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Russia Deploys missle violating Reagan/Gorbachev agreement that essentially ended the cold war.


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This is big.  We need to respond strongly.


I will post a PBS NewsHour link as soon as availble.  They did a segment on this, putting it into the perspective of the lack of positions to be filled at the assistant/deputy level of the state department and security offices.


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31 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Russia also has a spy ship about 30 miles off the coast of Connecticut and Russian planes have buzzed one of our ships. 

Trump isn't addressing any questions about Russia.

Not to worry. After all you know Trump is big buds with Putin:-\

I would note that an Iranian General visited Moscow today in CLEAR violation of the idiotic Obama/Kerrytreaty with Iran. They are LTAO at us.

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52 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Not to worry. After all you know Trump is big buds with Putin:-\

I would note that an Iranian General visited Moscow today in CLEAR violation of the idiotic Obama/Kerrytreaty with Iran. They are LTAO at us.

You have a reference for that?

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3 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Not to worry. After all you know Trump is big buds with Putin:-\

I would note that an Iranian General visited Moscow today in CLEAR violation of the idiotic Obama/Kerrytreaty with Iran. They are LTAO at us.

No, Trump is Putin's useful idiot. 

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28 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Any proof/evidence to support such an accusation?

Just 11 intelligence agencies that confirmed Russian hacking, people in Trump's camp with ties to Russia, the defiant  refusal of Trump to release his tax returns, the continued defense of Putin by Trump, who himself called on Russia to hack the US.... 

The evidence exists. I can do nothing if you refuse to see it. 

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12 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Just 11 intelligence agencies that confirmed Russian hacking, people in Trump's camp with ties to Russia, the defiant  refusal of Trump to release his tax returns, the continued defense of Putin by Trump, who himself called on Russia to hack the US.... 

The evidence exists. I can do nothing if you refuse to see it. 

We have 11 intelligence agencies?  Have they determined the breaking of any law?  I didn't hear you complaining about Hillary's law breaking with her email scandal.  Can you say for a fact he e-mail server with classified material on it wasn't hacked? Lock Hillary up first and then let's worry about Flynn.

As fax tax returns there is no law requiring Trump to release his tax return. He has said repeatedly he will release it when the IRS finishes their audit. There IS a law against not paying your taxes and I guess you have forgot that Obama's Sec. of the Treasury  Geitner was sworn in owing back taxes.

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13 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Any proof/evidence to support such an accusation?

Wait a minute.  Your next on the docket for providing evidence for your specific claim.

Still waiting.

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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

We have 11 intelligence agencies?  Have they determined the breaking of any law?  I didn't hear you complaining about Hillary's law breaking with her email scandal.  Can you say for a fact he e-mail server with classified material on it wasn't hacked? Lock Hillary up first and then let's worry about Flynn.

As fax tax returns there is no law requiring Trump to release his tax return. He has said repeatedly he will release it when the IRS finishes their audit. There IS a law against not paying your taxes and I guess you have forgot that Obama's Sec. of the Treasury  Geitner was sworn in owing back taxes.

I believe the US intelligence agencies contain 17 active partners. And I believe they determined Russia hacked the US. Last time I checked, hacking is against the law, so yes, a law was broken. The problem I suppose is how do you prosecute a foreign government? 

As for HRC, whom you bring up every time you decide to troll me, she was investigated by the FBI (They are part of the IC, btw) and it was determined that there was no reason to prosecute. But since you are so concerned with private email servers and security, why aren't you complaining about Trump tweeting from a non secure android phone? And why on earth would Trump fire Flynn if it was as he said just "Fake news"? 

Trump had already put out a statement that he will not release his tax returns. The audit story was nonsense, even the IRS said audits don't prevent release. Your pivot to an Obama appointee is duly noted, but really has zero to do with Trump refusing to release his tax returns, 

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You 'believe" and "suppose" a lot Did you watch Trump's press conference today. Hope you did because he addressed all the concerns you raise.

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