Two years ago, Joe Mixon punched a female student so hard that he broke four bones in her face. She needed her jaw to be wired shut. The feeling on the left side of her face did not return for months.

These are facts. They have never been disputed, by the star Oklahoma running back or the woman he punched, fellow OU student Amelia Molitor. And these facts should have been all we needed, enough to trigger horror and outrage, not only at Mixon's actions but also at the way Oklahoma responded.

Mixon served a one-year suspension, which was basically just a redshirt season. Molitor went without eating solid food, or laughing, or smiling, as her face healed. He still got to be Joe Mixon, Sooners scholarship athlete. She became another version of herself entirely, temporarily disfigured, broken and, in some cases around campus, blamed.