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QB development is good


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2 minutes ago, ToomersStreet said:

Its the off season  I need something

Lol, I hear ya. And I realize now that I might've sounded like I was pretending that I knew something concrete and was trying to be cryptic. Not the case. I don't know the specifics, and they're not important to me

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46 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Jason White wasn't recruited exclusively to play QB. He was told he'd get a shot and he did. But he was going up against Heisman candidate era-Jeremy Johnson and we were extremely shallow at the WR position at that time. He made the obvious choice for himself quickly. 

As for #1 JUCO ranking, just to make sure, Franklin was the #1 JUCO athlete. He had almost no offers as a QB. Even if Gus was told to start a DT QB, which I don't even remotely begin to believe, he should have at least, you know, chosen a quarterback

He made a mistake because he's still green as a head coach, he's been lacking in intestinal fortitude ever since JJ fell apart and he panicked. The Clemson game this year is a microcosm of Gus's mental state for the 2015 and 2016 seasons. I defended him repeatedly and quite loudly on here for 2015. No coach could have succeeded with the hand he was dealt. But he didn't react to the experience very well. Maybe it's because it was the first time things had ever gone that badly for him while he was the boss. That would make sense.

I think I can (and have) relate(d)


I suspect, however, it's (as always) a new day

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On 2/2/2017 at 3:15 PM, lionheartkc said:

I dropped out of engineering and switched to Industrial Design... you know... because sleep was overrated.

I still do it and it's rewarding....until I took a job in Illinois. For some reason they still expect you to go out and do your job at -20 wind chill.....

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Cases can be made for both sides, I'm just saying finding a piece from a guy that supports your view isn't a game, set, and match. 

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On 2/4/2017 at 3:01 PM, cole256 said:

I still do it and it's rewarding....until I took a job in Illinois. For some reason they still expect you to go out and do your job at -20 wind chill.....

I spun off into graphic design/marketing.  I sit on my a** in front of a computer all day... thus how I have time to reply here.

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2 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

I spun off into graphic design/marketing.  I sit on my a** in front of a computer all day... thus how I have time to reply here.


We are Safe For Workplace?

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On 2/2/2017 at 10:41 PM, metafour said:

Bro, the 2008 team was so f*cked up that Tony Franklin had a meltdown in a practice and started coaching every position by himself like a lunatic.  Anyone who uses Todd's improvement from 08 to 09 as proof of sort of magic coaching job by Malzahn has zero insight into how disfunctional that 2008 team was.

The stunts some posters on here will go through in an effort to make Gus look good are better than anything our Lady Tigers can put on the floor in damn gymnastics meet.  

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