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Hillary won't answer ' election results ' question. Gee, wonder why.


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43 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It's amazing to me how the same bunch who can read virtually anything sinister into the vaguest of comments Obama makes utterly lose the ability to perceive implication in Hillary's comments when it suits them.

Check that.  Actually, that doesn't amaze me at all.  

 it's probably because everything Obama says is a lie, and if you actually listen to what he says there's almost nothing trivial or inconsequential. Every time he opens his mouth he is promoting and pushing his agenda. 

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6 hours ago, AURaptor said:

... First, I've  already debunked your claim that I was  the " only one in the world " to have that view. And as easy as I found that, I can find others, but really, there's no point. You've already been shown to be ridiculous, and wrong, so you should be apologizing more and not trying to weasel out and back away from admitting you're wrong. 

The other links prove a pattern of hypocrisy w/ the Left and Hillary, feigning outrage with their faux  moral indignant view that anyone would DARE stoop so low as Trump to question an election. The Left are exactly the things they accuse others of being. 

And this isn't a matter of consensus. It's a matter of FACT.  She didn't answer. Whether 1 person agrees w/ me, or 5 billion, nothing changes. You seem to thihk that truth relies on mob rule, who ever has the most votes wins. 

OK, you win.  The long response she gave wasn't an answer.  You and one other person in the entire world see it while everyone else exists in a "bubble".  

You - being omnipotent - are the only one who can see the "truth".   And even if you are the only one in the world who believes it, it is nonetheless fact.  Everyone else in the world is wrong you are right.  :-\

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 it's probably because everything Obama says is a lie, and if you actually listen to what he says there's almost nothing trivial or inconsequential. Every time he opens his mouth he is promoting and pushing his agenda. 

Yep.  "Everything"

And he claimed he owns the white house too.  Doesn't matter if everyone else in the world understood the meme, you have spoken.  He thinks he owns the White House.


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He said it was " my house". It isn't. 


 But it is really odd that you keep bringing that up. It must really strike a chord with you, that anyone would question your dear leader. 

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

He said it was " my house". It isn't. 


 But it is really odd that you keep bringing that up. It must really strike a chord with you, that anyone would question your dear leader. 

I rent a home.  I call it my house.  I don't claim to own it.  

...Something tells me I'm going to regret actually engaging and posting here :P.

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2 minutes ago, savorytiger said:

I rent a home.  I call it my house.  I don't claim to own it.  

...Something tells me I'm going to regret actually engaging and posting here :P.

You seem rational. Stick around. ;)

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

He said it was " my house". It isn't. 


 But it is really odd that you keep bringing that up. It must really strike a chord with you, that anyone would question your dear leader. 

It's not odd for him.  It's odd that you are so stuck on it and that it bothers you.

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

He said it was " my house". It isn't. 


 But it is really odd that you keep bringing that up. It must really strike a chord with you, that anyone would question your dear leader. 

You are rite again.  He aint gonna move out.  He aint even gonna move out of their for hitlary.  He realy thanks its his house.  We no it aint.  Them lefty libtards prolly thanks it is.

They is all stupid and got a mentall disorders.  barry sux.  hitlary sux.  libturds is dum.  That rite their is all you need to no.

59 minutes ago, savorytiger said:

I rent a home.  I call it my house.  I don't claim to own it.  

...Something tells me I'm going to regret actually engaging and posting here :P.

RUN!!!!!!!!!!  Get out while you still can!!!!


I love this thread!!!

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1 hour ago, savorytiger said:

I rent a home.  I call it my house.  I don't claim to own it.  

...Something tells me I'm going to regret actually engaging and posting here :P.

You rent . You pay $ to live there. The WH is the people's House. Everyone knows this.  Yours is a moot point. 

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57 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

You rent . You pay $ to live there. The WH is the people's House. Everyone knows this.  Yours is a moot point. 

There's only one People's House, and this man is the owner:


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42 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

There's only one People's House, and this man is the owner:


 This would probably explain  why elections turn out as they do. SMH. 

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24 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 This would probably explain  why elections turn out as they do. SMH. 

See, I SMH at you for not having a sense of humor.  Damn dude, it's a joke on a forum.  Take Frankie's advice and relax.

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9 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

See, I SMH at you for not having a sense of humor.  Damn dude, it's a joke on a forum.  Take Frankie's advice and relax.

This aint funny.  This hear is seriess business.  That clown barry thanks he owns the White House an hitlary is gonna protest the election.  Dont no buddy but me and Rapter takes is seriess.  Them libtards is tryin to destroy the country.  Wake the hell up America!

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7 hours ago, AURaptor said:

He said it was " my house". It isn't. 


 But it is really odd that you keep bringing that up. It must really strike a chord with you, that anyone would question your dear leader. 

I keep bringing it up because it's the perfect illustration of your idiocy.

That you keep doubling down on that idiocy makes it even better.

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16 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

See, I SMH at you for not having a sense of humor.  Damn dude, it's a joke on a forum.  Take Frankie's advice and relax.

 Real tough to laugh when the country is being destroyed. But hey, go grab another Budweiser from the fridge. 

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I keep bringing it up because it is the perfect illustration of your idiocy.

That you keep doubling down on it makes it even better.

 And  you are such a gullible, useful idiot, that you think Obama can say anything and it's true. I will double, triple ,quadruple , down, I don't care.  He's wrong & I'll call him out for it 

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

 Real tough to laugh when the country is being destroyed. But hey, go grab another Budweiser from the fridge. 

"Being destroyed"?  :-\

Quick, get out while you can!     

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29 minutes ago, homersapien said:

"Being destroyed"?  :-\

Quick, get out while you can!     



Ever increasing national debt ? Check 

Greater unrest between citizens ? Check 

Destruction of the nation's Health Care  ?  On schedule ... check 



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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

 Real tough to laugh when the country is being destroyed. But hey, go grab another Budweiser from the fridge. 

1) Any true Rock fan doesn't drink Budweiser.  That's Steve Austin's drink of choice!

2) If you think I'm drinking piss-water like Budweiser, you're sadly mistaken.  I tend to prefer high-end scotch or bourbon, aged tequila, or local brews (especially stouts). 

3) Finally, lighten up a little Francis.  Not every post has to be doom and gloom.  Hell, on another thread you were joking about going to strip club in Vegas.

But if you want to get serious, here goes.  Believe it or not, there are people like myself who are thriving under the current administration despite some of its obvious faults.  Honestly, as a 33 year old man who really began his career during the Great Recession, it's patently obvious that most people who are being "left behind" are those who have been unable and unwilling to adapt to a rapidly changing world in which digital skills are just as, if not more important, than manual ones to obtain high paying jobs.  And since many of the skills which made people successful during the 80s/90s aren't needed anymore, people are blaming government instead of finding ways to reinvent themselves and become invaluable to the current marketplace.

As for your above post about ever increasing national debt and civil unrest, I could easily argue that Republicans have no interest in either outside of talking points.  Debt soared during the Bush & Reagan administrations.  This is an inarguable fact, as debt has risen under every President since Reagan took office.  As for unrest, Trump & Republican policies like the North Carolina bathroom law have needlessly fragmented the electorate with divisive words and actions.  The reason most ultra-conservatives see it as unrest is because (and you're going to HATE this) minorities and women aren't playing by what old white men consider the appropriate rules.  And until the Republican party learns how to better reach out to these groups, it will continue to lose national elections.  And you know what?  That sucks, because I actually believe in many conservative principles, but can't support the party as it stands right now and has stood for the last 10 years.

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Join us in the beer thread down in ATC from time to time, Brad. We have some aficionados here when it comes to brews. :cheers:

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@Brad_ATX - I'd have no idea what Rock or anyone else drinks, as I don't give 2 flips about wrasslin'. But glad to hear you don't drink swill. 

Who said I was joking about the Vegas strip club ? 

No idea what ' digital skills ' you possess, but I dare say you'd be doing even better were it not for the current admin. The recovery, as it is, is the smallest in US history. Sorry, but your lame excuse that things are only bad for those 'unable to keep up' is nonsense. 

The GOP absolutely is painfully aware of the 20 TRILLION dollar deficit, thanks to Obama. And as % of GDP, things have never been worse. So spare me the Reagan nonsense. You don't know what you're talking about. 


The reason most ultra-conservatives see it as unrest is because (and you're going to HATE this) minorities and women aren't playing by what old white men consider the appropriate rules.

Law and order ? Yeah, those are such outdated and confining " rules " . And what are you even talking about, brining women into this discussion ? Any great divide concerning them is manufactured political tripe, and doesn't reflect reality .  If ' reaching out ' is code for buying off, then yeah, the GOP will always fail at that, because they can never GIVE other people's money to the minorities as well as Democrats. 

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 And  you are such a gullible, useful idiot, that you think Obama can say anything and it's true. I will double, triple ,quadruple , down, I don't care.  He's wrong & I'll call him out for it 

You decide to deliberately interpret Obama's use of a common sports meme literally,  in order to provide "evidence" of a laughably lame premise.

And you call me an idiot?  :lmao:

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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You decide to deliberately interpret Obama's use of a common sports meme literally,  in order to provide "evidence" of a laughably lame premise.

And you call me an idiot?  :lmao:

Yes, i'll call you an idiot, as well as your idiotic attempt to pass this off as some ' sports meme ' on Obama's part.  But I can see why you'd think it valid. :laugh: 

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