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Lashlee's career prospects improving


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1 minute ago, MadtownTiger said:

Same here.  I was close to home and unplugged my phone.  My wife had terrestrial radio tuned in to NPR so started cycling through the presets.  And there they were, talking about Lashlee and GSU.

I can't stand the guy in the morning, Drew Dearmond.  He's got to be the worst radio personality of all time.  He mouth breathes into the microphone, he mumbles and stammers through live reads, and he's more of a uat shill than Neighbors.  I'll give him (or his producer) credit, he does have good guests for War Eagle Wednesday.


Don't recognize the name Drew Dearmond. I listen to Cole Cubelic on my way to work in the morning.

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17 minutes ago, Never2Yield said:

Don't recognize the name Drew Dearmond. I listen to Cole Cubelic on my way to work in the morning.

Talkin' Ball is the name of the show.  It's on 9 to noon.

I tune in while taking my kids to school.



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45 minutes ago, MadtownTiger said:

Talkin' Ball is the name of the show.  It's on 9 to noon.


Okay, I know the show.

Well, I would suggest The Round Table on the WUMP 103.9 FM for somewhat reasonable and entertaining sports radio during the 9 AM to 1 PM hours.  There are Homers on that show, but they can be reasonable. All in all, it is a good show.

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6 minutes ago, Never2Yield said:

Okay, I know the show.

Well, I would suggest The Round Table on the WUMP 103.9 FM for somewhat reasonable and entertaining sports radio during the 9 AM to 1 PM hours.  There are Homers on that show, but they can be reasonable. All in all, it is a good show.

If you don't mind, will you edit or re-quote my post.  I sound like a jackass.


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4 minutes ago, MadtownTiger said:

If you don't mind, will you edit or re-quote my post.  I sound like a jackass.


Not sure what you want me to change. You did not sound like a jackass to me.

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5 minutes ago, Never2Yield said:

Not sure what you want me to change. You did not sound like a jackass to me.

Retiring in my 30's.  I guess I just don't people to take it the wrong way.  Its not like I'm wealthy or anything, I made few good decisions, got lucky and decided to live modestly but comfortably.  It just kind of worked out.  If you think it's okay, I suppose it's fine.  But then you do have a lot of...nerdophilic...items in your profile, there's a chance you can read typical human interaction.

(That was a joke.  I figured I would double down on being a jackass.)


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2 minutes ago, MadtownTiger said:

Retiring in my 30's.  I guess I just don't people to take it the wrong way.  Its not like I'm wealthy or anything, I made few good decisions, got lucky and decided to live modestly but comfortably.  It just kind of worked out.  If you think it's okay, I suppose it's fine.  But then you do have a lot of...nerdophilic...items in your profile, there's a chance you can read typical human interaction.

(That was a joke.  I figured I would double down on being a jackass.)


Say, retiring in your 30s is a good thing! Wish I would have made better decisions like you! Congrats!!!

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12 hours ago, Randman5000 said:

Well... Good Luck Rhett.

We will see you in a couple of years as the new HC of Auburn when JJ makes the call. 

This post is why we need the nega like back. :poke:

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3 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

This post is why we need the nega like back. :poke:


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On 11/20/2016 at 6:19 PM, aubearcat said:

This hasn't been spoken about very much the past few weeks but with only a handful of games left, I have a couple questions. Rhett was reportedly done at AUburn (by our insiders) at the end of the season regardless of how the season went. Is this still the case? Also, I saw a few rumors of coaches possibly being fired at the end of the season. Two of those are Kliff Kingsbury and Mark Helfrich. Do any of you think that either of the two would have interest in being AUburns OC until getting another shot at being a head coach?

I doubt Texas Tech goes after another OC with no HC experience if their golden boy has flopped.

On 11/21/2016 at 6:23 AM, AUDevil said:

Decent throws not coming from a noodle-armed QB might have worked.  We kept trying to pass when Sean couldn't deliver the ball.  Bad playcalling.  A series from JJ or JF3 might have worked to get us in field goal range.  Gus didn't trust his other QBs and didn't trust his defense.  He kept the same injured QB out there even though ALL of us could see that he was getting nothing on his throws and the UGA D wasn't respecting anything beyond 10 yards.

I truly think JJ6 wins that game. Sean had no business out there. he was CLEARLY injured.

On 11/21/2016 at 6:23 AM, I_M4_AU said:

How about the week leading up to the UGA game?  SW had not thrown in practice, according to reports, for two weeks.  Was there any QB throwing to the WR?  If so, who?  If Gus didn't trust JFIII to pass, what was his role in practice that week, JJ's?  So many questions that we will never know the answer to.

It amazes me that we were not prepared for different scenarios that could happen due to injuries in that game, or at least it seems that way.

That game? I mean I am a huge Gus supporter. but seems we have said that same thing a few times in 2014. then we said it pretty much the entire season last year. the whole not prepared for different scenarios... yeah, JJ6 and his issues last season certainly didn't help.

13 hours ago, MadtownTiger said:

I heard Steve Moulton (sp?) say on the radio he had already agreed to be the HC at Georgia State.  To be announced after the Iron Bowl.


If so, this would be fabulous. it's time for a change on all fronts. time for Lashlee to get out from under the mentors wing, and at the same time, it's time for Gus to get a new face at OC...I just really hate this couldn't of happened last season so CDC could of been our OC. and before you even say it, he is more qualified than our current OC to be an OC in the SEC...but it's ok. I think we came out ok in our trade with LSU. Craig for Steele? recruiter for coach... yeah... (a real yeah, not a sarcastic one, LoL.)

12 hours ago, MadtownTiger said:

Absolutely no clue at this point.  None whatsoever.  I often go out of my way to defend our players and coaches, but I do like discussing such things.

Since CGM's coaching tree consists of pretty much Lashlee (which I suppose makes it more of a post), Aplin makes as much sense as anyone else.

I did take a quick look at guys Steele has coached with and two former Clemson coordinators stood out.

Chad Morris (HC/Southern Methodist).  He just finished his second year, and both have been disasters defensively.  I mean it's SMU, so they probably can't be too picky, but maybe  one side or the other can see the writing on the wall.  He runs a system very similar to Malzahn's.

Billy Napier (WR/uat).  Different direction entirely.  I don't what kind of coach he is, but his 247 profile as a recruiter is truly impressive.


God I don't want Hand as the OC and a former Arkansas State QB as our QB coach... because I mean, he was at stAte, he received the best coaching in the nation! even went a season under Gus and Lashlee!!!! oh....wait....

Thats an absolutely terrible idea. with how picky Gus was about prior SEC DC experience when Steele, he better not just hand the keys to the offense to an OL coach. we tried that here before once in my lifetime that I can remember, and it turned out horrible . if I remember correctly it was after Bobby P left as our OC. Anyway, Hand has zero SEC OC experience. He only has OC experience with Gus at Tulsa. and I am sorry but if I were a recruit, and I have Lane Kiffin as the OC and QB coach at one school and I have Herb Hand as the OC and some kid who couldn't make it to a big time university as the QB coach... the choice where I pick is simple. you guys think QB recruiting is bad now....it would be worse with that.

But to your post Madtown, Chad Morris would be a dream come true, but come on we don't get awesomeness like that. but it sure would be nice. and Napier...interesting thought, at least he has OC experience at a major university.  but the question is do we want two former Clemson coordinators as our coordinators?


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57 minutes ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

I doubt Texas Tech goes after another OC with no HC experience if their golden boy has flopped.

I truly think JJ6 wins that game. Sean had no business out there. he was CLEARLY injured.

That game? I mean I am a huge Gus supporter. but seems we have said that same thing a few times in 2014. then we said it pretty much the entire season last year. the whole not prepared for different scenarios... yeah, JJ6 and his issues last season certainly didn't help.

If so, this would be fabulous. it's time for a change on all fronts. time for Lashlee to get out from under the mentors wing, and at the same time, it's time for Gus to get a new face at OC...I just really hate this couldn't of happened last season so CDC could of been our OC. and before you even say it, he is more qualified than our current OC to be an OC in the SEC...but it's ok. I think we came out ok in our trade with LSU. Craig for Steele? recruiter for coach... yeah... (a real yeah, not a sarcastic one, LoL.)

God I don't want Hand as the OC and a former Arkansas State QB as our QB coach... because I mean, he was at stAte, he received the best coaching in the nation! even went a season under Gus and Lashlee!!!! oh....wait....

Thats an absolutely terrible idea. with how picky Gus was about prior SEC DC experience when Steele, he better not just hand the keys to the offense to an OL coach. we tried that here before once in my lifetime that I can remember, and it turned out horrible . if I remember correctly it was after Bobby P left as our OC. Anyway, Hand has zero SEC OC experience. He only has OC experience with Gus at Tulsa. and I am sorry but if I were a recruit, and I have Lane Kiffin as the OC and QB coach at one school and I have Herb Hand as the OC and some kid who couldn't make it to a big time university as the QB coach... the choice where I pick is simple. you guys think QB recruiting is bad now....it would be worse with that.

But to your post Madtown, Chad Morris would be a dream come true, but come on we don't get awesomeness like that. but it sure would be nice. and Napier...interesting thought, at least he has OC experience at a major university.  but the question is do we want two former Clemson coordinators as our coordinators?


Yeah, Morris would probably be a big get.  Running his own version of a similar system could potentially rejuvenate our offense without many major changes, which could also help with predictability.  Doesn't look like CBN was an effective OC, but he's ranked in the top ten nationally as a recruiter.  As I said, I was just curious if Steele might have any buddies maybe looking for a new job.  And I stopped looking after those two.  I have no idea what GCM will try to do.

Concerning Hand, I had rather hire a top-flight OC/QB coach, but he's not like the OL coaches we're used to (Grimes, the other Grimes, Nall, etc).  Throughout his career he's been an assistant HC/run game coordinator/co-OC type guy.  He's even been a recruiting coordinator.  I'm not predicting he'll be the next big thing, just that I don't really expect Nall Ball part 2.


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I'd assume it's safe to say that these reports could very easily be as "factual" as ESPN reporting Strong was fired, then reporting that Herman was likely to LSU which would mean Strong wasn't fired, and then reporting that Coach O is the new LSU coach and Herman is the new Texas coach. Can't trust "news" anymore. Not to say that these reports couldn't be accurate, as they very well could be; but the above example from this very week says enough IMO. 

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I know SMU still seems to be recoiling from the death penalty they received from the NCAA about 20 some odd years ago but would Morris leave a head coaching  gig to become OC at Auburn.

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5 minutes ago, milehighfan said:

I know SMU still seems to be recoiling from the death penalty they received from the NCAA about 20 some odd years ago but would Morris leave a head coaching  gig to become OC at Auburn.

I don't think he would, but could be wrong.

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30 minutes ago, milehighfan said:

I know SMU still seems to be recoiling from the death penalty they received from the NCAA about 20 some odd years ago but would Morris leave a head coaching  gig to become OC at Auburn.

I would put money on him only moving for HC opportunities

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