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Elections Commissioner Demands Trump Prove Outrageous Voter Fraud Claims


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If Trump has proof, he needs to immediately share it with the public, Ellen L. Weintraub said.



Trump cannot exist in an environment where he is taken seriously.  What blatant dependence on the "big lie"!


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As usual the story behind the headline isn’t actually the story, but rather the symptom of a broken and fractured immigration system that allowed Rosa Ortega an illegal Mexican alien to first take advantage of our shattered immigration laws by illegally entering America, and then by compounding that illegal act by voting 5-times, thus affecting our election process.


Ortega who brazenly registered to vote in the state of Texas and 5-different cities, was allowed to “illegally” cast her vote in 5-different polling places is indeed outrageous enough, however here’s the kicker, her license (which is bad enough for a non-citizen to acquire) actually had the box identifying her as a “non-citizen” checked off, and yet she was allowed to vote!






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I wonder why then all the big push back over having to present identification to vote?  That could eliminate some questions right off.


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20 hours ago, WDavE said:

I wonder why then all the big push back over having to present identification to vote?  That could eliminate some questions right off.


For the most part, people get IDs so that they can drive.  Lower income and older voters may not have the need for an ID because they either take public transportation or rely on others to get around.  IDs also cost money. For the lower the income voter, that decision could be the difference between food or getting an ID.  Which then begs this question:

Why should these people who have no need for a driver's license be forced to get an ID just to exercise a fundamental right that they are guaranteed as an American?

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On 2/12/2017 at 2:10 PM, AURaptor said:

She voted multiple times, so ... 

She didn't vote in the 2016 election and she never cast multiple votes in a single election.


Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

On Wednesday, a Tarrant County, Tex., jury convicted 37-year-old Rosa Maria Ortega on two felony charges of illegal voting, for casting a ballot as a noncitizen in 2012 and 2014. Ortega is a green-card holder who was brought to the United States from Mexico when she was an infant, her attorney said...

...Ortega did not vote in the 2016 presidential election, her attorney, Clark Birdsall, told The Washington Post by phone on Saturday.

Ortega was a registered Republican who had been voting for more than a decade, he said. On her voter application, Ortega was faced with only two options — to mark herself as a ‘citizen’ or a ‘noncitizen’ — and didn’t know better, he added.

“She doesn’t know. She’s got this [green] card that says ‘resident’ on it, so she doesn’t mark that she’s not a citizen,” Birdsall said. “She had no ulterior motive beyond what she thought, mistakenly, was her civic duty.”...

...Birdsall said Ortega has voted in five elections since 2004, each time casting only a single ballot.  Ortega voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election and then — somewhat ironically — for Ken Paxton for Texas attorney general in a 2014 Republican primary runoff. Paxton would go on to win and, less than three years later, deal the eight-year sentence to Ortega.



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And once again we find ourselves pondering the rapidly expanding limits of of outrage.

Imagine: A legally elected POTUS deliberately indicting the basic fairness of our electoral system.  All for the sake of tending his narcissistic ego.

We represent the pinnacle of what is possible in a liberal democracy.  Many people of the world look to us for the example of the democracy they should strive for.  And here is our president telling them our system is basically crooked or terribly flawed.  I am embarrassed for our country.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

She didn't vote in the 2016 election and she never cast multiple votes in a single election.


 You're taking the word of the girls lawyer, and ignoring the fact that she voted illegally for a decade. 

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Just now, AURaptor said:

 You're taking the word of the girls lawyer, and ignoring the fact that she voted illegally for a decade. 

No, I'm taking the word of the allegations and the electoral records.  No one has accused her of voting multiple times in a single election nor of doing so in the 2016 election.

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