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Fake Twitter Accc't Leads to Fake News/Comments

Proud Tiger

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NYT, Pelosi and Cummings fooled by fake twitter acc't. Just another example of why it is hard to accept at face value what any media/politician reports/says these days when there is so much polarization.


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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Pelosi and Cummings got fooled by fake twitters?

I'm prepared to accept that as real. :dunno:

Pelosi, Cummings, Waters AND the NYT... 

Glad to hear you're not a denier after all. 

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Pelosi, Cummings, Waters AND the NYT... 

Glad to hear you're not a denier after all. 

Well, it's one thing to be fooled and propogate false information, it's something else altogether to create a false story and propagate it.  Although, I am sure that's too nuanced for you to appreciate.

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14 hours ago, homersapien said:

Well, it's one thing to be fooled and propogate false information, it's something else altogether to create a false story and propagate it.  Although, I am sure that's too nuanced for you to appreciate.

1. Federally elected officials ( plural ) , as well s the NYT, seem incapable of catching the most simple of things, whether a Twitter account is authentic or not, ( it's a blue check mark, next to the name ) and THEN continue to go to the floor of the House and call for investigations, based on a completely false tweet.  That should be a warning sign of their competency , right away. 

2. The MSM has indeed been caught going to press and on air many many FAKE NEWS stories , concerning this President. 


There's nothing nuanced about that ,  homer. You're just too damn partisan to admit it or understand the significance of either. 

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37 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

1. Federally elected officials ( plural ) , as well s the NYT, seem incapable of catching the most simple of things, whether a Twitter account is authentic or not, ( it's a blue check mark, right there by the name ) and THEN continue to go to the floor of the House and call for investigations, based on a completely false tweet.  That should be a warning sign of their competency , right away. 

2. The MSM has indeed been caught going to press and on air many many FAKE NEWS stories , concerning this President. 

There's nothing nuanced about that ,  homer. You're just too damn partisan to admit it or understand the significance of either. 

Three paragraphs while avoiding my point alltogether!

Getting fooled and/or publishing a mistake can happen to anyone, and does.  That's why retractions and corrections are submitted by virtually every news organization from time to time.

Fake news is purposely disseminating information known to be false.  Big difference.

And if I were a Trump supporter, I'd avoid the subject of 'competence' altogether.

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25 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Three paragraphs while avoiding my point alltogether!

Getting fooled and/or publishing a mistake can happen to anyone, and does.  That's why retractions and corrections are submitted by virtually every news organization from time to time.

Fake news is purposely disseminating information known to be false.  Big difference.

And if I were a Trump supporter, I'd avoid the subject of 'competence' altogether.

It's called educating you on the particulars. Not seeing a big blue check next to a name is NOT " a mistake ". It is either a show of complete incompetency or it's LYING to promote an agenda.  That 3 Dem elected officials and the NYT ALL " missed " the most obvious of indicators, proving they can't do even the most basic of fact checking, proves they are buffoons or are liars. Pick one. 

Stop repeating things back to me which I already know as some sort of grand statement. That IS the point ! These folks are INTENTIONALLY spreading false stories to promote their agenda !! THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT FOR ME !!

Good thing I'm not a Trump supporter, or what ever. Just an honest American who will not roll over when ever the MSM or Leftists try to lie to the public. 

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17 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

It's called educating you on the particulars. Not seeing a big blue check next to a name is NOT " a mistake ". It is either a show of complete incompetency or it's LYING to promote an agenda.  That 3 Dem elected officials and the NYT ALL " missed " the most obvious of indicators, proving they can't do even the most basic of fact checking, proves they are buffoons or are liars. Pick one. 

Stop repeating things back to me which I already know as some sort of grand statement. That IS the point ! These folks are INTENTIONALLY spreading false stories to promote their agenda !! THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT FOR ME !!

Good thing I'm not a Trump supporter, or what ever. Just an honest American who will not roll over when ever the MSM or Leftists try to lie to the public. 

Not the people who simply made a mistake.  

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30 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Not the people who simply made a mistake.  


One person doing it, maybe. But 3 senior members of the same party, AND the most " respected " newspaper in the country ?? 

Not a mistake 


Actually, my 2nd comment, which you seem to have mistaken for the twitter stuff, was actually about the MULTIPLE number of fake news stories  ( <-- ilnked here, again )  which have come out since the election. Thus the LINK I provided, in the above post.  Those are exclusively NOT " mistakes " , by the media, and have been proven to be - fake news.   Just to clarify. 

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Poor Homie....


“The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.”


Dems doing same as repubs did for years, but some people can't accept that.

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