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Betsy DeVos confirmed Education Secretary 51-50


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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I mean, those are the rules.  I don't see where Pence did anything wrong here.

That said, I don't really think she's a great pick.  It's not so much her views, but rather he experience I question.  She just doesn't seem knowledgeable enough for the job.

I couldn't agree with you more. I like the fact that she is pro-choice and pro-charter school. I think her intentions are good and she puts her money behind what she believes in. That said she has no true experience and during the interview process she was obviously not very well prepared.  There are people within the Education Environment who are pro-choice and pro-charter who also have experience in Public Education.  I am pro-choice and pro-charter but there is no way that I believe that by themselves they will improve our educational system. It needs to be addressed on multiple fronts and I don't believe she is the person to do it. 

That said I would have expected Pence to vote for her.

Now I hope I am wrong and she will use the talents of people who have been involved in Education while also allowing ideas from outside the educational group to help kick start our system especially in the areas like certain poor urban and poor rural environments that need the most help in reforming their systems. That said the real reform has to happen at the state and local level.

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Of course pence was going to vote for her. He is a puppet for trump and has always been for sale. Hell he took tobacco money and claimed cigarettes don't kill. This along with Secretary of State are the worst possible picks. I couldn't try and make worse picks. 

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Just now, alexava said:

Of course pence was going to vote for her. He is a puppet for trump and has always been for sale. Hell he took tobacco money and claimed cigarettes don't kill. This along with Secretary of State are the worst possible picks. I couldn't try and make worse picks. 

Any VP would vote to confirm the President's choice for cabinet member in the event of a 50-50 deadlock.  It's not about Pence or Trump, Republican or Democrat.  

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

What's your point?

Not really a point. Just another opinion post on the topic. 

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The problem with underperforming schools, isn't the teachers...its the students. The entitled mentality of not having to work to accomplish anything and wanting everything to be given to them has infected the education system and administrators are afraid of standing up against it.  As students, there is no accountability or personal responsibility.  

For example, my district has a ZAP policy(zeros aren't permitted) stating if a student doesn't turn something in they have an indefinite time to get it turned in and we have to give them multiple opportunities with different types of work that could be considered equivalent work.  If you haven't turn in work when its due in my class I can't give a zero...so give them all 1's.  FTR, after the first 9 weeks, I don't have students that miss deadlines. We continue to lower expectations and generate more excuses  for why they can't be successful instead of creating expectations and opportunities that demand success.

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1 hour ago, bigbird said:

The problem with underperforming schools, isn't the teachers...its the students. The entitled mentality of not having to work to accomplish anything and wanting everything to be given to them has infected the education system and administrators are afraid of standing up against it.  As students, there is no accountability or personal responsibility.  

For example, my district has a ZAP policy(zeros aren't permitted) stating if a student doesn't turn something in they have an indefinite time to get it turned in and we have to give them multiple opportunities with different types of work that could be considered equivalent work.  If you haven't turn in work when its due in my class I can't give a zero...so give them all 1's.  FTR, after the first 9 weeks, I don't have students that miss deadlines. We continue to lower expectations and generate more excuses  for why they can't be successful instead of creating expectations and opportunities that demand success.

GREAT POST! I don't have kids, so that makes me an expert, but I think you just nailed it. I believe that it is human nature for a person to try to live up to others' expectations of them. If I am right, then we should be expecting more out of kids. Yet, the education is doing the exact opposite. For that reason, I do not have a problem with an unconventional Secretary of Education.

The fuss about her cracks me up. I can't name any Sec of Ed we have ever had. I would assume none have been very good since the performance of our students seems to be consistently getting worse. Would it hurt U.S. education if we put no one in the position?

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15 hours ago, bigbird said:

The problem with underperforming schools, isn't the teachers...its the students. The entitled mentality of not having to work to accomplish anything and wanting everything to be given to them has infected the education system and administrators are afraid of standing up against it.  As students, there is no accountability or personal responsibility.  

For example, my district has a ZAP policy(zeros aren't permitted) stating if a student doesn't turn something in they have an indefinite time to get it turned in and we have to give them multiple opportunities with different types of work that could be considered equivalent work.  If you haven't turn in work when its due in my class I can't give a zero...so give them all 1's.  FTR, after the first 9 weeks, I don't have students that miss deadlines. We continue to lower expectations and generate more excuses  for why they can't be successful instead of creating expectations and opportunities that demand success.

I agree.  I have a couple of nieces in education and their biggest complaint is that many kids enter school completely unprepared.  You shouldn't need to learn your ABC's at school (for example).  You should learn that way before you enter school.

Parents need to take way more responsibility for educating their children. It's not just the school's job.

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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I agree.  I have a couple of nieces in education and there biggest complaint is the kids enter school completely unprepared.  You don't need to learn your ABC's at school (for example).  You should learn that way before you enter school.

Parents need to take way more responsibility for educating their children. It's not just the school's job.

That is literally the first thing I have ever seen you post that I agreed with, lol.  Nice work.

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9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I agree.  I have a couple of nieces in education and there biggest complaint is the kids enter school completely unprepared.  You don't need to learn your ABC's at school (for example).  You should learn that way before you enter school.

Parents need to take way more responsibility for educating their children. It's not just the school's job.

Is that a price we pay for the almost mandatory two income household?

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13 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Is that a price we pay for the almost mandatory two income household?

I am sure it contributes.  

That's one of the reasons pre-school programs are so important.

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