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anyone want to admit that so far


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Steele's defense has FAR surpassed where I thought we would be this year. Obviously having the talent we have is the main reason, but he has put them in the right spot at the right times. I did not think he was all that great at Clemson and LSU but currently he is leading the best defense we have had in almost a decade. 

Rhett - I think he is doing a fine job. Only issue I see is that we are still running the ball 86 % of the time on 1st down. Our offense, even in the first half, was pretty basic: run the ball with KP for 5 yards and then run it again. On third down if it is short, run it again. If it is long - throw for a first down. Then repeat. Mix in a few throws here and there but just keep running KP. He ran the ball 39 times - 27 TIMES IN THE FIRST HALF. The difference between this game and the other games? It just seems like we running right at teams instead of fiddle-farting around, and the players are executing it better. The change in the OLINE has helped. And let me also say this - I am fine with this game plan. If it is not broken, don't fix it. I have no problem with hammering a team into submission like we did on Saturday. If we can run like that on the other teams this year we will win - period. 

We are who we are this year - strong defense, strong kicking game, few penalties, and basically run the ball 75% of the time with some pace. I do like the red zone scoring the last 2 games. Nice!

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2 hours ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

And the 3rd QT woes on O still continue. Love to see Gus/Rhett call a complete game for the first time. Going to cost AU a game this year. Can't turn "it" off and them expect to turn "it" back on. 

Yep! Gus should have let Rhett call the gam in the 2nd half  he called in the first half tll the game was completely decided and the first team was off the field. No Killer Instinct.. Auburn has had a history of that unfortunately.

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12 hours ago, ClaytonAU said:

Gus is 3-0 when wearing a hat not a visor. War Damn Eagle. 

Love it!

Hide your hat Gus, WDE knows !!!

Just wait until Gus starts wearing it backwards!!!

War Eagle.

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55 minutes ago, ellitor said:

Yep! Gus should have let Rhett call the gam in the 2nd half  he called in the first half tll the game was completely decided and the first team was off the field. No Killer Instinct.. Auburn has had a history of that unfortunately.

I don't understand it either. That third qtr should have been full throttle till we put 49 on the board then you let #36 take his helmet and shoulder pads off and then coast home. 

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9 hours ago, ClaytonAU said:

Gus is 3-0 when wearing a hat not a visor. War Damn Eagle. 

+1  Hats from now on.

I'll say it... I wanted to throw kerosene on the dumpster fire, so everything would burn faster and we could start over.  LSU and MSU have given me reason to be happy.  6 games in, Auburn's only losses are to undefeated opponents.  Ostensibly, Auburn is still in the running for just about any season result it wants.  Surprising!

I'm still not 100% convinced on some elements of the program. And, overall, we need to have a much more corporate approach to the athletic department if we hope to be competitive across the board going into the future.  

The way this year's games were scheduled is unacceptable.  Totally screwed me.  

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I have so many thoughts.

First, I was one of those who thought Malzahn was coaching his way out of a job. Absolutely. I own it.

Second, I'm delighted the team is making progress, and I'm happy to give Malzahn credit. I intend to stay delighted.

Third, I also expressed doubts about White. I said he's not as accurate as some think and he doesn't do well when pressured. I missed a lot of the State game, but I still feel that way a bit. I'm delighted we're doing a better job with him.

Fourth, it seems to me that two things have stepped up: OL play and playcalling. We were right to hold Gus accountable on the playcalling. And the Clemson QB rotation debacle, my Lord.

Fifth, we're not quite out of the woods, not yet. We're now 2-1 in the conference. We were an ugly 2-6 last year and went out on a 3-game losing streak the year before. So you can say we're on a 4-10 streak or a 2-game winning streak and be correct both ways.

All that said, I don't feel I'm eating any crow to be feeling hopeful. I've always wanted Malzahn to succeed, but I haven't always believed it was likely. I think the evidence fit that.

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I was extremely underwhelmed when Steele was hired. But he was the perfect guy to follow up Muschamp. He was able to pick up the baton and keep running. Similar scheme & terminology helped a ton I assume. He also is doing a great job maintaining the mentality change that Muschamp had to get his hands dirty doing. I know some people think Muschamp was a waste, but his defenses kept us in every single game other than LSU and he took on the hardest part -- uprooting the mentality that had been festering on the defensive side of the ball for 8 years. All in all, Steele has these guys currently playing at levels I definitely did not think this current crop of guys (outside of Lawson and Adams) could achieve at this point.


As far as the offense, I still want to see Lashlee some more as the guy in charge of the O. But ever since we made the switch to Lashlee calling the O I gotta say we look much more improved. OL with this unit in place looks much better too. But just imagine if XD never gets hurt. I will say that it's really unfortunate that we have a staff that can't determine what we have in practice. We could be undefeated and in the top 10 (at least) right now. But Lashlee has these guys looking up it feels like!

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22 hours ago, SumterAubie said:

Well it is just that doc did not say White plays as good as Brees now or will end up playing like Brees, only that White reminded him of Brees. It just seemed strange to tell a man 'no' because one person reminded him of another person.

  • I do respect all opinions in that we are all Auburn Family and I will fiercely defend anyone in the Auburn Family /Nation. Who knows, SW could wind up one day playing in the NFL. My son who is an engineer and works as a cost control analysis for USAA in San Antonio and a huge Saints and Drew Brees fan. We Skype a few times each week just to catch up on things to do with the Saints and other sports related issues. He received his MBA from Auburn and is a solid fan of Auburn. He was the one who brought the comparison to my attention of Brees and White. If you watch segments of each one, you will see a good deal of similarity. I know Brees was and is a super QB and one of the best QBs to play the game. Shawn has a long way to go to be in the same class of Brees, but has a ton of untapped potential. If he can stay healthy, he could wind up as an all SEC QB in the future. I think we are far better at the QB position than most of the pundits think, and the same goes to our RBs.
  • It seems as if when one RB has an injury, another one takes their place with little if any let down.  I would like to know what KJs situation with regard to his ankle injury. I do hope he will heal up and be at close to 100% when the pigs come to JHS in 2 weeks. We are  becoming the offensive force that other SEC teams will dread. Good grief, our defense is one that will give opponents fits. We may very well become the team that is rapidly closing the gap on bammer and this is a good thing!
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I admit it.  I was not happy with the Steele hire, but am very happy with how his D is playing.

My fear was that Gus and Rhett would pull their act together just enough to keep their jobs at AU and then would be flat for the next season or 2.  Like if we soundly beat all the teams with losing records we would normally be expected to beat and then maybe knock off a team or two with winning records... Would that be enough?  How long would it be before folks began claiming we were 'back' and were a NC-level team even though we're losing 3 games a season?

I can't tell you how good it feels to know those fears were unfounded and this team is back for real.


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I think that the SEC is much tougher this season than last. Look at TAMU, they have a good chance of going 12-0. Last year, at this time, they were spinning on a downward spiral and Sumlin was on the hot seat.  Look at Tennessee, they are better this season than last year. They did improve as the season unfolded in 2015. Auburn of course! We are light years better this season than in 2014 & 2015. Bammer is bammer of which I will not dwell on. I do thing that UT, TAMU, have a solid chance of beating bammer this season. Of course, we have a solid chance of handing them a painful loss come November. I am sleepy and tired and need to check out for now.

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On 10/9/2016 at 2:06 PM, Eagle-1 said:

Defense has been very good.  Steele has done a good job, as they seem to be well coached. Linebacker play is so much better, seems our best talent at that position was on the bench last season. Offensive coaching is still a work in progress. We have a QB completing almost 75% of his passes on first, and second down, yet Lashlee continues to run the ball 80-85% of the time on first down. THIS DRIVES ME INSANE!,. This philosophy works on teams we can overpower, but will cost us down the road if it continues. With a little tweaking, and if Lashlee would turn Sean loose the sky's the limit for this team. 

Only problem with this is that, for instance, vs MSU the run was killing them.  We ran the ball 28 times on first down for 125 yards.  That's almost 4.5 yards per carry.  And two of those carries of 1 and 2 yards respectively were for TDs.  We only were stopped for no gain twice all game and had zero negative rushing plays.  This offense thrives on getting 4 or more yards on first down and of the 28 first down running plays, we got at least 4 yards 16 times.

And we did come out throwing right away.  We threw passes on the first two first downs of the game.  But in this game, it became quite evident that we could bludgeon MSU to death with Pettway and that was the correct strategy.

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I don't understand why everyone is thinking we changed our play calling in the second half? We were running the same plays, but lousy execution, turnovers, and less lime with the ball were the reasons we were not successful. In the first half we would run the ball and on third and long we converted with a pass. Second half - we ran the ball and on third and long, we just did not convert the passes. I have watched the game a few times now...

1st series - we run it for a first a first down down or 2, then on third and long SW is sacked. We punt.

2nd series - we are running up their throats and KP fumbles.

3rd series - we start at the 1 yard line, run the ball a few times and SW makes a great pass that K Davis misplays. I thought it was on the money. Not a bad call. 

4th series - a 9 minute drive where we did EXACTLY what we did in the first half (run the ball, convert a 3rd a long on a long pass) where a TD was negated by a holding call (TD taken away) and we settle for a short field goal.  At that point there was only 1 minute left. 

We did the exact same thing as the first half, we just did not execute the long passes for first downs - except for the final drive. Plus the turnover. Plus the AU defense, playing some subs, could not get off of the field at times and we had less chances. 

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1 hour ago, gr82b4au said:

I don't understand why everyone is thinking we changed our play calling in the second half? We were running the same plays, but lousy execution, turnovers, and less lime with the ball were the reasons we were not successful. In the first half we would run the ball and on third and long we converted with a pass. Second half - we ran the ball and on third and long, we just did not convert the passes. I have watched the game a few times now...

1st series - we run it for a first a first down down or 2, then on third and long SW is sacked. We punt.

2nd series - we are running up their throats and KP fumbles.

3rd series - we start at the 1 yard line, run the ball a few times and SW makes a great pass that K Davis misplays. I thought it was on the money. Not a bad call. 

4th series - a 9 minute drive where we did EXACTLY what we did in the first half (run the ball, convert a 3rd a long on a long pass) where a TD was negated by a holding call (TD taken away) and we settle for a short field goal.  At that point there was only 1 minute left. 

We did the exact same thing as the first half, we just did not execute the long passes for first downs - except for the final drive. Plus the turnover. Plus the AU defense, playing some subs, could not get off of the field at times and we had less chances. 

Get out of here with facts  to backup your argument.

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1 hour ago, gr82b4au said:

I don't understand why everyone is thinking we changed our play calling in the second half? We were running the same plays, but lousy execution, turnovers, and less lime with the ball were the reasons we were not successful. In the first half we would run the ball and on third and long we converted with a pass. Second half - we ran the ball and on third and long, we just did not convert the passes. I have watched the game a few times now...

1st series - we run it for a first a first down down or 2, then on third and long SW is sacked. We punt.

2nd series - we are running up their throats and KP fumbles.

3rd series - we start at the 1 yard line, run the ball a few times and SW makes a great pass that K Davis misplays. I thought it was on the money. Not a bad call. 

4th series - a 9 minute drive where we did EXACTLY what we did in the first half (run the ball, convert a 3rd a long on a long pass) where a TD was negated by a holding call (TD taken away) and we settle for a short field goal.  At that point there was only 1 minute left. 

We did the exact same thing as the first half, we just did not execute the long passes for first downs - except for the final drive. Plus the turnover. Plus the AU defense, playing some subs, could not get off of the field at times and we had less chances. 

We passed the ball a total of 2 times in the second half. Hard to argue that play calling wasn't changed at halftime. 

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3 hours ago, FoundationEagle said:

We passed the ball a total of 2 times in the second half. Hard to argue that play calling wasn't changed at halftime. 

 It is easy to argue. The 2 passes were 3rd downs that we missed on in the second half - we completed those same passes in the first half. KP ran the ball 27 times in the first half. We did not change in the second half. Other than the first 2 passes on first down of the 1st half, we ran the ball just about every other first down of the entire game. We were running it successfully again in the second half but we fumbled. We also had a 9 minute drive where we ran the ball almost every play in the second half. We also had the ball on 7 possessions in the 1st half. Only 4 in the second. Just poor execution. Go back and watch it. 


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3 hours ago, gr82b4au said:

 It is easy to argue. The 2 passes were 3rd downs that we missed on in the second half - we completed those same passes in the first half. KP ran the ball 27 times in the first half. We did not change in the second half. Other than the first 2 passes on first down of the 1st half, we ran the ball just about every other first down of the entire game. We were running it successfully again in the second half but we fumbled. We also had a 9 minute drive where we ran the ball almost every play in the second half. We also had the ball on 7 possessions in the 1st half. Only 4 in the second. Just poor execution. Go back and watch it. 


1st half throws


1st down 5 

2cnd down 7

3rd down 4


2cnd half throws 


1st down 0

2cnd down 0

3rd down 2


Its not even remotely close to the same play calling. 

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We went full on vanilla in the 2nd half. You can argue with yourself all you want...lol. We could've put 49 or more on the scoreboard with the same aggressive play calling we had in the 1st half. 

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Just now, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

And it should not take a top of the line 5M a year offensive guru coach and his OC FIVE games to find an identity on offense. 

It seems to take Gus a few games, even in his good years, to bring to offense up to speed.  We just need to front load with cream puffs.

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5 minutes ago, AUmarmot said:

It seems to take Gus a few games, even in his good years, to bring to offense up to speed.  We just need to front load with cream puffs.

Or keep the D lock and loaded at all times. Steele's D has been our saving grace this year. Damn it feels good to say that about our D again!:hellyeah:

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I wouldn't necessarily say that a lot of us need to eat crow. The reason for that being a lot of were just skeptical. We had the perception of an OC that was just a yes man for 3 and a quarter seasons. Gus controlled the offense and we had no real insight to Lashlee's contribution, so with QB development seeming to be lackluster and offensive game plans that even even uninformed college football followers could point out the reasons why it failed there was very little credibility to be placed in the hands of lashlee turning it around.

My belief was never that lashlee was a bad coach, I wanted him gone because what I felt was that we needed an OC that could challenge Gus. Whether it was the coaches, the boosters, or just true self-revelation, CGM realized that he needed to relinquish control and CRL has done a wonderful job in recognizing the patterns that work with our personel. I'll eat crow in that I'm pulling back on the we need to get rid of CRL bus, but I reiterate that it's not because I thought he was a poor coach. I just never would've imagined Gus Malzahn relinquishing control like he did. It honestly caught me by surprise.

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11 hours ago, FoundationEagle said:

Its not even remotely close to the same play calling. 

You get first downs, you see more throws. We only had the ball 4 times, one was a TO and one we scored. Same play calls. Just did not get the initial first down. 

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54 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:
12 hours ago, FoundationEagle said:

Its not even remotely close to the same play calling. 

You get first downs, you see more throws. We only had the ball 4 times, one was a TO and one we scored. Same play calls. Just did not get the initial first down. 

You are both right, and you are both missing something key.  Yes, we went into clock management mode in the second half.  We were not as aggressive. To gr8's point, we also would have likely seen more passes if we were moving the ball.  Which is the thing you are missing in your discussion.  Gus/Rhett have the worst problem adjusting to the other team's defensive adjustments. It usually takes them at least a quarter, if not more, which is a huge reason our third quarters are almost always our worst.  The other team adjusts and we come out with the same plan... or a clock management version if we are up.

Had I been the coach, White/Pettway would have rested the 2nd half and it would have been the Read-Option show for 2 quarters... but I'm not the coach.

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43 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:


Gus/Rhett have the worst problem adjusting to the other team's defensive adjustments. It usually takes them at least a quarter, if not more, which is a huge reason our third quarters are almost always our worst.  The other team adjusts and we come out with the same plan...



So glad somebody finally said this!  We basically run our offense.  The best DCs begin to compensate during or after our first drive, others at halftime.  Gus and Rhett seem surprised and panicked when this happens. 

Does make exciting 4th quarters...




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