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this is alarming to me


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When Cox lined up in the CoxCat, on fourth down, everyone on the planet knew that HE would either run the ball or pass the ball.  Bammer's upfront guys played the run and their backend guys played pass.  Geeze, guys, that ain't rocket science.  Sometimes I think some of our fans are dumber than Gus.

It is complete nonsense to blame cheating, the SEC, the NCAA, ad nauseam!  Place the blame directly on the shoulders of Gus.  Auburn is giving him all the support to field championship caliber teams and he is not keeping his end of the bargain.  We got the wrong guy.


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Well when you have 57 Football Analysts on the payroll then of course they can watch endless amounts of film and give a summary to the coaches on what to expect.  It's not cheating completely in the rules. 

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8 minutes ago, ScubaSteve said:

Well when you have 57 Football Analysts on the payroll then of course they can watch endless amounts of film and give a summary to the coaches on what to expect.  It's not cheating completely in the rules. 

then we need 58 analysts

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11 minutes ago, ScubaSteve said:

Well when you have 57 Football Analysts on the payroll then of course they can watch endless amounts of film and give a summary to the coaches on what to expect.  It's not cheating completely in the rules. 



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19 minutes ago, keesler said:



Expect you are right but that goes against the prevailing view of bammers on this site.   

Almost everyone here knows they would be both on probation and 1-12 if they did not have the NCAA and the refs in their pockets....which is true....I know so because I see it on the internet. 

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4 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Expect you are right but that goes against the prevailing view of bammers on this site.   

Almost everyone here knows they would be both on probation and 1-12 if they did not have the NCAA and the refs in their pockets....which is true....I know so because I see it on the internet. 

Whether it's cheating or not I don't know - UAT is pretty transparent about their staff.  

If a program can hire a previously fired Power 5 head coach or an unemployed NFL coach and get him to do nothing more than breakdown film, analyze offensive tendencies for your own program as well as your opponent, then more power to 'em.  

Why not get an out of work former HC up off his sofa and put him to work, allow him time to rehabilitate himself and his future coaching career?  

AU has no problem giving troubled players second chances, why not coaches?  

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1 hour ago, Mike4AU said:

When Cox lined up in the CoxCat, on fourth down, everyone on the planet knew that HE would either run the ball or pass the ball.  Bammer's upfront guys played the run and their backend guys played pass.  Geeze, guys, that ain't rocket science.  Sometimes I think some of our fans are dumber than Gus.

It is complete nonsense to blame cheating, the SEC, the NCAA, ad nauseam!  Place the blame directly on the shoulders of Gus.  Auburn is giving him all the support to field championship caliber teams and he is not keeping his end of the bargain.  We got the wrong guy.


i agree, in a must throw situation don't get tricky. get your best passer, best receivers, best blockers and call a play with two options.

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Outside of the one game against Ole Miss Bama has made everyone look that way for the entire game. I wonder what happened when Nick Marshall broke records against his defense. What happened then? I saw Tre Mason run the same play over and over one drive in 2013. They could not stop it and knew it was coming. Football is often times about who can execute and dominate their opponent one on one. That's how they stopped those plays. The successful plays AU had we protected better and executed better. 

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16 minutes ago, alexava said:

i agree, in a must throw situation don't get tricky. get your best passer, best receivers, best blockers and call a play with two options.

I do think that was dumb as crap

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4 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Wow. Sickening. People are naive if be if they think Gus will ever make real changes to his philosophy.


"But cut the fire Gus crap." Am I right @gravejd

me thinks you misunderstood that post. That post wasn't to say "hey, Gus is great and he does no wrong". It was meant to say "hey, he ain't getting fired this year so why say it?"

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1 minute ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

Sounds like we need somebody out of conference for our next play caller. 

Why the hell didn't AU bring in Art Briles as a off-field offensive analyst this year?  He had nothing else to do this season.

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22 minutes ago, keesler said:

Why the hell didn't AU bring in Art Briles as a off-field offensive analyst this year?  He had nothing else to do this season.

I'm guessing it had something to do with pending lawsuits.

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10 hours ago, ToomersStreet said:

GUS IS THE CONTINUITY THAT THIS FOOTBALL TEAM NEEDS!.........................................................................

Running the same play every first down for the past four seasons is not the continuity we are looking for

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It is not rocket science. I am pretty sure that we are going to run it on first down, especially after a rare first down (run it right up the middle). I am pretty sure we are going to throw on third down and long (which is very common). We like to pass to the running back a few time a game. We never pass to the tight end. 

If we can run on people game over. If not game over. 

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On 11/28/2016 at 2:11 PM, keesler said:

Why the hell didn't AU bring in Art Briles as a off-field offensive analyst this year?  He had nothing else to do this season.

Auburn doesn't seem to push the envelope too much one way or the other I've noticed in my short life 

To stay ahead of Alabama, u certainly have to (word to Urban) 

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I hope Gus will hire a coach that will be a dedicated self scout, to scout Auburn and turn disadvantages into advantages, by lining up with personnel that will create a false impressions on the field to opposing teams and confusing defenses.  Surely, this can be done.  We had some great players this year and it takes a little brain power, but that's what we are paying him the big bucks for.  What if Chandler Cox, in the shotgun, dropped back to pass, but then the statue of liberty play to a speedy end around to the fastest man on the field? Just an example. 

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What if Gus hires a bunch of analysts then doesn't know what to do with them b/c his system isn't built to quickly adapt to their information / suggestions?

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Clemson's DC said he figured out how to defend Auburn's offense by Googling it. Turns out he figured out one way to defend the wing veer - a play Auburn only occasionally runs - by Googling "wing veer defense". So what. There's very little that's new in football and how to run it & defend it are all over the internet. Go back and watch our 53 point win against the healthy Arky team that beat the Gators by 3 TDs. Most of our plays were very, very predictable.

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You guys do realize that Saban is a Bellichick disciple. The man perfected winning by stealing other teams plays. I don't put anything by these two.  

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I wouldn't be surprised if they have a portion of their gazillion football staffers watch and dissect every AU game like they are AU fans, rather than just regular game week prep. When you have such an excess in manpower, why not?

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