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anyone want to admit that so far


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Let's not be serving up crow through only half the season.  The 2015 team was 4-2 also.  The teams we've beaten are a combined 9-14.  The teams we've lost to are 13-0.  2016 Auburn is not the dumpster fire we thought they were the first couple weeks of the season, but are still not world-beaters.  Play-calling, while better, still gets stuck in infinite loops of repetition for several series/quarters at a time.  The defense and Kevin Steele are outstanding, nobody can refute that, but I've seen very few people actually try to since the season began.  That chatter ceased after the offseason ended.

So, I would pretty much say that this team is what their record says they are.  Arkansas/Ole Miss/ Georgia (who though they lost to Vandy will probably morph into the 85 bears like they always do when they see Auburn)/ and Bama will be the true bell-weathers for the season's success.  Win 3 of 4, then I'll take my crow with barbecue sauce.  Split them, and be prepared to lament the missed opportunities and the almost embarrassing preparation the coaches did to facilitate such a terrible start.  Go 1-3, thus probably ending up 7-5, be prepared for the crow to be served right back to sunshine land and the Briles/Herman/everyone else discussion to continue ad nauseum.  


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I think I'll prepare to watch my AU Tigers lay it all on the line to beat the piggies. I feel certain that is what coaches are preparing THEM to do.......WDE

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14 hours ago, SCTiger2011 said:

 Let's not be serving up crow through only half the season.  The 2015 team was 4-2 also.  The teams we've beaten are a combined 9-14.  The teams we've lost to are 13-0.  2016 Auburn is not the dumpster fire we thought they were the first couple weeks of the season, but are still not world-beaters.  Play-calling, while better, still gets stuck in infinite loops of repetition for several series/quarters at a time.  The defense and Kevin Steele are outstanding, nobody can refute that, but I've seen very few people actually try to since the season began.  That chatter ceased after the offseason ended.

So, I would pretty much say that this team is what their record says they are.  Arkansas/Ole Miss/ Georgia (who though they lost to Vandy will probably morph into the 85 bears like they always do when they see Auburn)/ and Bama will be the true bell-weathers for the season's success.  Win 3 of 4, then I'll take my crow with barbecue sauce.  Split them, and be prepared to lament the missed opportunities and the almost embarrassing preparation the coaches did to facilitate such a terrible start.  Go 1-3, thus probably ending up 7-5, be prepared for the crow to be served right back to sunshine land and the Briles/Herman/everyone else discussion to continue ad nauseum.  


I think the replace Gus thing is completely off the table unless he loses the rest of his sec games.

i also think we have done a much better job play calling. While I'm not an ultimate football guru, it seems to me like we have a more convential pass offense for Sean on plays where he's standing in the pocket. Less tricky-play actions and more of giving Sean all the time he can have to find a WR. As many others have been mentioning, Rhett seems to be much more balanced when calling plays. Both units on the team have improved game to game and I'm hoping that continues to trend.


so far, our record says we were one different play caller away from being 6-0 or 5-1 and a top 10 team. While that doesn't change the fact that we're 4-2, it does show that we have only lost to the #3 and #5 (or wherever they are currently ranked) by a couple of points, with terrible play calling and even using 5 players at QB against Clemson. 2015 was 4-2 as well but again, this team has loses to only top 5 teams that were close games, has no blowout loss to LSU, has no OT game against JSU, is not going through and QB debacle and starting a QB with 0 experience. 

Every unit on the team is playing so much better than last year, I don't think the teams are comparable at all outside of the people on them. 

I think we have every bit as much of a possibility to be 9-2 coming into Bama as we do being 6-5. Ole Miss and Arky look like they've got shotty run D and UGA is still probably going to have a freshman at QB. No reason we should drop more than one coming into Bama, imo. 

I also think Bama could be beatable. That Tenn game wasn't a good judge of how good they are, imo, I saw that one coming a mile away with Butches ole "do y'all even know how good my team plays in the second half??"

i think bamas freshman QB and their scoring defense have given the media enough to talk about with Bama where they don't have to mention any deficiencies. It's the same story every year with bama, no one is going to beat Bama, they'll come into top 10 games as two touchdown favors and all that, until someone beats them. I think we've got the depth and talent to hang with them this year. Our defense will be solid enough where they will give our offense a chance to make it a game. If Carl, Monty and Co show up for their biggest game of the year we could see some problems for them and their freshman QB. 

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My take on the rest of the season will come down to injuries and turnovers.    If AU can stay injury free and keep the turnovers down they will have great chance to win  out heading into bama game.   If this happens, AU will have tons of confidence which I believe is what AU needs 

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