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Time to fire Gus.


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cheer up!!!! all of this "negativity" is so depressing.....lets have sunshine, rainbows, lollipops and unicorns today and stop all of this "negativity"....its so "negative" all of the time in here .....is that not what most of you told me, all summer?......you might want to fasten your seatbelts because this season is about to crash land for you....i told you 5-7 and i still don't know where win #5 comes from

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2 hours ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

Gus didnt have a losing record when he was hired. stAte was like 10-2 or 10-3 under Gus...

As others have pointed out Gus was a good hire both in 2009 and even 2013, but folks have figured out his offensive strategy and he has not been able to build on his success. Like the old saying if you are not constantly moving forward then you are falling behind. WDE 

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2 hours ago, CAReeves2010 said:

I think this is the problem with college football now. The early success that coaches like Meyer and Saban have had, has created a cancer in other programs especially programs in those conferences. It seems like every fan base wants instant success with or without a firm foundation to build a successful program. I understand how much money is involved in college football but we still have to have patience and reasoning. Yes, I'm disappointed in Gus and the result on the field but how can we expect the team to be successful and buy in to a coach and his philosophy when our own fan base is calling for his head midway through September. If the downward trend continues then yes moves need to be made but good lord can we get to November before we start deciding whether or not Gus needs to go.

I simply mentioned those two because of the way they were in the college game, arguably the top of the game, went to the NFL and are now back in the college game. 

And apparently you haven't seen my posts over the last few weeks. I caught SO much flack because I fully supported Gus after the Clemson game... I still think Gus could turn it around if he hired a real OC/QB coach, and actually let him do his job. 

*** I know that they run the same type of offense. Thats the precise reason I would be all for him because the style is similar. Which is the style we have recruited for since 07 when Tubbs hired Franklin and decided to go spread in offense. After that, we recruited for Gus' system when he was OC and continued for all but 1 season. And 2012 shows you what you get when you take players recruited for the spread and force them into a pro style. Different players excel in different offensive sets. 

And as fas as that system not working, tOSU, Ole Miss, Baylor, Texas A&M, and Houston all say hello. Its not they type of offense thats the problem. Its the lack of  anything resembling development from our QBs. Its the lack of a gameplan. Its the lack of anyone with a brain calling the plays. I mean when my 12 year old can call the plays 3 drives in a row, there is a problem. And it sure isnt the "system" or style of play.

2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Chip Kelly is in Charotte today, you want me to run down and talk to him?

Maybe! Cam put it on him. Cam got almost 500 yards today. He saved my fantasy day!

In all seriousness, Chip took Oregon, a school with 75%-80% 3* players to the top of the College football world. Imagine what he could do with real recruiting.. It would cost... A LOT to get him...but I TRULY think it could be done. He LOVED the college game.


***edit*** I missed a quote in this post. I have quoted him below.***

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Why can't Auburn ever hire a big time winning head coach after Dye stepped down. First there was Bowden/Oliver, Tuberville, Chizik and then Malzahn. That's 5 coaches and only 1 national championship. However, I do count time when Bowden went 11-0 in 1993 and Tuberville went 13 or 14-0 in 2004 then Chizik's NC in 2010.

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3 hours ago, WarEagleChemE said:

Here's my reservation about Chip.

Chip, like Malzahn, is a scheme guy. Kelly did well in his first year in the NFL, but he quickly bombed once people figured out his scheme. Gus had a great first year here but other teams have since figured the scheme out. While Kelly might be an upgrade, he and Malzahn are still the same type of coach.

Sorry the above part about the system was to you

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Just now, auburn4ever said:

Why can't Auburn ever hire a big time winning head coach after Dye stepped down. First there was Bowden/Oliver, Tuberville, Chizik and then Malzahn. That's 5 coaches and only 1 national championship. However, I do count time when Bowden went 11-0 in 1993 and Tuberville went 13 or 14-0 in 2004 then Chizik's NC in 2010.

Dye was not a winning big time head coach when AU hired him.  Heck, Tubs was a bigger name when hired than Dye when they were hired.



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6 hours ago, msza said:

We are a playmaker or two away from being 3-0. When you don't have 'highlight reel' players, youre going to struggle to win big games. But when Gus has the playmakers, we are a championship contender. He's proven that with his two NCG appearances. There's no reason for him to change the offensive philosophy that has made him one of (if not the) most successful offensive coaches since 2010.

Maybe he should be criticized for not properly evaluating talent (or, more likely, for failure to sign the best talent), but the man can coach. 

Sometimes it's the fans, not the coach, who lose the team.

Now this is funny stuff. 

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4 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

I haven't read any of this and don't want to.  I will probably have to take another extended break from this site fo my own personal sanity and sense of peace. :pcprobs: Here are my feelings on the subject, even after that miserable game.

I don't want to be that fan base, like Tennessee, that wants to throw every coach out. They sent moving vans to Phil Fulmer's house, then look what happened to them. They had years of miserable seasons. I am willing to give Gus some time. He's recruiting very well. We now have solid connections with high schools. We seem to have a good staff, with good reputations. For the most part, our kids are great kids. And we are running a clean program. Let's be patient for a little while longer. All this negativity only hurts the team.

All this does not mean I am happy with losing. I am pretty disgusted. But to call for the coaches head at this point in the season is premature in my opinion.

I do not disagree with you at all, but the problem is, it's not just this season that has people going bonkers. Patience only goes so far and it's year 4. I would prefer Gus work his way out of this hole as it's much better for all for him to work out...but I have very little faith at this point. His current rate of regression from one fairy tale season is staggering. 

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It sure seems like every DC knows what Gus's every move is going to be. The trickery, misdirection, Stature of Liberty is no longer working. I wanted Bobbie Petrino very badly but Gus was hired and I fell in line with total support. I hate if for him and all AU fans. The raise JJ gave him this past Spring was CRAZY!!! I think it is over. I hope I am dead wrong! But I believe JJ can not hired a coach to win big at AU!

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People say you gotta have instant success, but look at the first year of saban (7-5), bret bielema (3-9), mullen (5-7). None of those guys had instant success and its an easy argument to say their program is in a better spot than ours. I dont want instant success. I want to see a coach building a program.

Part of me thinks malzahn is doing that, we finally have depth. When he came in we were WEAK. Which is why 2013 was so suprising. 

Now in '16 i see a deep defense and a deep offense. But im not seeing progression in terms of skill. Last year and the year before ypu could say we were young. But id expect us to have more proven talent now. 

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4 minutes ago, Richard78 said:

I feel sorry for our players if a change is made. How many coordinator and coaching changes do these poor guys have to endure?

i feel for the players if a change isn't made, but it ain't going to happen...the gus bus will be back next year running on all four rims,and sputtering out a plume of black smoke...i doubt that he get fired this year, no matter what happens

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2 minutes ago, tombigbeetiger said:

i feel for the players if a change isn't made, but it ain't going to happen...the gus bus will be back next year running on all four rims,and sputtering out a plume of black smoke...i doubt that he get fired this year, no matter what happens

I too fully expect Gus back for next year. The official playbook reads that there has to be a scapegoat (Lashlee) that is fired after this year. This allows Gus another year to 2 years where he either rights the ship or, more likely, is axed. 

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Just now, tombigbeetiger said:

i feel for the players if a change isn't made, but it ain't going to happen...the gus bus will be back next year running on all four rims,and sputtering out a plume of black smoke...i doubt that he get fired this year, no matter what happens

I didn't think chiz would be fired until about mid october of 12 either but the worse it gets the more pressure will build for a move to be made.  Empty seats, slow ticket sales and vocal influential alumni can force a move. As stated elsewhere however, if its JJ still making the hire then does it get us anywhere?

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7 minutes ago, tombigbeetiger said:

suppose he does get released, exactly who can we realistically hire that would be worth a damn?...i mean REALISTICALLY.....

We could make a big hire. The big names that will be "on the market" after this season (as far as the people speculated to take over for Gus/les etc) will probably end up being a bidding war. 

The question would be will the selection committe, or whoever, choose to spend the big bucks and make a big time hire or go after another up and comer

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It would take a complete collapse for malzahn to be fired.    My prediction will be if AU only wins one conference game, vandy, then you will see him fire lashee and hire someone to run the offense.   let's just hope he hires briles and lets him run the Baylor offense.   If he does this I'm all for keeping him.  

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I hate to pile on, but you can add me to the group that feels Gus and Rhett are in way over their heads.  I've seen absolutely no capability in adjusting the offensive scheme or play calling to the skill set of the players and I've lost count of the number of times that Gus has admitted that he needs to give certain skilled players more touches.  A truly great offensive coordinator is always able to tailor his his system to fit the available personnel but I've no capability to make these kinds of adjustments.  

Last night, Kam Pettway ran the ball fairly well in the first half and then gets only a couple of carries in the 3rd quarter.  As a result, the offensive production takes a huge hit for an entire quarter before Gus realizes that Pettway needs to be more involved, but by then it's too late because the point deficit is too great and the defense is gassed and can only hope to slow down TAMU.

Also, for some reason the Petrino fans seem to have forgotten his transgressions pre-Arkansas.   His first stint at Louisville didn't end well for them and the manner in which he departed the Falcons was classless.   Any coach with an ounce of integrity ever walks out on his team.   Petrino has a lot of baggage and it's too much of a risk IMO.   The media would have a field day if he fell off the wagon at Auburn.


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7 hours ago, eagle12 said:

Move Gus To athletic director heck with useless  buyout! He can be no worse in any way than Jacobs then he Gus still has to earn his money not paying out the rest of his contract in a lump sum then Auburn can go get a real good coach. Because the way it's going now 10 dollar tickets is gonna be the only advantage to the fans then the program is gona go broke ! It wasn't that long ago that we were dominating Alabama they made a big move that turned it all around well Auburn is just gonna have to do the same thing instead of this settling for lesser coaches we have to think outside the box to get out of this 


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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

It would take a complete collapse for malzahn to be fired.    My prediction will be if AU only wins one conference game, vandy, then you will see him fire lashee and hire someone to run the offense.   let's just hope he hires briles and lets him run the Baylor offense.   If he does this I'm all for keeping him.  

What Auburn Tigers team have you been watching the last two years? Auburn has dropped 9 of its last 11 conference games despite being in the top 10 in recruiting. It can't get much worse than that. I'd say the collapse has already happened.

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3 hours ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

I simply mentioned those two because of the way they were in the college game, arguably the top of the game, went to the NFL and are now back in the college game. 

And apparently you haven't seen my posts over the last few weeks. I caught SO much flack because I fully supported Gus after the Clemson game... I still think Gus could turn it around if he hired a real OC/QB coach, and actually let him do his job. 

*** I know that they run the same type of offense. Thats the precise reason I would be all for him because the style is similar. Which is the style we have recruited for since 07 when Tubbs hired Franklin and decided to go spread in offense. After that, we recruited for Gus' system when he was OC and continued for all but 1 season. And 2012 shows you what you get when you take players recruited for the spread and force them into a pro style. Different players excel in different offensive sets. 

And as fas as that system not working, tOSU, Ole Miss, Baylor, Texas A&M, and Houston all say hello. Its not they type of offense thats the problem. Its the lack of  anything resembling development from our QBs. Its the lack of a gameplan. Its the lack of anyone with a brain calling the plays. I mean when my 12 year old can call the plays 3 drives in a row, there is a problem. And it sure isnt the "system" or style of play.

Maybe! Cam put it on him. Cam got almost 500 yards today. He saved my fantasy day!

In all seriousness, Chip took Oregon, a school with 75%-80% 3* players to the top of the College football world. Imagine what he could do with real recruiting.. It would cost... A LOT to get him...but I TRULY think it could be done. He LOVED the college game.


***edit*** I missed a quote in this post. I have quoted him below.***

Haha...Cam, Olsen and the Carolina D all saved my day today. Cam gave me 37 fantasy points. War Cam Eagle..lol. 

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Auburn"shirt head coaching job is not a position where someone can hopefully grow into the job. Alabama tried that with Shula. Tell me how that worked out. Not good for Shula, and not good for us since it led to Saban coming to Tuscaloosa.

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