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Congress overturns rule that blocked coal mines from discharging waste into streams


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So presumably, all the Trump supporters see this as a step in the right direction?



WASHINGTON - Republicans this week kicked off their drive to roll back Obama-era environmental regulations by repealing a "Stream Protection Rule" meant to keep coal mines from dumping waste into streams.

The U.S. Senate approved the measure Thursday in a 54 to 45 vote that went largely along party lines, with backing from Ohio GOP Sen. Rob Portman, and a "no" vote from Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown.

The House of Representatives approved it 228 to 194 on Wednesday, with support from all Ohio's Republicans and opposition from all of the state's Democrats.

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A place where the GOP has no problem causing cancer. 

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"The business of American is business".   Society and humanity need to shut up.  If people want to be heard, hire your own lobbyists.  

The problem with liberals is, they think losers get to make the rules.  

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