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Secretiveness in the Program


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This is not a factual post, it is primarily opinion on a certain topic, but I wanted to know what the rest of the board felt.

It seems as if the Auburn Football Team is more secluded from the outside world than ever before. What I mean by that is our program seems to do things internally that the public never gets a glimpse of, or has no idea of. We see examples of it in malzahn's continued coach-speak in interviews, odd coaching decisions, and on field personnel packages. But there is a lot of behind the scenes action that takes place that makes you wonder why Auburn/Malzahn is so paranoid about everything.

Im not quite sure I can pinpoint exactly what I'm talking about, but it almost seems like Gus does not trust his fan base, and believes the silliest of information can allow teams to "gain an edge" on him. As fans, is he required to tell us everything that's going on with the program? No... but obviously, what he's been doing is not working, and fans sure are getting frustrated with the less they know about WHY it's not working. Am I hitting a nerve or is it just me? 

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First, Gus doesn't trust the media, and rightly so.  Think about it... his second year in Auburn he had to deal with the Cam BS. After that, the media will be hard pressed to get back in his good graces.

Second, for the past two years, a lot of what has been going on behind the scenes involves injuries, which he is not allowed to address, by law.

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And of course, the readers of blogs and sports sites are not all AU fans....in fact, most probably are not AU fans so no point in giving the opposition any assistance.

Talk about secretive, check in with Bill Belichick's way of handling the media.     http://www.thedrawplay.com/comic/bill-belichick-vs-the-media/

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I am fine with coach speak & such.  He has no reason to trust any media.  It is not about hiding information from the fan base, but since fans get their information from the media then we are just SOL.  The media will twist your words to fit their narrative and the story they want to tell.  Not to mention the information that the opponents can receive.  It is kind of like telling who your starting QB is going to be before the season starts.  Why?  Sure the fans are anxious to get behind a QB but if the opponent has to prepare for more than 1 QB then it may take up some time they could work on refinement.  Most likely 90% of that is BS and they are going to prepare for the scheme rather than the QB but still.  Why give any advantage if you don't have to?

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The distrust of the media is understandable to a large part. It's not just in sports though. Just give them as little as possible and call them out on it when they use misleading story headlines and such. "Trump" them, don't let them get away with it. Gus is a nice guy, some coaches aren't and they don't get questioned like Gus seems to. 

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I wish he would show more energy and enthusiasm. I understand the guarding of injuries and game strategy, but he could stand to lighten up some and have some fun. 

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3 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

I wish he would show more energy and enthusiasm. I understand the guarding of injuries and game strategy, but he could stand to lighten up some and have some fun. 

This is Gus.  He's got a great football mind, and is a defensive coordinators nightmare when he has time to really plan an offense, but a personality... he really doesn't have one... and he'll be the first to tell you that.

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1 hour ago, lionheartkc said:

First, Gus doesn't trust the media, and rightly so.  Think about it... his second year in Auburn he had to deal with the Cam BS. After that, the media will be hard pressed to get back in his good graces.

Second, for the past two years, a lot of what has been going on behind the scenes involves injuries, which he is not allowed to address, by law.

calling BS, the program leaks information(just like every other program) to it's designated press.  The Cam reasoning for it all is throwing a dart and hope it sticks type of reasoning, all beat writers were on top of things and some national pundits who have lost minimal credibility(cuz nobody really cared but bammersy needed a story.  A HC always needs his media to run a program, waiting for an inexperienced HC to let them in is ridiculous to believe to be true.  Gus is still learning but, our program is not that stupid.  The second part of your statement is not entirely accurate either as there are many shady areas in law interpretation and what it falls under.  

  Gus talked a bunch of stuff a couple years ago about JJ and the direction of the program, just more proof that your conclusion is off based.  If anything he is afraid of putting foot in mouth again syndrome.

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4 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

This is Gus.  He's got a great football mind, and is a defensive coordinators nightmare when he has time to really plan an offense, but a personality... he really doesn't have one... and he'll be the first to tell you that.

Kristi does, though.  Opposites attract!  :wareagle:

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It is not so much "distrust" of the media that bothers me. It is "distrust" of Auburn Men BY Auburn Men. Far too many times we eat our own. 

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13 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

This is Gus.  He's got a great football mind, and is a defensive coordinators nightmare when he has time to really plan an offense, but a personality... he really doesn't have one... and he'll be the first to tell you that.


...and if his job did not literally require him to engage with the media at some point or another, we would probably only see him on gamedays.  Some coaches are at ease speaking with the media, and even play around with it.  Les Miles and Steve Spurrier spring to mind.  Some coaches are obviously completely disinterested in speaking with the media, and Gus is very much one of those.  He is not rude; he just makes it clear that he would rather get it over with as quickly as possible.

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It's a tough call for me.  On one hand, like it or not, football (not just college, but ANY level), and all "TV sports" is/are entertainment.  The only reason they exist is the vast amount of $$$$$$ that we poor, dumb sheep pump into them.  So it SHOULD be part of their job, and it does serve them well, to give us what we want, which is as much information on our beloved teams as possible.  Keep us interested, in other words, and we keep forking over the cash.

On the other hand, it is also his job to protect information that would be detrimental for other teams to have.  That's part of his job, for sure, but he does seem to have a strong distrust of the media.  I do believe that 2010 had an effect on him.  Maybe not the reason he's so secretive but certainly an effect.  He's human after all and how many of US still hate what bspn, et all, did to the Tigers that year.  I know I still avoid that network unless an AU game is on.

Maybe if this job doesn't work out, he can get a job as the head of the nation's cyber-security dept.  He'd do GREAT there!

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57 minutes ago, Strychnine said:


...and if his job did not literally require him to engage with the media at some point or another, we would probably only see him on gamedays.  Some coaches are at ease speaking with the media, and even play around with it.  Les Miles and Steve Spurrier spring to mind.  Some coaches are obviously completely disinterested in speaking with the media, and Gus is very much one of those.  He is not rude; he just makes it clear that he would rather get it over with as quickly as possible.

Our last two head coaches have been a stark contrast as compared to Tommy Tuberville.

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1 minute ago, triangletiger said:

Our last two head coaches have been a stark contrast as compared to Tommy Tuberville.

And before Tubbs, Baby Bowden probably ran his mouth TOO much.

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Name me one program where they are different then Auburn when it comes to being secretive. They all can't talk about Injuries they all use coach speak. Saban is not exactly an open book. It is the nature of the business. If we were dominating teams nobody would be talking about this.

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I've heard high school coaches talk about Al Borges passing out copies of Auburn's playbook at clinics. Apparently, no question was off limits back then.

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27 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

Name me one program where they are different then Auburn when it comes to being secretive. They all can't talk about Injuries they all use coach speak. Saban is not exactly an open book. It is the nature of the business. If we were dominating teams nobody would be talking about this.

They're all secretive; some are just more tactful and gregarious in their approach to the media.  Some coaches have the ability to charm the press without really telling them anything of substance. 

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15 hours ago, auburnphan said:

calling BS, the program leaks information(just like every other program) to it's designated press.  The Cam reasoning for it all is throwing a dart and hope it sticks type of reasoning, all beat writers were on top of things and some national pundits who have lost minimal credibility(cuz nobody really cared but bammersy needed a story.  A HC always needs his media to run a program, waiting for an inexperienced HC to let them in is ridiculous to believe to be true.  Gus is still learning but, our program is not that stupid.  The second part of your statement is not entirely accurate either as there are many shady areas in law interpretation and what it falls under.  

  Gus talked a bunch of stuff a couple years ago about JJ and the direction of the program, just more proof that your conclusion is off based.  If anything he is afraid of putting foot in mouth again syndrome.

BINGO! :bow:

This program leaks worse than a sieve when they want to.  I'm in Auburn on business and pleasure a couple times a week.  A man can learn a lot while eating lunch at a few select places and he can hear a ton of trash on the golf course or on the 19th hole while grabbing a cocktail too.

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50 minutes ago, AUsince72 said:

It's a tough call for me.  On one hand, like it or not, football (not just college, but ANY level), and all "TV sports" is/are entertainment.  The only reason they exist is the vast amount of $$$$$$ that we poor, dumb sheep pump into them.  So it SHOULD be part of their job, and it does serve them well, to give us what we want, which is as much information on our beloved teams as possible.  Keep us interested, in other words, and we keep forking over the cash.

On the other hand, it is also his job to protect information that would be detrimental for other teams to have.  That's part of his job, for sure, but he does seem to have a strong distrust of the media.  I do believe that 2010 had an effect on him.  Maybe not the reason he's so secretive but certainly an effect.  He's human after all and how many of US still hate what bspn, et all, did to the Tigers that year.  I know I still avoid that network unless an AU game is on.

Maybe if this job doesn't work out, he can get a job as the head of the nation's cyber-security dept.  He'd do GREAT there!

Well, he did start out on the D side but, How's about Double-secret HUNH cyber-response?

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I think what is being interpreted as Gus being secretive, is really the frustrations from the fan base who feel "uninformed", excluded.

In reality, I think it is a function of the athletic department's inability to conduct an effective PR program and, an overly active compliance department.

I don't believe Gus is that secretive.  We just aren't very good at containing, disseminating, spinning information effectively.

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I can tell you, if i was Gus i would be the same way. The media in this state are a bunch of piranhas, they will devour anything that comes out of Auburn. Any good is minimized, anything bad is maximized. Gus understands anything he gives them will only comeback to bite him.Gus has his faults, we all do, but the media in this state is constantly slamming him for anything. Gus is the kind of person that wants to just simply do his job as he sees fit, but the media is always clamoring for more and more information to put out to a hungry public, instead of just saying there is nothing going on. They will make something out of nothing and Gus realizes this so he is careful to not say anything that can be reported, with the thought that the less he says the less they will print. Unfortunately, he is wrong they will report stuff even if there isn't anything there. 

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I don't give a crap about every little thing that goes on, it's not my job and does not impact my life- just win some stinkin ball games. :)

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22 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:

Shhhhh, someone could be listening.


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