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anyone ready to give lashlee a raise yet?


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On 11/2/2016 at 2:39 PM, AuCivilEng1 said:

Nobody gets an extension or a raise, until we win the SECC again. 


no raises for anybody

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3 hours ago, AUsince72 said:

CRL deserved every bit of bashing he received.

CRL deserves every bit of praise he's receiving now.

CRL does not, however, deserve a raise.

Just my 2 pennies.

Not sure I understand this.....no evidence that I have seen that RL was not doing the job GUS hired him to do..... so rather than bash RL, perhaps the venom should be aimed at Gus.   

Just a possibility that maybe Gus's micromanagement could have kept RL from doing his job the way RL wanted to do it and...... maybe we lost a year of creative play calling while Gus stuck to his off tackle calls on first down.  

I think we wasted a year and a half with two guys trying to agree on what plays to call...and resulted in an un-cohesive offensive game plan.   Since virtually no one other than Gus knew what RL's charter was, it's hard to blame the pitiful offense on him...it's all on Gus in my view because there is little doubt in my mind that the play calling last season was primarily Gus ....as were the first two games this year.   I can't imagine RL having the b*****s to send out 3 QBs the Clemson game.    JMO.  

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7 hours ago, alabamabrown14 said:

This X1000


Maybe we can give Rhett a raise IF it comes out of the raise we gave Gus...since he's not calling plays anymore. 


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4 hours ago, Randman5000 said:


Maybe we can give Rhett a raise IF it comes out of the raise we gave Gus...since he's not calling plays anymore. 


I see what you mean. However, my thought is if Rhett wasn't calling the plays and received a raise, then let him earn the raise he got. This giving coaches raises and extensions just for doing their job Ned's to stop imo. Now, if they are consistently winning and you are trying to keep them from looking around, so be it. Until our coaches become so hot their doors are being knocked down with offers, I don't see a raise warranted just for a short winning streak in one season. If the contract calls for a % increase each year, that's different also. Honor the current contract.

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10 hours ago, AU64 said:

Not sure I understand this.....no evidence that I have seen that RL was not doing the job GUS hired him to do..... so rather than bash RL, perhaps the venom should be aimed at Gus.   

Just a possibility that maybe Gus's micromanagement could have kept RL from doing his job the way RL wanted to do it and...... maybe we lost a year of creative play calling while Gus stuck to his off tackle calls on first down.  

I think we wasted a year and a half with two guys trying to agree on what plays to call...and resulted in an un-cohesive offensive game plan.   Since virtually no one other than Gus knew what RL's charter was, it's hard to blame the pitiful offense on him...it's all on Gus in my view because there is little doubt in my mind that the play calling last season was primarily Gus ....as were the first two games this year.   I can't imagine RL having the b*****s to send out 3 QBs the Clemson game.    JMO.  

Someone (I think it was Coach Dye) mentioned, before the season, this coaching staff was cohesive and getting together much better than last season.  The product of that cohesiveness was the Clemson game.  Whoops.  Someone/something got to Gus and he changed his mind about how to handle this team after the Clemson game and he had to think about it until the week of the LSU game.  Remember, Gus was very defensive of his QB rotation during the Clemson post game press conference.

To the bolded part, now way CRL had the intestinal fortitude to tell Gus the 3 QB rotation was not going to work.  It was "go along to get along" mode for the coaching staff.  Gus does get the credit to realize he needed to change for the team to be successful, but also has to take the blame for the offensive woes since the end of the 2014 season.

It will be interesting to see how the off season goes with the coaching staff if changes are made (because of job opportunities elsewhere). Will Gus go back to the micromanaging mode or has he has grown as a head coach?  

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Someone (I think it was Coach Dye) mentioned, before the season, this coaching staff was cohesive and getting together much better than last season.  The product of that cohesiveness was the Clemson game.  Whoops.  Someone/something got to Gus and he changed his mind about how to handle this team after the Clemson game and he had to think about it until the week of the LSU game.  Remember, Gus was very defensive of his QB rotation during the Clemson post game press conference.

To the bolded part, now way CRL had the intestinal fortitude to tell Gus the 3 QB rotation was not going to work.  It was "go along to get along" mode for the coaching staff.  Gus does get the credit to realize he needed to change for the team to be successful, but also has to take the blame for the offensive woes since the end of the 2014 season.

It will be interesting to see how the off season goes with the coaching staff if changes are made (because of job opportunities elsewhere). Will Gus go back to the micromanaging mode or has he has grown as a head coach?  

Exactly my question. Will he allow someone he hasn't seen grow through puberty to actually control his offense?

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On 11/1/2016 at 8:36 AM, Lowrider said:

It's not like we are all of a sudden out scheming the other teams. It's the same playbook we have run for years. The players are just winning their matchups and Pettway may be the best back in the country now. Give them the credit.

No doubt the players are executing well but there is some great scheming be done the last 5 games.

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If I'm an AD of another school, I'd be cautious about hiring RL as a HC. While playcalling is generally a duty that a HC does not do, what usually gives schools warm and fuzzy feelings about a guys HC potential is how well he does as a coordinator (no matter how unrelated the 2 skillsets are, but that's a different discussion), and RL will only have had about 10-11 games under his belt where he was actually calling plays over his entire Power 5 experience. I would have to see more, personally, but I'm also probably looking at it from a upper tier P5 school's perspective. Who knows if a SMU or Arkansas State will be willing to take a chance on a guy that is so green considering he wasn't allowed to actually be the real offensive coordinator until this year.

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16 hours ago, AU64 said:

Not sure I understand this.....no evidence that I have seen that RL was not doing the job GUS hired him to do..... so rather than bash RL, perhaps the venom should be aimed at Gus.   

Just a possibility that maybe Gus's micromanagement could have kept RL from doing his job the way RL wanted to do it and...... maybe we lost a year of creative play calling while Gus stuck to his off tackle calls on first down.  

I think we wasted a year and a half with two guys trying to agree on what plays to call...and resulted in an un-cohesive offensive game plan.   Since virtually no one other than Gus knew what RL's charter was, it's hard to blame the pitiful offense on him...it's all on Gus in my view because there is little doubt in my mind that the play calling last season was primarily Gus ....as were the first two games this year.   I can't imagine RL having the b*****s to send out 3 QBs the Clemson game.    JMO.  

I don't really have any gripe with anything you said.  Only thing I'd still say is that that being the case, CRL was "stealing money" to be doing no more than he was doing.  Maybe that's not his fault.... I guess I wouldn't complain either to be paid to say "yessir...yessir...yessir...".

Here...I've altered my thoughts for ya'

The Auburn offensive gameplanner/s & playcaller/s deserve every bit of bashing he/they received.

The Auburn offensive gameplanner/s & playcaller/s deserve every bit of praise he's/they're receiving now.

BUT.....I still say that in my humble opinion, CRL does not deserve a raise.....yet.  He keeps this up for a couple years in a row (assuming he even stays at Auburn) then I will certainly believe he's at least worth what they're paying.

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As for raises AU72...I'm fine with a scheme that reduces salaries for the "pool of money" that is used to pay coaches by .....say 3% for every loss the team sustains each season.    Gus can then give raises, cut salaries or do nothing. 

Kinda like back in my business days when I sometimes got money for raises in the form of a "pool of money" equal to about 3 or 4% of the total salaries in my area and I could distribute it around however I saw fit......now that was not fun but made me focus on who was actually doing the most effective job. 

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18 hours ago, AU04ever said:

I see what you mean. However, my thought is if Rhett wasn't calling the plays and received a raise, then let him earn the raise he got. This giving coaches raises and extensions just for doing their job Ned's to stop imo. Now, if they are consistently winning and you are trying to keep them from looking around, so be it. Until our coaches become so hot their doors are being knocked down with offers, I don't see a raise warranted just for a short winning streak in one season. If the contract calls for a % increase each year, that's different also. Honor the current contract.

Yes.exactly. let any reward come from a bonus or built-in for making a big bowl, winning the conference or a championship not just for doing your job. 

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I've set back and watched some of the chatter about salary and raises. Well what I observed out of this staff the past few weeks was simple...they got out of the way and let this team win with their abilities...tonight I saw a bunch of clowns posing as coaches get in the way of the same team and derail their success...It was pathetic to hear the Georgia announce team continually say, as we failed to run the ball on third and short over and over,'Auburn did us a favor again'...

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this thread is funny. when rhett "took over" the play calling this year, it started looking suspiciously exactly like last year, only they accidently found the right running back 

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sorry boys but any decent coach will tell you the number one secret of being successful winning games. you gotta have the jimmies and joes. it is that simple. and gosh i thought you folks would be nastier. thanks for the class........and that is genuine.

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

sorry boys but any decent coach will tell you the number one secret of being successful winning games. you gotta have the jimmies and joes. it is that simple. and gosh i thought you folks would be nastier. thanks for the class........and that is genuine.

I am pretty sure we consistently have top ten talent. Jimmy and Joes aren't the issues and then you said he was as good as Lane Kiffen, SMH.

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Every Auburn fan that bought Auburn tickets should get a refund. The best display of talent we have seen this year has been the band, the defense and the kicking game.

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2 hours ago, DAG said:

I am pretty sure we consistently have top ten talent. Jimmy and Joes aren't the issues and then you said he was as good as Lane Kiffen, SMH.

not sure where you got the kiffen from but i am getting old but i am sure you will enlighten me. as for jimmies and joes i will take dyes and bears and other great coaches against your opinion. and also if the jimmies and joes are hurt do you really have the hosses to win? c'mon we got one banged up qb and the rest behind him are suspect. and do we actually have one running back that is not hurt? yes we have talent but if it is hurt and ineffective then do we really have game talent? no.yesterday we did not. it cost us. i thought that was pretty simple to understand? and that is not even meant mean. as for whom i can only assume you saying rhett is as good as kiffen. how do you know? we surely do not have the talent racked up like bama does. it should be easier to oc at bama than auburn. once we get...the quality depth bama has then come talk to me. bama just plugs another stud in and keeps going. we lose someone and it still hurts us with way more dropoff than bama. so sure i give rhett the nod. rhett has yet to turn a decent school like tennessee into a nightmare. but anyway i still stick by my jimmies and joes comment.

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