood of whether or not our elections could be hacked.( It wasn't ) 

" No serious person would even suggest you could rig the election.. " Barack Hussein Obama. 

Of course, he SAYS this , before the election. It was clearly in Obama's benefit to instill confidence in  the process, to the American people, and the world, as Hillary was so comfortably ahead in the polls.  

And that should have ended it all.

But then the election happened, And Hillary lost. 

Perhaps, like the rest of us, Obama was not aware that the Trump campaign was in contact with the Russians during the election?

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

That has been done repeatedly.

It's never been done. USN claimed to have done it, but the best he could do was only prove my point that he had nothing. His quote was fictional. What he ( and I'm guessing you and others as well ) THINK I might have said turns out to be entirely different than what is on record. 

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Perhaps, like the rest of us, Obama was not aware that the Trump campaign was in contact with the Russians during the election?

You honestly think that Obama, in control of the most sophisticated spy agency on the planet was totally unaware of what was being said ? Even after the Gen. Flynn  ' leak ' , which itself is illegal ? 

There was nothing that Trump did which was wrong here. The Russians in no way ' hacked ' our election. Obama openly declared such claims to be nonsensical. 

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Influencing the election is not "rigging" it, which implies manipulating or falsifying the vote count.  

Influencing would be things like propagating lies, interjecting illegal money, or hacking into a candidates computer looking for information to use against them.

Trump first used the term "rigging" in the context the Democrats were going to do it. That's what Obama was referring to.  

And there's no way the intelligence community would know about all such interference at the time it was occuring.

This "but Obama..." shtick is getting old.

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