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Ricky Seals-Jones hit on Dinson and behavior after- Discuss


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3 minutes ago, alexava said:

This hit was questionable both ways. However it was not at all such a occurrence that it should affect this game. We should move on. 

I would like to believe that our players have not forgotten it. Seems to be the general sentiment in this thread. 

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Please, the play wasn't questionable both ways. One guy dips down with the ball carrier, who isn't giving himself up or else he would've gone into a hook slide, and makes glancing contact above the shoulders. The other guy intentionally launches into a defenseless player trying to knock him out. Apples and oranges.

@McLoofus I played for a minute and thought better of it. My sophomore year, the team had 9 guys that eventually signed D-1 (including five that signed in the SEC). No thank you. I can honestly say, I think that play gets you tossed in Mississippi high school football.

And, I'll note, the NFL completely agreed that the Sapp play was dirty. Objectively. They created a rule banning blind side blocks of that nature.

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 I just think the players have a different definition of what is dirty than those who make the rules do. Illegal is not the same as dirty.

That said, I will reiterate my earlier point that I do not watch the sport to see men get hurt. I'm glad that the rules are changing.

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I do believe RSJ was trying to hit Dinson as hard as possible, just to hit someone hard. For the same reason he posted the picture after. To try and make him seem tough and because he's self centered and doesn't care about anyone else. 

i don't know if I would consider the play dirty or not, to me I would view it as over the top at the least. RSJ most likely just thought he was going for a cool high light reel hit, I doubt he thought Dinson would get hurt but he didn't care, none the less. The fact that Dinson went to the hospital should have made RSJ go into instant apology mode, the fact that he gloated about the hit after and absolutely every aspect of how RSJ handled the play (post-play) was more than dirty and as said, sociopathic. I hope the d line never even lets the camera get to rsj while he's on the field but if he does, I hope he gets blown up every single time with some beautiful form tackles. Nice helmet to ball, a couple fumbles, gets so frustrated his coaches bench him, camera zooms in on him on the sidles lines and he's crying, starts destroying stuff on the sidelines (fans, benches, etc...) and gets thrown out of the game for it. 

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16 hours ago, Charhair said:

I do believe RSJ was trying to hit Dinson as hard as possible, just to hit someone hard. For the same reason he posted the picture after. To try and make him seem tough and because he's self centered and doesn't care about anyone else. 

i don't know if I would consider the play dirty or not, to me I would view it as over the top at the least. RSJ most likely just thought he was going for a cool high light reel hit, I doubt he thought Dinson would get hurt but he didn't care, none the less. The fact that Dinson went to the hospital should have made RSJ go into instant apology mode, the fact that he gloated about the hit after and absolutely every aspect of how RSJ handled the play (post-play) was more than dirty and as said, sociopathic. I hope the d line never even lets the camera get to rsj while he's on the field but if he does, I hope he gets blown up every single time with some beautiful form tackles. Nice helmet to ball, a couple fumbles, gets so frustrated his coaches bench him, camera zooms in on him on the sidles lines and he's crying, starts destroying stuff on the sidelines (fans, benches, etc...) and gets thrown out of the game for it. 

That escalated quickly....and I like it!

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tthe above  post title was copied from another site. i really do not like this. do we have to stoop low and have some kind of special revenge thing going? as long as it is fair and within the rules i am fine. knock em down, help them back up, and knock them down again. i got no problem with that. but to try to seek out someone who hurt one of ours and do them the same way is not and should not be the auburn way. it certainly would not be found in the auburn creed. i want auburn to be total class, all day every day.  am i wrong? i read so many disturbing things on the thread i saw i had to post. so i just want to say remember to stay classy auburn. do not let them drag you down to questionable depths. lets play hard and kick their behind.......but lets do it within the rules.

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I do not agree with being vengeful, but I do think the kid deserves an extra lickin'. He posted a photo on Instagram glorifying his hit on Jeremiah Dinson....

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Might I also add: Looking forward to hearing the student sections reaction when they say his name in pre-game lineup announcements. Get in his HEAD and let him HEAR us. 

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19 hours ago, Charhair said:

I do believe RSJ was trying to hit Dinson as hard as possible, just to hit someone hard. For the same reason he posted the picture after. To try and make him seem tough and because he's self centered and doesn't care about anyone else. 

i don't know if I would consider the play dirty or not, to me I would view it as over the top at the least. RSJ most likely just thought he was going for a cool high light reel hit, I doubt he thought Dinson would get hurt but he didn't care, none the less. The fact that Dinson went to the hospital should have made RSJ go into instant apology mode, the fact that he gloated about the hit after and absolutely every aspect of how RSJ handled the play (post-play) was more than dirty and as said, sociopathic. I hope the d line never even lets the camera get to rsj while he's on the field but if he does, I hope he gets blown up every single time with some beautiful form tackles. Nice helmet to ball, a couple fumbles, gets so frustrated his coaches bench him, camera zooms in on him on the sidles lines and he's crying, starts destroying stuff on the sidelines (fans, benches, etc...) and gets thrown out of the game for it. 

I love it.

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35 minutes ago, alexava said:

The folks suggesting payback have no right to moan when we get a 15 yard penalty or player ejected. 

I don't think anyone is calling for anyone on our team to do anything illegal. Maybe I'm missing some of the discussion but I feel like everyone just wants to see him get blown up every time he's thrown to 

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I hope he gets his bell rung a few times and honestly i dont see how it could go another way. I say keep it within the rules, but dont help him back up.  

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He'll get his. whether it's from AU or from someone else or in another aspect of life. These things have a way of coming back around.

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2 hours ago, Charhair said:

I don't think anyone is calling for anyone on our team to do anything illegal. Maybe I'm missing some of the discussion but I feel like everyone just wants to see him get blown up every time he's thrown to 

i think that should be a given for any wr any game. anything extra is illegal.

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On September 14, 2016 at 11:12 AM, chimesAU said:

You and jeff need to take your troll selfs back to the uat where you belong. It is easy to see you have never been and AU fan so quit trying to pretend. By the way if you think anyone  actually believes anything you say you are really blind to facts. WDE

Living in people's head rent free is getting old. I'd like to pay every now and then.

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