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Respect for the office of President


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Now that The Great Divider has exited the office of President, I expect the country to move ahead with increasing unity. The scattered dissidents may even prove healthy. They are as much a part of modern America as the porta-potty. They serve a utilitarian, if somewhat unpleasant purpose.

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1 minute ago, GiveEmElle said:

My bad. I didn't know juvenile was a compliment. It sounded insulting to me. Especially since up until now you haven't chosen to respond to any other post I've made. 

And your pivot to HRC is duly noted. 

Reread, please. I never said you were juvenile. I said your unwillingness to support the position of President was.   I also said it seems that way, as in, it gave off the appearance of being that way.  Again, never intended to insult. Sorry you inferred that.

As for me not responding to any previous post by you, I didn't know that I needed a history in order to engage with you. Let me know when I have enough TIS to be able to. 

As far as the pivot goes, if one always has that notion, is it really a pivot?

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Now that The Great Divider has exited the office of President, I expect the country to move ahead with increasing unity. The scattered dissidents may even prove healthy. They are as much a part of modern America as the porta-potty. They serve a utilitarian, if somewhat unpleasant purpose.

When I hear someone say Obama was very divisive and Trump is a uniter, it's hard to not think that person is not a racist, because they certainly aren't basing their views on facts.

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21 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

That is humorous.  They don't know which team he is on.  They are most likely terrified that he might not be on team capital but rather, team society, team America.  In their minds, the worst thing he could be is not on either the Blue or Red team.  He might actually be on the Red, White, and Blue team.

You're hilarious. Trump's the true American and they're opponents of America.

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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

Poor baby. I'm going to enjoy you liberals whining for the next 8 years, especially liberal women like you. Hillary lost. Get over it.........but wait I forgot you can't. So wallow in your agony.

Misogynistic old coot.

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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

I consider that a big plus and he is surrounding himself with a great team of successful people.

Folks who started rich like him? Fan of oligarchies?

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

You're hilarious. Trump's the true American and they're opponents of America.

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.  How utterly disingenuous.  Your perception and knowledge defines reality.  You don't need to think, you already KNOW!  Good for you.


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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

When I hear someone say Obama was very divisive and Trump is a uniter, it's hard to not think that person is not a racist, because they certainly aren't basing their views on facts.

Don't you ever get tired of calling people that disagree with you racist, sexist, or some other sort of "ist"? Recognizing Obama as the most anti-American President in our history does not make one a racist. Recognizing that Obama's policies set America's race relations back 50 years does not make one a racist. You need to find a new dead horse to beat. Slinging groundless insults because someone doesn't agree with you is weak as water.

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

I cannot in good conscious support a man who openly mocked a disabled man, then denied he did it. I cannot support a man who thinks that when you're powerful you can grab a woman's genitalia without her consent. I cannot support a man who incited violence at his rallies while he spoke of Hispanics in a deragatory mannercalking them rapists and thugs.  I cannot support a man who wants to police religions. I cannot support a man who degrades a POW for being captured and insults a gold star family. I cannot support a man who says companies in America shouldn't outsource to other countries while he himself outsources everything from shirts and ties to hookers. I'm glad you picked up on the devisive tone because I want a great DIVIDE between myself and that kind of misogynistic, racist, xenophobic behavior.  I have no desire to associate with it. Bitter, maybe a little since TWICE in my presidential voting life a democrat has won the popular vote and lost the WHITE HOUSE. 

Now let's address juvenile shall we? I find it worth noting that you haven't frequented this forum until just recently and it's been to promote your "Trump disgusts me, BUT" agenda and to snidely insult those of us who do speak out against him. Your concern for keeping us respectful of the office of the presidency didn't seem to exist when the right wing nuts were attacking our former President. So you can call me whatever name you like because I don't support Trump, I really don't care.  But know this, I'm capable of giving credit when it's due but Trump has done nothing yet to get credit. And considering his past actions and his cabinet appointments, it doesn't look like he will.

Is it more juvenile to cheer on an adult who acts like a spoiled child?

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1 minute ago, Mikey said:

Don't you ever get tired of calling people that disagree with you racist, sexist, or some other sort of "ist"? Recognizing Obama as the most anti-American President in our history does not make one a racist. Recognizing that Obama's policies set America's race relations back 50 years does not make one a racist. You need to find a new dead horse to beat. Slinging groundless insults because someone doesn't agree with you is weak as water.

I don't think most people I disagree with are racist. I certainly think you are, though. 

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2 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.  How utterly disingenuous.  Your perception and knowledge defines reality.  You don't need to think, you already KNOW!  Good for you.


I'll put you down as seeing Trump as truer to the principles of our founding than those who oppose him on principled grounds. Any more pearls of wisdom? 

I guess I really got under your skin- you're saying all kinds of crazy today.

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7 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Reread, please. I never said you were juvenile. I said your unwillingness to support the position of President was.   I also said it seems that way, as in, it gave off the appearance of being that way.  Again, never intended to insult. Sorry you inferred that.

As for me not responding to any previous post by you, I didn't know that I needed a history in order to engage with you. Let me know when I have enough TIS to be able to. 

As far as the pivot goes, if one always has that notion, is it really a pivot?

Reread please. I didn't know juvenile was a compliment in any form. 

I've been posting here for months. Haven't seen you in here interacting with anyone until recently. I accept your answer as you chose not to get into the back and forth of it. So why now? So you see, I can't answer your last question because I haven't read posts in here you've made that reflect your political views to know if you've always had that notion. 

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5 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I'll put you down as seeing Trump as truer to the principles of our founding than those who oppose him on principled grounds. Any more pearls of wisdom? 

I guess I really got under your skin- you're saying all kinds of crazy today.

Yeah, yeah.  It's over my head.  Now, I'm crazy.

You "put me down" how ever you see fit.  I am sure all your thoughts, perceptions, assumptions are absolutely 100% correct, all of the time.  After all, you are on the right team. You can't be wrong.  You don't need to think.  You know everything.

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2 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Yeah, yeah.  It's over my head.  Now, I'm crazy.

You "put me down" how ever you see fit.  I am sure all your thoughts, perceptions, assumptions are absolutely 100% correct, all of the time.  After all, you are on the right team. You can't be wrong.  You don't need to think.  You know everything.

If you're going to be relentlessly repetitive, at least be interesting.

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9 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Reread please. I didn't know juvenile was a compliment in any form. 

I've been posting here for months. Haven't seen you in here interacting with anyone until recently. I accept your answer as you chose not to get into the back and forth of it. So why now? So you see, I can't answer your last question because I haven't read posts in here you've made that reflect your political views to know if you've always had that notion. 

It wasn't meant as a compliment, but not an insult either. It was just my observation on how it looked. However, to be clear, it was directed toward what your words seemed to be. I intintially wrote it that way in order not to call YOU juvenile.

As far as not seeing post on here that reflect my political views, I take that as a compliment. I believe if you can take the politics out of it then you can have real conversations, not just hypersensationalized arguments like the ones that flood this board.

Why now? Because I believe that the presidency is an institution that demands respect no matter whom is occupying it. I believe that the presidency is more than a man and. I disagreed with what you had to say on the matter and wanted to share my thoughts.

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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

If you're going to be relentlessly repetitive, at least be interesting.

Oh okay.  I think I know what you are looking for.

President Obama was the best president ever.  Donald J. Trump is the worst president ever.

There you go.  Happy?

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

Oh okay.  I think I know what you are looking for.

President Obama was the best president ever.  Donald J. Trump is the worst president ever.

There you go.  Happy?

You just get dumber as time goes on. Stop and get some rest.

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4 minutes ago, bigbird said:

It wasn't meant as a compliment, but not an insult either. However, it was directed toward what your words seemed to be. I intintially wrote it that way in order not to call YOU juvenile.

As far as not seeing post on here that reflect my political views, I take that as a compliment. I believe if you can take the politics out of it then you can have real conversations, not just hypersensationalized arguments like the ones that flood this board.

Why now? Because I believe that the presidency is an institution that demands respect no matter whom is occupying it. I believe that the presidency is more than a man and disagreed with what you had to say and wanted to share my thoughts.

If you do not conform with a true believer, you automatically offend.

Losing battle.  Being rational, apologetic, kind won't help.

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

You just get dumber as time goes on. Stop and get some rest.

I know.  I can't help it.  If I were only truer and bluer.  

I should always agree with you cause you are on the right team.  Trump sux, don't he?

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Just now, bigbird said:

It wasn't meant as a compliment, but not an insult either. However, it was directed toward what your words seemed to be. I intintially wrote it that way in order not to call YOU juvenile.

As far as not seeing post on here that reflect my political views, I take that as a compliment. I believe if you can take the politics out of it then you can have real conversations, not just hypersensationalized arguments like the ones that flood this board.

Why now? Because I believe that the presidency is an institution that demands respect no matter whom is occupying it. I believe that the presidency is more than a man and disagreed with what you had to say and wanted to share my thoughts.

Sharing your thoughts with me is absolutely fine.  But you should know that criticism from you or any other person in this forum is not going to make me bow down and give my respect to a man who has done nothing to earn it, no matter what his position is in life. 

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

I know.  I can't help it.  If I were only truer and bluer.  

I should always agree with you cause you are on the right team.  Trump sux, don't he?

You so need to feel that you are the lone voice of objectivity in a raging sea of only red and blue so you feel superior-- that's what's annoying. You're pure and anyone you ever disagree with is hopelessly partisan-- regardless of details or context.

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5 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

If you do not conform with a true believer, you automatically offend.

Losing battle.  Being rational, apologetic, kind won't help.

That explains your irrational posts.

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5 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Sharing your thoughts with me is absolutely fine.  But you should know that criticism from you or any other person in this forum is not going to make me bow down and give my respect to a man who has done nothing to earn it, no matter what his position is in life. 

Nor should it. We at all grown and have our own ideas and beliefs. That's no reason we can't have civil dialogue over concerning events or people. 

War Eagle, Elle

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3 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Nor should it. We at all grown and have our own ideas and beliefs. That's no reason we can't have civil dialogue over concerning events or people. 

War Eagle, Elle

War Eagle Always! 



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40 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Is it more juvenile to cheer on an adult who acts like a spoiled child?

Like John Lewis & all his Dem whiners who boycotted ? 

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