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7 hours ago, AURex said:

Well, no, that's entirely false when it comes to sex crimes. It's a scenario fabricated out of thin air by white folks without any actual data to support it. In reality, white kids are just as likely to sexually assault women as are black and Hispanic kids, rich kids from good homes sexually assault women just as do less fortunate kids.

Statistically, based on actual research data, 63% of sexual assaults against college women are perpetrated by white males. But most don't end up in prison. Typical examples are 3 cases in the last year of white college guys convicted in court of sexually assaulting a coed, but being given a reprimand and a walk. Of course, black kids convicted in court are much more likely to get sent to prison. That's the way the system works. Its not that fewer white guys commit the crimes. Actually, on university campuses, white guys are more likely to be the perpetrators. It's just that white guys are less likely to get thrown in prison even if convicted.

As for Landon Rice, I have no idea why he left the team and I don't like rumors.


You can see the difference in these two threads. And JR was recanted (but who knows she may have been pressured like this horrible flyer situation)

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8 hours ago, AURex said:

Well, no, that's entirely false when it comes to sex crimes. It's a scenario fabricated out of thin air by white folks without any actual data to support it. In reality, white kids are just as likely to sexually assault women as are black and Hispanic kids, rich kids from good homes sexually assault women just as do less fortunate kids.

Statistically, based on actual research data, 63% of sexual assaults against college women are perpetrated by white males. But most don't end up in prison. Typical examples are 3 cases in the last year of white college guys convicted in court of sexually assaulting a coed, but being given a reprimand and a walk. Of course, black kids convicted in court are much more likely to get sent to prison. That's the way the system works. Its not that fewer white guys commit the crimes. Actually, on university campuses, white guys are more likely to be the perpetrators. It's just that white guys are less likely to get thrown in prison even if convicted.

As for Landon Rice, I have no idea why he left the team and I don't like rumors.


I don't see where Titan mentioned race. Do you suggest that ALL white kids come from good homes? Did you check your "likely to get thrown in prison" statement to see if those put in prison, regardless of race, were more likely to be repeat offenders and have a history with the legal system while those that got off without prison were mostly first time offenders?


The tone of these two threads demonstrates that first timers will be looked upon more kindly than someone with a history of causing trouble. Race has nothing to do with it.

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5 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I don't see where Titan mentioned race. Do you suggest that ALL white kids come from good homes? Did you check your "likely to get thrown in prison" statement to see if those put in prison, regardless of race, were more likely to be repeat offenders and have a history with the legal system while those that got off without prison were mostly first time offenders?


The tone of these two threads demonstrates that first timers will be looked upon more kindly than someone with a history of causing trouble. Race has nothing to do with it.

Stanford swimmer is already out of prison for sexual assault.  The walking dead offseason was longer than his prison sentence. I have boxes of cereal that lasted longer than his sentence. When has a black guy ever got that treatment?

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The person who made that flyer was absolutely convinced of LR's innocence, weren't they? Who would go to that trouble if they weren't? Wonder where the results of the polygraph test are? I wonder if that's what's holding up an arrest? How can this girl prove sexual assault after 3 months of waiting to report? The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. 

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Please shut this down if it's going to go the race route. So sick of racism on BOTH sides being shoved down our throats in this country.

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1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

Stanford swimmer is already out of prison for sexual assault.  The walking dead offseason was longer than his prison sentence. I have boxes of cereal that lasted longer than his sentence. When has a black guy ever got that treatment?

Bad example. That was much more about $$$ and who you know than race, but it's convenient to ignore that to push the race agenda.

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10 hours ago, AURex said:

Well, no, that's entirely false when it comes to sex crimes. It's a scenario fabricated out of thin air by white folks without any actual data to support it. In reality, white kids are just as likely to sexually assault women as are black and Hispanic kids, rich kids from good homes sexually assault women just as do less fortunate kids.

Statistically, based on actual research data, 63% of sexual assaults against college women are perpetrated by white males. But most don't end up in prison. Typical examples are 3 cases in the last year of white college guys convicted in court of sexually assaulting a coed, but being given a reprimand and a walk. Of course, black kids convicted in court are much more likely to get sent to prison. That's the way the system works. Its not that fewer white guys commit the crimes. Actually, on university campuses, white guys are more likely to be the perpetrators. It's just that white guys are less likely to get thrown in prison even if convicted.

As for Landon Rice, I have no idea why he left the team and I don't like rumors.

You just ripped my post completely out of context and put it into one of your own choosing and I don't appreciate it.  I did not say a thing, nor imply a thing, about the race of the individual.  My post was in response to this:

Understand....just noting that there is a tendency to give guys from "good families" the benefit of the doubt ...when others might not get the same concession. 

I stand by what I said.  I'm not disputing the points you made, but I dispute that they have anything to do with what I said.  It's a different argument altogether.

On a side note though, I will say that the 63% figure by itself doesn't tell us much.  The college population is not the same as the general population for instance.  We'd need to know what percentage white males make up of the overall male population on college campuses.  What I mean is that, if for instance, white males make up 90% of the college male population (I have no idea, I can't seem to find an actual figure right now) and black males are 7% while Asian men are 3%, then if 63% of rapes of college women are white males, then they are not committing rapes in proportion to their population.  If black males or Asian males were making up 25%, they'd be committing rapes in far greater proportion than their representation on campus would see to warrant.  Let me be clear:  All those figures are made up so I'm not actually making a case that this is really happening.  I'm just making the point that statistics in isolation aren't very useful.  

What it likely tells us no matter what the actual figures are is that white women are the majority population on college campuses and that most rapes aren't committed by strangers, but rather by men the victim knows or was even on a date with that night.  And generally speaking, people tend to date within their own race even today, thus isn't not at all surprising that most of the rapes would be by white males.

But that detour aside, it's still a different point being made than the one I was making above about good families that you responded to.


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1 hour ago, 3rdgeneration said:

The person who made that flyer was absolutely convinced of LR's innocence, weren't they? Who would go to that trouble if they weren't? Wonder where the results of the polygraph test are? I wonder if that's what's holding up an arrest? How can this girl prove sexual assault after 3 months of waiting to report? The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. 

IMO, and this is speculation, it sounds like his mom or someone in his family made the flyer.  Landon is from a pretty religious family, irrc, and you can see the flyer is laced with Bible verses.

Campus rape is a tricky situation because the university does not need hard evidence to act (like one would need in court).  All they need is an accusation and the student's academic (and football) career is over.  It's not a fair system at all, but it's reality in 2016.  Universities have been forced by outside pressures to act first and ask questions later.  Their Title IX people are not trained law-enforcement personnel, but are essentially bureaucrats sitting in an office somewhere..  All it takes is for one angry ex-GF to end a career regardless of the guy's guilt or innocence (see Jovon Robinson).  

No school wants to end up being drug through the mud like Baylor, so they are going to kick these guys out even if the evidence is shaky.  Auburn (or any university) has too much to lose if they are wrong in sticking by the athlete, so they are going to sacrifice him for the greater good, so to speak.  And, yes, I can assure you this is over Gus's head.  They aren't going to risk letting the coach make a decision on something like this (except at bammer where it will be covered up).

In any event, if the accusation is not true, I hope the girl is prosecuted.  If the accusations are true, I hope Landon is prosecuted.  To me it sounds like the evidence is shaky from a law-enforcement aspect or else he would have already been arrested.

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16 minutes ago, boisnumber1 said:

Bad example. That was much more about $$$ and who you know than race, but it's convenient to ignore that to push the race agenda.


And then there is this. Getting out of prison in three months for sexual assault is an injustice of itself, whether through race, money, whatever. 

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