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1 hour ago, WarTim said:

The other side of the coin is that we could Lose one of those "given" 8 wins.......

They're not a given. I just think that is the max we could win with Sean in  this current offensive system we run. Sean is not the right QB for this current system. He is a really good QB who just happens to be in a system which does not maximize his skillset. He is more suited for a pro-style type offense, while JF3 is more suited for this system. Also, we need to change our philosophy inside the 5 yard line b/c everyone knows we are going to shotgun snap the ball and Sean is not a threat to run outside, so the D-line is solely focusing on filling run gaps, and the DB's are covering the receivers and not even worried about run containment on the outside. It's like the opposing D-coordinators got the idiot's handbook for football from the Waterboy movie and are over there on the sideline belly laughing at us. We have enough talent to win 10-11 games this year, but several coaching blunders and bad use of personnel have cost us that opportunity this year.

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33 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

I think we scored twice in the RZ while Sean was in the game? How many arguments are you distorting to come up with this "brilliant" conclusion?

I am agreeing with your logic more and more, and am glad to have finally found someone who shares my opinions. BTW my name is Jeff too.

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13 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

I am agreeing with your logic more and more, and am glad to have finally found someone who shares my opinions. BTW my name is Jeff too.

As long as you can look at our talent, take the names off the jerseys, and objectively scrutinize our offense, you will be in the minority.  Us Jeffs have to stick together :cheers:

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3 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Ok, so Charhair, Big Bird, and McLoofus. I want you 3 to know that I am not a rah rah fan, who just watches the scoreboard shows every week, and don't know anything about football. I hope all 3 of you got together on Sesame Street with Big Bird this weekend and had a huge party after Sean lit up the ULM defense. Throw out this game, and the Arky State game, and the LSU game before you do your evaluations, b/c none of those 3 had a decent defense. We should have scored several more points on LSU, but our goal line offense is so bad, we just couldn't get it done. Look at the 2 games where we scored 13 and 16 points against two very good defenses. That is what you are going to get with Sean QBing under this offensive system. It may be good enough to beat Vandy, Miss St, and maybe GA. and Arky, but to beat teams with defenses like AL, MS, TAM, and Clemson, this offense with Sean QBing is not. So if 7-5 or 8-4 records are good enough to make yall happy, more power to you all. If AU is going to win an SEC Title, then either our offensive structure has to change to meet Sean's skillset, or we have to change to a true dual-threat QB, and give JF3 a legitimate shot.  Have a blessed day.

LSU has one of the best run D's in the country. I'm pretty sure they are #11 right now. And that doesn't even take into account their scary pash rush headed by Mr. Key (who will likely become a house hold name before he's even drafted. Dudes on pace to get 20 sacks, TWENTY. And you wanna tell me LSU doesn't have a good defense? Please elaborate...)

we have played cupcakes and so has everyone else. Literally every major college team has its stats padded with at least one cup cake right now so if you're going to throw out those games, you've gotta throw out everyone else's cupcake stats. 

The redzone offense is not Sean's fault either. If you want to pin that on him than I don't know what to say. With a 2013/2014 caliber o line, we score 40 on LSU no problem. 

When the QB has 0 pass attempts or is getting sacked/hurried and his WR's drop catches in the end zone than what do you expect?

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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

As for your sarcasm, bring it, I don't know you and don't agree with you on most of your points, and don't believe you are any more knowledgeable than I am. No offense though, we are all brothers in God's eyes.

Are you 12? Seriously, Bring it?  Wow... 

As far as my "knowledge" goes, you're right...we don't agree on many points. There is probably a reason for that.



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16 minutes ago, Charhair said:

When the QB has 0 pass attempts


16 minutes ago, Charhair said:

and his WR's drop catches in the end zone


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36 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

They're not a given. I just think that is the max we could win with Sean in  this current offensive system we run. Sean is not the right QB for this current system. He is a really good QB who just happens to be in a system which does not maximize his skillset. He is more suited for a pro-style type offense, while JF3 is more suited for this system. Also, we need to change our philosophy inside the 5 yard line b/c everyone knows we are going to shotgun snap the ball and Sean is not a threat to run outside, so the D-line is solely focusing on filling run gaps, and the DB's are covering the receivers and not even worried about run containment on the outside. It's like the opposing D-coordinators got the idiot's handbook for football from the Waterboy movie and are over there on the sideline belly laughing at us. We have enough talent to win 10-11 games this year, but several coaching blunders and bad use of personnel have cost us that opportunity this year.

We've got one of the absolute worst oline coaches (statistically) and he is underperforming for even himself. 

As many people have stated throughout the year, it doesn't matter who you put as our QB they wouldn't be getting much done with our oline play. In addition to how terrible our o line played the first 3-4 games, we also faced some of the most elite pass rushers in all of college football for those games (all except arky state). 

So is your answer to let jf3 start at QB and throw 6-8 picks a game? Lol

one of the most insightful things I've seen on jf3 was someone on secrant talking about him right after that td pass

said something along the lines of "great, now everyone is going to be clamoring for jf3 to play after that one pass. The coaches have known he can do that but his consistency is the problem. He may throw a beautiful pass one play and underthrow the receiver by 10 yards on the next."

his ability to manage a game also seems to be in question, i.e. That 4th down conversion where the thinks it's 3rd down agiainst tamu (did he not know it was 4th down, was he scared to get hit, did he not care?)

im not by any means saying SW is the perfect fit for the offense but it seems he is the best out of what we've got.

just because jf3 is fast and can throw the ball does not mean he will be a good QB, again I ask you to look at 2015 and JJ as proof for that. 

Nick Marshall was fast and could throw a decent ball but I still believe his main asset to us was his brain. He knew how to sell every PA, made the correct decision on the read almost every time, knew when to throw and when to run, was never rattled, never a showboat, never let the game get to him. I'd go as far as to say, give Cam nick's brain and you've got an even better QB.

the reason I mention all of that is because it's very unlikely to see jf3 follow in those footsteps. I'd love to see him do so but I do not want to see this coaching staff start changing around the QB's again and result in another unnecessary lose or to just "prove to the fans" that jf3 is or isn't good enough. 


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3 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:



See: tony Stevens dropped pass in the end zone 

see: tony Stevens tripping on a blade of grass as he was running towards the end zone against LSU 

see: us running it up the middle, throwing a screen pass, running a jet sweep, running the wild cat in the redzone almost everytime we reach it against a p5 opponent 

Sean's fault, heard that!

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10 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Are you 12? Seriously, Bring it?  Wow... 

As far as my "knowledge" goes, you're right...we don't agree on many points. There is probably a reason for that.



Do you know any more big words besides Wow? If so, please share.

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22 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Please put him in a big game for a couple of series, and let him throw 3 or 4 times and prove to me he can't do it. Don't just tell me he can't and expect me to believe it b/c you are the coach and that is your evaluation. 

Just so we remember we are arguing with someone who most likely needed the coaches to "prove to him" that Jason smith wasn't better than white and JJ last year 

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3 minutes ago, Charhair said:

Just so we remember we are arguing with someone who most likely needed the coaches to "prove to him" that Jason smith wasn't better than white and JJ last year 

That wasn't me. And please read my post back a little ways where I said it is not Sean's fault. He is a good QB, just not the best fit for our Offensive system.

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On October 3, 2016 at 9:47 AM, McLoofus said:

I think you answered your own question. 

Well, yeah but

only 12.7 yds/rush, and only 1/2 of his TDs rushing?

Is he too 1-D for the backup-QB argument to matter?

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41 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

As long as you can look at our talent, take the names off the jerseys, and objectively scrutinize our offense, you will be in the minority.  Us Jeffs have to stick together :cheers:

Heck yea. Bigbird seems to think his IQ is 200 or better, and that I am 12 years old. I used to watch him on Sesame Street when I was 5 years old.:ucrazy:

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1 hour ago, Randman5000 said:

And you could say the same thing about JF. 

I could also say in 3 possessions against A&M with JF3 we got inside the redzone 2 times with one td and another that would have been a guarenteed field goal.

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22 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

Forget the role of QB for a moment. I have seen enough to know, any play that doesn't have JF3 on the field in some role, is a potential play that Auburn could have scored on. His quick acceleration and speed is so dynamic all he needs is a small seam.


Forget what?

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5 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Heck yea. Bigbird seems to think his IQ is 200 or better, and that I am 12 years old. I used to watch him on Sesame Street when I was 5 years old.:ucrazy:


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19 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

I guarantee you that isn't going to happen with this year's version of the WildCat.  It's all about power running between the tackles and that is NOT what we want Franklin doing or he will get hurt. We want him in space... the question is, how do we get him there?

The Ismail playbook?

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29 minutes ago, bigbird said:


Great, you pulled up someone else's quote instead of coming up with one of your own. That one really hurt.

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1 hour ago, Charhair said:

Sean's fault, heard that!

Thats the problem with your cheerleader camp. You claim that we holler "Sean's fault!" about everything negative like a WR tripping on grass. That's intentionally distorting my argument and is unethical. We just point out Sean's undeniable faults as well. When somebody says something like: "SW played great. If his WRs caught all the passes in the redzone then we would have won by more." Not only is that illogically incorrect, but that is also blatantly ignoring SW's mistakes such as missing a wide open WR in the endzone. It's funny how people think I'm always trying to attack the players when in reality, I'm trying to attach more credit to the team, collectively, and not just one or two players. 

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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 2:38 PM, IronMan70 said:

Forget the role of QB for a moment. I have seen enough to know, any play that doesn't have JF3 on the field in some role, is a potential play that Auburn could have scored on. His quick acceleration and speed is so dynamic all he needs is a small seam.


13 hours ago, AUinTLoosa said:


Forget what?

LOL yep. Impossible right ? It seems like it gets into every thread (JJ vs SW, SW vs JF3, JJ vs JF3) on the board these days. Well, at least this thread is about one of the principals involved so that's progress, I guess. 

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The whole QB....system....argument is not the issue in this case. THE issue IMO is the OL play. Once they start playing better the offense as a whole will flourish. It starts with them.... You could make the case that one QB is more mobile than the other, but if that's what you're hanging your hat on, you're wrong and couldn't be any more wrong. We're leading the SEC in rushing, we have top 5 passing game and I would argue a top 3 Defense. Once the OL starts gelling...look out. It's coming along slowly, but I think it's getting there. Red zone issues are the biggest thing plaguing this team and the majority of that falls on the OL's shoulders. Like it or not...

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He just might be our red zone best option to score TD's 3 plays up the middle  on lsu did not cut it...reminded me of a pat dye  years of just running up the middle when at one point if they had just run to the left would have waled right on in....but hey what  do i know LOL  i guess thats why they make the big bucks 

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On October 4, 2016 at 0:43 AM, AU80cruiser said:

I think what you're talking about happened after his 80 yard run. It was clear to me that JF3 had no reaction. He just went over and celebrated with his teammates. 

 I guess some of you missed him facing the crowd after he scored and bowing a couple times back and forth to that same crowd.  It was easy to miss, as it was right in the center of the end zone with 80 some thousand people there watching, as well as the television cameras pointing right at him.

I felt Coach Rhett was telling him: don't get a 15 yard celebration penalty, because that would be really foolish.

Maybe just something I thought I saw, I don't know.

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On October 4, 2016 at 3:09 PM, WarTim said:

SW is QB 1 and will remain QB 1. 

For some reason, this is an awfully tough concept for some to grasp.

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