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Hillary won't answer ' election results ' question. Gee, wonder why.


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14 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Yes, i'll call you an idiot, as well as your idiotic attempt to pass this off as some ' sports meme ' on Obama's part.  But I can see why you'd think it valid. :laugh: 

Everyone knows "not in my house" is a common sports meme.  

And to seriously propose an Ivy League law graduate would believe that actual ownership of the White House goes with the office of president is clearly insane.  In fact, it suggests a racial motivation for saying so.

So, which is it - insanity or racism?  Perhaps both?

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Everyone knows "not in my house" is a common sports meme.  

And to seriously propose an Ivy League law graduate would believe that actual ownership of the White House goes with the office of president is clearly insane.  In fact, it suggests a racial motivation for saying so.

So, which is it - insanity or racism?  Perhaps both?

Ask Tony Rezko about Obama's " house " .

And how exactly does it suggest a ' racial ' motivation ? 

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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Ask Tony Rezko about Obama's " house " .

And how exactly does it suggest a ' racial ' motivation ? 

What does this have to do with the White House?

It's an overly absurd claim made about a well-educated man who just happens to be black.   Actually, it makes far more sense as a racial joke than a serious proposition.  

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47 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

@Brad_ATX - I'd have no idea what Rock or anyone else drinks, as I don't give 2 flips about wrasslin'. But glad to hear you don't drink swill. 

Who said I was joking about the Vegas strip club ? 

No idea what ' digital skills ' you possess, but I dare say you'd be doing even better were it not for the current admin. The recovery, as it is, is the smallest in US history. Sorry, but your lame excuse that things are only bad for those 'unable to keep up' is nonsense. 

The GOP absolutely is painfully aware of the 20 TRILLION dollar deficit, thanks to Obama. And as % of GDP, things have never been worse. So spare me the Reagan nonsense. You don't know what you're talking about. 

Law and order ? Yeah, those are such outdated and confining " rules " . And what are you even talking about, brining women into this discussion ? Any great divide concerning them is manufactured political tripe, and doesn't reflect reality .  If ' reaching out ' is code for buying off, then yeah, the GOP will always fail at that, because they can never GIVE other people's money to the minorities as well as Democrats. 

Last thing I'm posting on this topic because I'm smart enough not to debate too long with a brick wall.

If I were doing better than I currently am, I could retire by 45.  As it is, I may have to wait until 47-50.  If you think I'm complaining about that, you've lost your damn mind.  And no, I wasn't born with a silver spoon.  I've worked for everything that I have.

All 20 Trillion is not thanks to Obama.  To say so is just being willfully ignorant of the facts.  You'll notice that I said EVERY president since Reagan has increased the debt.

Law and order has never been seriously threatened in our society since the Civil War.  In fact, if you look at history, people saying they just want "law and order" are often involved in groups looking to suppress another (see: KKK).

Bringing women into the discussion matters because they are 52% of the electorate, yet the Republican party consistently puts forth platforms that at least 60% of women can't support and won't vote for. 

And nowhere did I say reaching out had to do with money.  If you actually read my statement, you would have noticed that I wish there was a viable Republican candidate that fits today's modern society.  Reaching out means actively trying to understand issues in an increasingly growing and politically active minority community and what drives them to vote. Then work to find solutions that make a difference.  If you read the 2012 Republican autopsy and apply it to this year, you'll notice the party is making the same mistakes as it did in 2012.  And you will end up with the same result.

In closing, get out of the sticks and into the city on occasion. And not Montgomery or Birmingham.  I mean a real city, with people of diverse backgrounds living side-by-side.  Talk to people who don't agree with everything you say.  More importantly, listen to them.  Then have a healthy, constructive conversation that pushes past tired tropes like liberal media or free handouts.  I'm lucky enough to live in a place that gives me this chance, as well as travel the country and I see it every day.  You'll find that our differences aren't really that great.  Hell, SNL did a good job of pointing that out the other night with the "Black Jeopardy" skit.  As an African-American friend of mine says, "there isn't much difference between someone from the ghetto and a redneck".

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1 hour ago, Bigbens42 said:

Join us in the beer thread down in ATC from time to time, Brad. We have some aficionados here when it comes to brews. :cheers:


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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

Last thing I'm posting on this topic because I'm smart enough not to debate too long with a brick wall.

If I were doing better than I currently am, I could retire by 45.  As it is, I may have to wait until 47-50.  If you think I'm complaining about that, you've lost your damn mind.  And no, I wasn't born with a silver spoon.  I've worked for everything that I have.  ( Then why would you try to give credit to who sits in the WH ? ) 

All 20 Trillion is not thanks to Obama.  To say so is just being willfully ignorant of the facts.  You'll notice that I said EVERY president since Reagan has increased the debt.( Yeah, but only ONE has doubled it. Obama ) 

Law and order has never been seriously threatened in our society since the Civil War.  In fact, if you look at history, people saying they just want "law and order" are often involved in groups looking to suppress another (see: KKK). ( Not been up w/ the latest BLM and political  attacks on the police ? ) 

Bringing women into the discussion matters because they are 52% of the electorate, yet the Republican party consistently puts forth platforms that at least 60% of women can't support and won't vote for. ( Says who ? The Dem party ? Corrupt as hell as it is 

And nowhere did I say reaching out had to do with money. ( never said YOU said it. But that IS what  & how the Left thinks.   )   If you actually read my statement, you would have noticed that I wish there was a viable Republican candidate that fits today's modern society.  Reaching out means actively trying to understand issues in an increasingly growing and politically active minority community and what drives them to vote. Then work to find solutions that make a difference.  If you read the 2012 Republican autopsy and apply it to this year, you'll notice the party is making the same mistakes as it did in 2012.  And you will end up with the same result. ( No argument from me there. They  GOP actively tried to squash the TEA Party movement, out of fear of losing power. Period. They don't want to be bothered by " the little people " .

In closing, get out of the sticks and into the city on occasion. And not Montgomery or Birmingham.  I mean a real city, with people of diverse backgrounds living side-by-side.  Talk to people who don't agree with everything you say.  More importantly, listen to them.  Then have a healthy, constructive conversation that pushes past tired tropes like liberal media or free handouts.  I'm lucky enough to live in a place that gives me this chance, as well as travel the country and I see it every day.  You'll find that our differences aren't really that great.  Hell, SNL did a good job of pointing that out the other night with the "Black Jeopardy" skit.  As an African-American friend of mine says, "there isn't much difference between someone from the ghetto and a redneck".

Get out of the sticks ? Really? You REALLY don't know me, do you. :laugh:

I'm not from AL. Save for my time @ Auburn, I'm an ATL native , in and around the " city " . 

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  • 3 weeks later...

She didn't answer.  That's not ME saying it, but the reporter who asked her the question - 



Fox News’ Bret Baier found something ironic in how Hillary Clinton and her campaign is officially not conceding tonight.

Jennifer Griffin reported on John Podesta coming in minutes to address the crowd at Clinton rally HQ to let people know they could go home and there would be no further comment tonight.

Griffin said it sounds like Team Clinton isn’t quite ready to concede, which led Baier to note “the irony of this moment.”


Later on, in the over night broadcast, they DID find that video, played it, to which Jennifer Griffin stated that Hillary didn't answer the question. 

Seasoned news reporter - 1 

Butthurt Dems  - 0 

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She conceded today. You can gloat about the victory, but gloating about this only makes you look like a jackass. 

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25 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

She conceded today. You can gloat about the victory, but gloating about this only makes you look like a jackass. 

Not gloating. I'm proving a point.


learn the difference. 

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43 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Only a real idiot would not understand that HRC is not the one who called the process, "rigged".

She didn't answer the question. 


And ask Bernie if the Dem primary was rigged or not.


double fail, Cletus.

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13 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

She didn't answer the question. 


And ask Bernie if the Dem primary was rigged or not.


double fail, Cletus.

Neither has anything to do with it.  Your lame weaseling is old.  You rarely put forth any effort any more.  Mindless.

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4 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Neither has anything to do with it.  Your lame weaseling is old.  You rarely put forth any effort any more.  Mindless.

Her not answering IS the point, dumb ass. You're so full of disillusionment and blind hatred , you've completely forgotten the thread topic ! You're just trollishly reacting now, at anything I say. 

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10 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Her not answering IS the point, dumb ass. You're so full of disillusionment and blind hatred , you've completely forgotten the thread topic ! You're just trollishly reacting now, at anything I say. 

Pathetic nonsense.  You deserve some pity.

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13 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Pathetic nonsense.  You deserve some pity.

Game, set , match.  Seems you need another day in bed, with your jammies w/ your woobie , snowflake. 

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2 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Game, set , match.  Seems you need another day in bed, with your jammies w/ your woobie , snowflake. 

Common make another pathetic attempt.  You can do it!  

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Why should I ? You're the idiot who veered off the path w/ the non sequitur in the first place. When asked, by Jennifer Griffin of FOX News, if she'd accept the results, Hillary just nodded, and then went on to give a response ( not an answer ) . This was the clear, obvious issue I saw, and now that the reporter who asked the question herself said EXACTLY THE SAME THING, all this trolling, denial and name calling by you and the snowflakes who backed Hillary are pathetic on a nuclear scale. 


But carry on. It's amusing. 

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5 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

She conceded today. You can gloat about the victory, but gloating about this only makes you look like a jackass. 

Well, he's never been one to pass up on such an opportunity.     ;D

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

Her not answering IS the point, dumb ass. You're so full of disillusionment and blind hatred , you've completely forgotten the thread topic ! You're just trollishly reacting now, at anything I say. 

Irony alert!

What a great thread to make such a statement!  

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32 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Game, set , match.  Seems you need another day in bed, with your jammies w/ your woobie , snowflake. 

Is this an example of that "serious discussion" you like to talk about?   :laugh:

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5 hours ago, homersapien said:

Is this an example of that "serious discussion" you like to talk about?   :laugh:

Hey, I tried. But when snowflakes keep trolling, and ignore the  simple facts of the matter, it leaves little left. 

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