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anyone want to admit that so far


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2 minutes ago, AUIH1 said:



I have been a huge Saints fan, and have watched many games over the past 30 years. They are a lot alike size wise, arm strength, accuracy, and are able to stand in the pocket knowing that they are likely going to get hit in order to check down on his receivers and find the right one. He has a bit of Russ Wilson in his style. Why do you say no without any reason to back this us? I mean nothing bad against you, just want to know why you feel this way. 

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8 minutes ago, doc4aday said:

I have been a huge Saints fan, and have watched many games over the past 30 years. They are a lot alike size wise, arm strength, accuracy, and are able to stand in the pocket knowing that they are likely going to get hit in order to check down on his receivers and find the right one. He has a bit of Russ Wilson in his style. Why do you say no without any reason to back this us? I mean nothing bad against you, just want to know why you feel this way. 

Drew Brees is a NFL Hall of Famer.  SW can be a good be QB at the college level when coached.



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1 hour ago, doc4aday said:

reminds me a lot of Drew Brees


1 hour ago, AUIH1 said:



So what is wrong about doc saying White reminded him of Brees? 

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1 minute ago, SumterAubie said:


So what is wrong about doc saying White reminded him of Brees? 

Nothing other than I disagree with it.  This an opinion board.  What is wrong with me disagreeing with doc?


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6 minutes ago, AUIH1 said:

Nothing other than I disagree with it.  This an opinion board.  What is wrong with me disagreeing with doc?


Well it is just that doc did not say White plays as good as Brees now or will end up playing like Brees, only that White reminded him of Brees. It just seemed strange to tell a man 'no' because one person reminded him of another person.

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Pretty sure Sean had a few people compare him to drew based off only his high school performance 

I've always agreed with it




Dilfer, on the other hand, said that Drew Brees is a great comparison for White heading into his first collegiate start.

“Former NFL quarterback Trent Dilfer said Tuesday he believes White should have been at the top of the depth chart far sooner. Dilfer worked with White at the Elite 11 quarterback camp and said White reminded him of New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees – but with an even stronger arm.”

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5 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

Well it is just that doc did not say White plays as good as Brees now or will end up playing like Brees, only that White reminded him of Brees. It just seemed strange to tell a man 'no' because one person reminded him of another person.

Fair enough.  But to me (an of course you disagree and that is OK), that type of comparison is earned.  White has not earned that yet and if you follow my posts, you should now that I am a SW supporter.



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6 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

oh and i hope this does not get deleted. gosh i believe i am setting a record on deleted threads this season and no one ever says why so i am left to wonder........but for the record i started this thread for fun and not dog fights........

The reasons mods use here for deleting threads are tough to predict.  It's to the point now that I spend more time on other boards. 


Who wants to draft a thread for it to mysteriously disappear w/ no explanation?

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I will admit I had it wrong on CRL. My complaint was he did not seem to add to the equation while serving under Gus. Since Gus pulled himself back now, I think CRL was doing what Gus wanted. What I see from CRL now is going back to an offense that worked well at Arky and Tulsa. As some have mentioned Gus's read option, that so many posters on here want, came about because of Cam's abilities. He also used it for Nick. Two mistakes too many make are, Gus must use the read option to be successful and he can make every QB successful running the spread. This offense is a good example of going to your QBs strength. With SW's quick release and accuracy on short and mid-length  passes this is the way to go. Use those passes to open the run game, defeat the blitz and make the defense have to react instead benefiting from your predictability. I even think CRL has a more trusting attitude towards his player than Gus does. While CRL is calling plays now, you can bet that Gus called the slowdown decision in the second half. As far as Steele, the thing I think he brings to the table that Muschamp lacked, is he has the players trusting him to do it his way. I don't think CWM ever got that done and it is important. You can be the best coach ever, but if you can't win the players you won't win the ballgames . Watch and listen to Saben. His buy words is getting players to buy in. That is why you see 3 star players become successful in these programs. Look how good Tubby did with a lot less talent. JMHO. WDE 

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I think Sean has made great strides for a sophomore SEC QB.  By the time he is a senior he will be one of the best we have had if he keeps improving at the pace he has this year.  

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it appears that i have baked crow to eat concerning kevin steele as DC.....i am pretty well convinced that he has turned out to be a DC that goes far,far beyond what i thought he was capable of being....nothing has changed on the offensive gurus though, i have no confidence in them at all....i will have to readjust my predictions concerning the overall record for this season, though....i said 5-7, but i am going to say 6-6, maybe 7-5, and have an outside chance of going 8-4 if georgia continues to play like they have all year....we'll lose to ole miss, bammer for sure....if doublebubble goes 8-4, then i am  officially off of the "fire him" wagon....the talent on this team is better than 8-4, but unfortunately, the coaching isn't......i have no problem with malzahn being the HC as long as he adjusts and adapts and runs the program like he actually knows what he is doing, and he may be evolving into that type of coach....if so, its about time

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I played against Drew in HS and SW is very similar IMO. Will he achieve what Drew has? We don't know. He does, however, play very similarly. 

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-That ridiculous game plan for Clemson 

-Tony Stevens being *this* good

-The dramatic improvement in LB play

-Chandler Cox has a lot more growing to do


Not surprising:

-Sean White is very good

-Kerryon Johnson is very good

-We have a dominant DL and that makes the entire defense hum

-Kevin Steele inherited a cupboard stocked with talent and a new attitude 

-Our offensive roster is significantly better/healthier/freer of malcontents than last year's and it makes play calling a lot easier 


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6 hours ago, Eagle-1 said:

Defense has been very good.  Steele has done a good job, as they seem to be well coached. Linebacker play is so much better, seems our best talent at that position was on the bench last season. Offensive coaching is still a work in progress. We have a QB completing almost 75% of his passes on first, and second down, yet Lashlee continues to run the ball 80-85% of the time on first down. THIS DRIVES ME INSANE!,. This philosophy works on teams we can overpower, but will cost us down the road if it continues. With a little tweaking, and if Lashlee would turn Sean loose the sky's the limit for this team. 


6 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

especially when you consider Kyle Davis and other WRs seem to get open AT WILL across the middle of the field.

They're probably not concerned about Sean; they're concerned about the receivers. A valid concern when you consider, for example, the perfectly thrown pass that bounced right off of Tony Stevens' hands and into the hands of that Miss State db.

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 sw and drew brees are both short to play at the qb position.....that's about it....when I see Sean play well when the chips are down and he gets a bit more bold as far as testing guys down field then I'll reevaluate to comparing him to an all time great qb.....


*don't mind the bold, I don't know what's going on and can't fix it

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1 hour ago, Auskip said:


They're probably not concerned about Sean; they're concerned about the receivers. A valid concern when you consider, for example, the perfectly thrown pass that bounced right off of Tony Stevens' hands and into the hands of that Miss State db.

I'm sure that's it....

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I never complained about Steele so no comment there. Will say that I thought losing Muschamp would sting more than it has.

As far as Rhett goes, the verdict is still out on him as a coach. We're 2-0 with him having control of the offense. However, I would still like to see more intermediate routes in our passing game. I am baffled how defenses still fall for our Statue-of-Liberty-Middle-of-the-Field-Dear-God-Don't-Overthrow-Him-Jesus-it-WORKED?! play. Sean is deadly accurate and could really lighten the load for our RB's a little.

Both O-Line and D-Line are improving. I have been really impressed with linebacker play. Though #30 still seems to struggle at times.

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9 hours ago, ClaytonAU said:

Gus is 3-0 when wearing a hat not a visor. War Damn Eagle. 

How on earth did StatTiger miss that one? ?

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Overall, Lashlee is showing some promise and I feel his play calling is getting better as we run through our schedule.  Adjustments in the 2nd half of the MSU game were not there but he obviously was playing for the safe win and not hanging 60 on the pound-pups.  I think a week off and time to watch the film with Gus and they can work out some of the wrinkles and find where we can improve.

Steele has been a real breath of fresh-air for this much beleaguered defense.  Fundamentals are back and they play with swagger, which is soooo nice after many years of getting pushed around on that side of the ball.  He has really turned this group around and made them a force to be reckoned with.  LB play has been the biggest surprise for me.  I can't wait to see what this group can accomplish moving forward.  I know some have said it already but building off of what Muschamp started last year instead of revamping everything has made a world of difference.

After JR was dismissed, I was skeptical of the O but we are seeing our young backs step in and really take over.  I had a 'wait and see' approach with Steele.

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When was the fires hot for Coach Stelle? This defense is the best Auburn has had since 04. Coach Steele, Coach Garner, Coach Williams, and Coach McGriff have done a very good job. 

The Clemson game had me calling for coaches heads on offense. That game in the first half, showed what happens when total incompetence meets unyielding ignorance. 

Since Rhett has taken over and Sean White has been the defacto QB, everything is starting to click. (Still amazed that some Auburn fans are calling for JF-3, when we have a QB that is just a tad away from a 70% completion ratio through 6 games!  Who else in the SEC or the nation can say that?)

Huge concern for me now on the offensive side concerns Kerryon Johnson. How long is he out? Pettway has definitely proven he has what it takes, but we cannot  ride a single RB for the rest of the season. With Pettway and Kerryon, we have the one-two punch we need there. 

The unplanned changes on the O-Line seem to be working out extremely well. When a unit gels, don't mess with it! Coach Hand seems to have found the right mix and I hope he sticks with it.

Our Tigers  must continue to improve, but we are very close to being an SEC contender. The two losses hurts us because Bama and TAMU have to lose a game (and we have to beat Bama), but if we take care of Arkansas and Ole Miss, we will be in it to the end.

I said before the season began, that I saw us a team that will win 9-10 games. I am still optimistic that we can accomplish that objective.

Last, it is unfortunate that we cannot have this current Tiger team battling Clemson and/or TAMU at this time in the season. I definitely believe if we would have run the offense we are running now against Clemson, Clemson would not be in the top 5. 


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21 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

steele and rhett have done a much better job than a whole bunch of folks on this board wanted to give credit to? sometimes eating a little crow is a good thing. i remember one guy who eaither works with the team or observes a lot saying rhett did absolutely nothing at practice. cmon guys have fun and admit you were mistaken....so far. i mean if all our fears were true we would be a very bad team right now. i was down on gus earlier because i was getting tired of the same ol same ol but i shut up because i believe the man is trying. i cannot imagine how scary it is to let people do what you once did and end up living or dying by their abilities. so i will be the first to eat crow. sorry coach.

and as an aside i believe a and m will beat bama. you heard it here first.  WAR EAGLE BABY!

I've said from the beginning that Steele was going to do great things with this D. The D players all bought into what he and the other D coaches are saying and doing. 

As far as Rhett? Lets see what happens with teams that don't lose to South Alabama at home. Still MEH as hell on Rhett and Gus. 

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