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Mainstream Media’s Russian/Aide Story is Fake News by Their Own Definition


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Do you not think we should pause and wait for actual facts before judging what actually transpired? It certainly is not clear to me if laws were broken. It is not clear to me that there is a problem with conversing with foreign entities. Seems like there is much speculation, little fact. Let's hope we get some definitive clarity soon.


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A few things here:

1)  No mainstream media outlet has judged Trump on this.  Every report that I've read across multiple mainstream sources has said something to the effect of "currently there is no evidence of a crime being committed".  Hell, on CNN and MSNBC last night, they went out of their way to make that point.  What makes the current situation newsworthy is that current members of the Trump administration had contact with Russia during the campaign, a campaign in which our intelligence community has flat out said the Russians meddled with.  So naturally, people want to investigate and know if there was collusion involved.

2)  I don't think you understand the definition of "fake news".  Just because reporting is incomplete to this point doesn't mean it's inaccurate.  This is a situation of reporters passing along the information they currently have, as corroborated by multiple high-level sources in the intelligence community, but it is a continuously developing story.  Fake news is the following:

- Pizza place is now a haven for Pedophiles, being run by the Clinton's  (proven untrue)

- Thousands of Muslims celebrate in New Jersey as Towers Fall  (no proof anywhere of this)

- Three Million People Voted Illegally  (no proof anywhere of this)

The problem we now have is that there is a large portion of our society that will believe any-damn-thing you tell them if it confirms their already held biases, especially the fake crap that permeates far-right and far-left sites.  It's the collective lack of critical thinking in America that is driving partisan B.S. like the link you posted, as people apparently no longer have the cognitive ability to discern opinion portions of news vs the actual, well-reported facts.

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32 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Do you not think we should pause and wait for actual facts before judging what actually transpired? It certainly is not clear to me if laws were broken. It is not clear to me that there is a problem with conversing with foreign entities. Seems like there is much speculation, little fact. Let's hope we get some definitive clarity soon.


GREAT post. It really makes me angry the way Flynn has been treated. He had a distinguished military career including combat duty. I bet the majority of those trashing him never served a day. I don't defend his lie or his dismissal but for his critics, let those who have never lied throw the first rock.

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7 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

A few things here:

1)  No mainstream media outlet has judged Trump on this.  Every report that I've read across multiple mainstream sources has said something to the effect of "currently there is no evidence of a crime being committed".  

Why throw out it on the Headline Brad? Why all the hoopla? asking  the question because you have a great bio and seem to be objective.

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14 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Why throw out it on the Headline Brad? Why all the hoopla? asking  the question because you have a great bio and seem to be objective.

What headlines are you talking about?  Would love some specifics on this.  I say this because the current headlines on these sites read like this (only grabbing a few for examples):

CNN:  Trump aides in constant touch with Russian officials during campaign

USA Today:  Donald Trump's ties to Russia go back 30 years

NBC:  Piecing together the Russian story amid Flynn fallout

ABC:  Trump associates communicated with suspected Russian intelligence officials ahead of election

As for the hoopla, I think I answered that in my earlier post.  Reposting that part and bolding for you here:

What makes the current situation newsworthy is that current members of the Trump administration had contact with Russia during the campaign, a campaign in which our intelligence community has flat out said the Russians meddled with.  So naturally, people want to investigate and know if there was collusion involved.

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Simple - what is the content? Bigger question is why the deluge of Russia with the above mentioned - you forgot Fox.

Are they saying? that there was contact but no one on this planet has the content of contact?

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20 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Simple - what is the content? Bigger question is why the deluge of Russia with the above mentioned - you forgot Fox.

Are they saying? that there was contact but no one on this planet has the content of contact?

The content is in the story.  Not sure how a headline could provide the whole story with content and your original statement of concern seemed to be around headlines.

As for Fox, I didn't forget them.  I purposely left them out to show examples from what some would consider "left-leaning" outlets and the restraint in those headlines, as none of them accuse the administration of breaking laws.  The headlines only state that Trump's team communicated with Russia during the election, which has been backed up by multiple outlets over the last 24 hours.

No one knows the full content of the conversations yet.  That's the original point I made of it being a developing story.  Sometimes all of the facts are there at once and sometimes they come out at different intervals.  This looks to be the latter.  Either way, as long as they are truthful and based on solid reporting (which it seems this story is), it is worthy of publishing.

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

The problem we now have is that there is a large portion of our society that will believe any-damn-thing you tell them if it confirms their already held biases, especially the fake crap that permeates far-right and far-left sites.  It's the collective lack of critical thinking in America that is driving partisan B.S. like the link you posted, as people apparently no longer have the cognitive ability to discern opinion portions of news vs the actual, well-reported facts.

I think you mostly nailed it here with a slight miss, I thought FTP nailed it as well.

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2 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

GREAT post. It really makes me angry the way Flynn has been treated. He had a distinguished military career including combat duty. I bet the majority of those trashing him never served a day. I don't defend his lie or his dismissal but for his critics, let those who have never lied throw the first rock.

Who fired him? Why?

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9 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Why is a good a question? could it be that he lied and trust was a by-gone. Your thoughts?

That's what Spicer said-- so how is he the victim?

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26 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Who fired him? Why?

I think you know the answer to that,,,,he lied. So you can ignore all the lies Obama, Hillary. et al, told and can't even acknowledge Flynn's distinguished to his country?

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25 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I think you know the answer to that,,,,he lied. So you can ignore all the lies Obama, Hillary. et al, told and can't even acknowledge Flynn's distinguished to his country?

Up until he became an embarrassment. We are in the present, Proud. 

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12 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Up until he became an embarrassment. We are in the present, Proud. 

So no other high level official in DC has lied recently, especially ones with no distinguished career like Flynn's? I'm in the present and I'm not happy at all with what I see happening in out country, especially in the political world.

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Just now, Proud Tiger said:

So no other high level official in DC has lied recently, especially ones with a distinguished career like Flynn's? I'm in the present and I'm not happy at all with what I see happening in out country, especially in the political world.

If you're still talking about Obama, you're not in the present.  Everything is not filtered through "But Obama..." or "But did you react this way when Obama..."

What's going on at this moment stands or falls on its own merits.  The ever-present, knee-jerk hypocrisy charge is a separate discussion.  

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3 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

If you're still talking about Obama, you're not in the present.  Everything is not filtered through "But Obama..." or "But did you react this way when Obama..."

What's going on at this moment stands or falls on its own merits.  The ever-present, knee-jerk hypocrisy charge is a separate discussion.  

The only problem with your argument is for 6 years after Obama was elected President every problem was laid at Bush's doorstep. People are just following an American tradition of blaming it on the guy that came before. It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times. It is always somebody else's fault.

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7 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

The only problem with your argument is for 6 years after Obama was elected President every problem was laid at Bush's doorstep. People are just following an American tradition of blaming it on the guy that came before. It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times. It is always somebody else's fault.


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34 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

The only problem with your argument is for 6 years after Obama was elected President every problem was laid at Bush's doorstep. People are just following an American tradition of blaming it on the guy that came before. It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times. It is always somebody else's fault.

The fact that the Dems may have done it doesn't make it an actual argument or rebuttal to what's going on.  It's a deflection away from the actual topic.  You're wanting to make the issue the hypocrisy of the Dems or the media, but that is a separate issue.  What the issue is, is Flynn's actions and how the Trump administration handled it.  Period.

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36 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

The fact that the Dems may have done it doesn't make it an actual argument or rebuttal to what's going on.  It's a deflection away from the actual topic.  You're wanting to make the issue the hypocrisy of the Dems or the media, but that is a separate issue.  What the issue is, is Flynn's actions and how the Trump administration handled it.  Period.

You didn't read all of what I said:

"It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times."

I didn't rebut it I only pointed out it is the same thing the other side did and I also said it was false than and still is I don't know how I could have been any clearer.




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Just now, AuburnNTexas said:

You didn't read all of what I said:

"It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times."

I didn't rebut it I only pointed out it is the same thing the other side did and I also said it was false than and still is I don't know how I could have been any clearer.

I guess it was the lack of anything to say about the actual topic.  Yes, you made the caveat above, but still only reiterated what the other side did.  I'm glad that you're not saying that's a legit response, but you didn't offer any other response either.

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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

So no other high level official in DC has lied recently, especially ones with no distinguished career like Flynn's? I'm in the present and I'm not happy at all with what I see happening in out country, especially in the political world.

Start a thread on other liars, if you wish. 

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1 hour ago, AuburnNTexas said:

The only problem with your argument is for 6 years after Obama was elected President every problem was laid at Bush's doorstep. People are just following an American tradition of blaming it on the guy that came before. It was a false argument before and it still is but it is the reality of our times. It is always somebody else's fault.

There is some truth to that narrative.  However, there is a greater truth which should be obvious to all.  Bush left office and, left the country in an absolute mess.

While there are plenty of politically motivated criticisms of W. Bush, there are certainly plenty of legitimate criticisms of decisions and policy.  There were legitimate reasons to assert that W. Bush caused many of Obama's headaches.  


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I do not believe Gen. Flynn's lie, is the lie in question.  I believe the big lie was,,,,the Trump campaign had no contact with the Russians.

Regardless of party, we should all want to know the realities of Russian involvement in our election.

Too many people are worried about the partisan implications.  Too few invested in the implications regarding our system, our government, our society.

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