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Flynn is history.


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Put me in the wait and see camp. If proven laws were indeed broken, let's hope the administration handles appropriately.

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7 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Put me in the wait and see camp. If proven laws were indeed broken, let's hope the administration handles appropriately.

The administration doesn't give a s*** about the law being broken.

He set Mike Pence up to essentially lie on his behalf by lying to him.  That's why he's as good as gone.

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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

The administration doesn't give a s*** about the law being broken.

He set Mike Pence up to essentially lie on his behalf by lying to him.  That's why he's as good as gone.

We'll see. I suspect if it is indeed found that Flynn intentionally lied to Pence he is as good as gone. 

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The retired general has always been a lightning rod. He was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration for, reportedly, being a mercurial and difficult manager, though most people who have worked with him agree he is a brilliant intelligence officer, if one prone to conspiracy theories. He was a strange fit on the Trump campaign, a registered Democrat, but one who was willing to say what other Trump allies would never say publicly or in such blunt terms. (“Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL,” he once tweeted.) On the campaign trail, he happily led “Lock her up!” chants.


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Trump is managing his presidency just like he managed his campaign - unorganized chaos.

'Run the country like a business' my ass.

The problem with that philosophy of Trump's is that the country isn't a business. The country isn't a money making industry that puts profit margin above all else. The fact that voters didn't have the foresight to see the problems that would follow THIS businessman elected as POTUS still amazes me. 

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2 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

The problem with that philosophy of Trump's is that the country isn't a business. The country isn't a money making industry that puts profit margin above all else. The fact that voters didn't have the foresight to see the problems that would follow THIS businessman elected as POTUS still amazes me. 

 Granted the country is not a business in terms of profits.... Think we all want a little more efficiency. Simplify it - spend a a morning DVM and understand. Do some work as a government contractor. Sickening.  I am speaking as one who profited nicely during the meat of my career from government inefficiency.      

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39 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

 Granted the country is not a business in terms of profits.... Think we all want a little more efficiency. Simplify it - spend a a morning DVM and understand. Do some work as a government contractor. Sickening.  I am speaking as one who profited nicely during the meat of my career from government inefficiency.      

I myself am so tired of complaining about government waste. I am ready to be a part of it.

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The Justice Department warned the Trump administration last month that Michael Flynn misled administration officials regarding his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States and was potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.


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3 hours ago, augolf1716 said:


Looks like we nailed it. Flynn resigns.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

The Justice Department warned the Trump administration last month that Michael Flynn misled administration officials regarding his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States and was potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.


And Trump denied knowing anything about it.

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12 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

And Trump denied knowing anything about it.

First he heard about it was watching the news, same as everyone else... 

Oh wait, that was the other guy.

Never mind. 

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I said all along while Trump was running down the IC that they wouldn't take it lying down and now Flynn is the fall guy. Leaks sank Flynn and more will be coming. There are many holes in the ship.

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I don't understand the outrage. Flynn, as a private citizen, talked to representatives of a foreign country. In 1970 John Kerry, a private citizen, held pubic talks with the North Vietnamese,  a foreign nation that we were in armed conflict with. Yet the Dems ran him for president and later appointed him to the Sec. of State job. Why is what Flynn did suddenly a problem? Or will we now finally get around to prosecuting Kerry for treason?

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10 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I don't understand the outrage. Flynn, as a private citizen, talked to representatives of a foreign country. In 1970 John Kerry, a private citizen, held pubic talks with the North Vietnamese,  a foreign nation that we were in armed conflict with. Yet the Dems ran him for president and later appointed him to the Sec. of State job. Why is what Flynn did suddenly a problem? Or will we now finally get around to prosecuting Kerry for treason?

I don't mean this disrespectfully, but have you really tried to gather info on this matter in an effort to understand it before  posting about what John Kerry did 50 years ago?

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12 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I don't understand the outrage. Flynn, as a private citizen, talked to representatives of a foreign country. In 1970 John Kerry, a private citizen, held pubic talks with the North Vietnamese,  a foreign nation that we were in armed conflict with. Yet the Dems ran him for president and later appointed him to the Sec. of State job. Why is what Flynn did suddenly a problem? Or will we now finally get around to prosecuting Kerry for treason?

You think something that happened 46 years ago has the same relevance as something that happened a few months back and right before the person was elevated to National Security Adviser?

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3 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I don't understand the outrage. Flynn, as a private citizen, talked to representatives of a foreign country. In 1970 John Kerry, a private citizen, held pubic talks with the North Vietnamese,  a foreign nation that we were in armed conflict with. Yet the Dems ran him for president and later appointed him to the Sec. of State job. Why is what Flynn did suddenly a problem? Or will we now finally get around to prosecuting Kerry for treason?


Had Flynn admitted it or owned up to it as a mistake, it probably would not have been a big deal beyond partisan politics.  When the Vice President publicly defends you, only to end up with egg on his face because you misled him, you usually end up falling on your sword.

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18 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I don't understand the outrage. Flynn, as a private citizen, talked to representatives of a foreign country. In 1970 John Kerry, a private citizen, held pubic talks with the North Vietnamese,  a foreign nation that we were in armed conflict with. Yet the Dems ran him for president and later appointed him to the Sec. of State job. Why is what Flynn did suddenly a problem? Or will we now finally get around to prosecuting Kerry for treason?

Logan Act.

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9 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

You think something that happened 46 years ago has the same relevance as something that happened a few months back and right before the person was elevated to National Security Adviser?

And lies and cover up continued. Pence thinks it's a big deal.

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