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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Congress is the swamp:

“The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded," says Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

We should require IQ tests for elected office.

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31 minutes ago, au75 said:

President Trump acted in a quick and decisive matter when he lost trust in Flynn.  Who will be next?  Anyone who lies to the President or the Vice President.  :flag:

Quick and decisive? Kellyanne says that Flynn offered his resignation. Spicey says it was asked for. Which is it?

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56 minutes ago, au75 said:

President Trump acted in a quick and decisive matter when he lost trust in Flynn.  Who will be next?  Anyone who lies to the President or the Vice President.  :flag:

Good grief.  


Donald Trump Had ‘No Problem’ With Michael Flynn Talking To The Russians


Spicer admitted Trump first learned about Flynn’s discussions weeks ago, in late January. The president and his staff, he added, discussed it daily from there but didn’t do anything to discipline Flynn until Monday. The reason it took the time it did, Spicer claimed, was because Flynn needed his “due process.”


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43 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Congress is the swamp:

“The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded," says Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

I bet it was an unlisted number too.   ;D

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

pretty quick decision for a government employee.

Not quick enough for someone with access to information even beyond a Top Secret classification.

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Who will be next?


A new Breitbart article reveals much about the war inside the White House

Sources tell Steve Bannon’s old website that Reince Priebus is doing a terrible job.


Or possibly, white house counsel Donald McGahn:



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6 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

And lies and cover up continued. Pence thinks it's a big deal.

Like a lot of these type scandals the offense isn't what takes the person down it is the lying and coverup when caught that does the real damage.

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10 minutes ago, homersapien said:


A new Breitbart article reveals much about the war inside the White House

Sources tell Steve Bannon’s old website that Reince Priebus is doing a terrible job.

Wait, you're telling me that in a power struggle between Preibus and Bannon, Bannon's old website puts out a hit piece on the Chief of Staff?  Well I never.....

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1 minute ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Like a lot of these type scandals the offense isn't what takes the person down it is the lying and coverup when caught that does the real damage.

But in this case, it definitely should have been the offense itself.  Why that wasn't enough is baffling.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:


A new Breitbart article reveals much about the war inside the White House

Sources tell Steve Bannon’s old website that Reince Priebus is doing a terrible job.


Or possibly, white house counsel Donald McGahn:



So Bannon oversees the small team that writes the EO immigration ban then throws Priebus under the bus by blaming him? The Devil may have a new right arm. 

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And speaking of hypcrisy:


House Oversight Committee Chair Won’t Investigate Michael Flynn

“It’s taking care of itself,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said.



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1 minute ago, AUFAN78 said:

What is it with you people and your making a point stance? Can't you guys read? The article speaks for itself. Read it! 

78, part of the point with splitting off the smack talk forum was to avoid drive by posts. If you could provide a short breakdown of what you found interesting about the article, it would be appreciated. 

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32 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

78, part of the point with splitting off the smack talk forum was to avoid drive by posts. If you could provide a short breakdown of what you found interesting about the article, it would be appreciated. 

No problem Ben. I found the entire article intriguing. 

Specifically, that Trump lost trust in Flynn and asked for his resignation. Or that heads will likely roll in the IC due to leaks.

I mean seriously, I don't know what more one could add here. It was well written and quite clear.


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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

What is it with you people and your making a point stance? Can't you guys read? The article speaks for itself. Read it! 

I'm sorry, but for some reason I got the impression you were defending Flynn/Trump.  Maybe I confused you with 75?  :dunno:

Anyway, the only reason I asked for your point was your link appeared to be a total reversal from what I thought was your position and I wanted to clarify.

I apologize for the confusion.  

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7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I'm sorry, but for some reason I got the impression you were defending Flynn/Trump.  Maybe I confused you with 75?  :dunno:

Anyway, the only reason I asked for your point was your link appeared to be a total reversal from what I thought was your position and I wanted to clarify.

I apologize for the confusion.  

No need for apologies. Admittedly I failed to realize which forum I was participating in and failed to put in my two cents. Clearly these separate forums blur the lines at times as has been previously noted. It was my mistake. No worries from my standpoint. Carry on. 

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14 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

You think something that happened 46 years ago has the same relevance as something that happened a few months back and right before the person was elevated to National Security Adviser?

The offenses are somewhat comparable, though Kerry's were much, much worse. Kerry should have been tried, convicted and hung for treason. However, now the Dems want to make a BFD out of Flynn talking to a country we're not even in a shooting conflict with. Just pointing out another case of the "hypocrisy of the left".

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14 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

I don't mean this disrespectfully, but have you really tried to gather info on this matter in an effort to understand it before  posting about what John Kerry did 50 years ago?

I don't need to gather info, I lived through it. I can still visualize the traitor, John Kerry, speaking to the NV on my black & white TV screen. That was a year after I graduated from Auburn.

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