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11 hours ago, Mikey said:

I won't believe Sean White is anything close to 100% healthy until I see it on the field. It's necessary to say he's ready to go to make Okie prepare for him, but I don't think a person gets over the type of injuries he has in just a few weeks.

So youre calling Kerryon Johnson a liar?

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1 hour ago, boisnumber1 said:

So youre calling Kerryon Johnson a liar?

No. I'm saying the company line has to be that Sean is ready to go. Kerryon may just be a good company man or there's an outside chance that there's a bit of truth in the "Sean's 100%" stuff. If I were a betting man, I'd bet money that by game's end it will be obvious that Sean was not 100%.

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14 hours ago, Mikey said:

No. I'm saying the company line has to be that Sean is ready to go. Kerryon may just be a good company man or there's an outside chance that there's a bit of truth in the "Sean's 100%" stuff. If I were a betting man, I'd bet money that by game's end it will be obvious that Sean was not 100%.

Yes, you're calling him a liar. Just admit it and stop trying to spin it. Either he's telling the truth or he's not.

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8 hours ago, boisnumber1 said:

Yes, you're calling him a liar. Just admit it and stop trying to spin it. Either he's telling the truth or he's not.

Get a grip on reality! (please)

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20 hours ago, boisnumber1 said:

Yes, you're calling him a liar. Just admit it and stop trying to spin it. Either he's telling the truth or he's not.

Ha! Did not realize there was still folks out there who believed anything coming out of the football department. He may be 100% he may not be, we won't know until we see him play. Hope you got some good stuff from Santa this weekend! 

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20 hours ago, boisnumber1 said:

Yes, you're calling him a liar. Just admit it and stop trying to spin it. Either he's telling the truth or he's not.

Are you serious?

SW will be physically better than he was in the UGA game, but a shoulder with his injury/damage doesn't rehab & heal to 100% in 8 weeks.  He should have a decent amount of strength, range of motion, and "feel" for the ball.  But he will not be 100%.  I'm banking on our running game really stepping up and getting chunks of yardage in this game.

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3 minutes ago, keesler said:

Are you serious?

SW will be physically better than he was in the UGA game, but a shoulder with his injury/damage doesn't rehab & heal to 100% in 8 weeks.  He should have a decent amount of strength, range of motion, and "feel" for the ball.  But he will not be 100%.  I'm banking on our running game really stepping up and getting chunks of yardage in this game.

JMO but having Pettway and KJ at 100% will enable SW to be pretty effective at less than 100%.    Gotta have a serious running threat to take the pressure off SW.

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4 hours ago, gravejd said:

Ha! Did not realize there was still folks out there who believed anything coming out of the football department. He may be 100% he may not be, we won't know until we see him play. Hope you got some good stuff from Santa this weekend! 

We have a football dept? What position does KJ hold in this football dept?  Public relations I suppose? I will take a player's word over the yahoos on this board any day. I guess now the coaches have players lying for them too. Bammer east I suppose. If he isnt 100%, so be it, but I dont think KJ would have said so if he didnt believe it, and there is absolutely no evidence otherwise like it or not.

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39 minutes ago, boisnumber1 said:

We have a football dept? What position does KJ hold in this football dept?  Public relations I suppose? I will take a player's word over the yahoos on this board any day. I guess now the coaches have players lying for them too. Bammer east I suppose. If he isnt 100%, so be it, but I dont think KJ would have said so if he didnt believe it, and there is absolutely no evidence otherwise like it or not.

You do know players are coached on how to handle these press interviews and that the press is only given access to certain players right? But hey you are right in that i have no idea on the true health of White and the who/whats/ or whys of what Johnson said. I personally believe the players that give interviews are the ones that are able to stick to the company line. As a fan i don't like it but if my job was on the line i might act the same way as Gus. But don't get all pissy with posters on here who don't buy in to the blind faith mantra you do. 


On 12/26/2016 at 1:11 PM, boisnumber1 said:

Yes, you're calling him a liar. Just admit it and stop trying to spin it. Either he's telling the truth or he's not.

And that ^^ is the definition of pissy in case you were wondering. 

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I've been pissy as of late. It's this new diabetic Med my Doc put me on. Invokana. I'm telling you, it'll make you whiz like a Russian race horse and....I mean....errrr....sorry. Never mind ???

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Did anyone else notice how the beat writers were being weird about Gus saying all players are in NO, pointing out that he said all players on the team are in NO and eligible...some attrition is always expected, it just seemed that the beat was implying that there is some to be announced, or was just fishing for hits maybe too

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4 hours ago, auburnphan said:

Did anyone else notice how the beat writers were being weird about Gus saying all players are in NO, pointing out that he said all players on the team are in NO and eligible...some attrition is always expected, it just seemed that the beat was implying that there is some to be announced, or was just fishing for hits maybe too

Our beat writers are often weird about AU and Gus.....has gotten where I just scan their work and don't try to interpret meaning into their scribble.

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On 12/27/2016 at 2:02 PM, boisnumber1 said:

 I will take a player's word over the yahoos on this board any day.

Says the poster with a whopping 180 posts.  LOL.  Nice try newbie.

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On 12/28/2016 at 7:13 AM, auburnphan said:

Did anyone else notice how the beat writers were being weird about Gus saying all players are in NO, pointing out that he said all players on the team are in NO and eligible...some attrition is always expected, it just seemed that the beat was implying that there is some to be announced, or was just fishing for hits maybe too

Even 247 had a clickbait article yesterday or the day before. But that seems to be the new normal with them. 

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On 12/28/2016 at 1:12 AM, WarTim said:

I've been pissy as of late. It's this new diabetic Med my Doc put me on. Invokana. I'm telling you, it'll make you whiz like a Russian race horse and....I mean....errrr....sorry. Never mind ???

I thought that was Trump's daughter?

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