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Robinson's accuser recants


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1 hour ago, AUDevil said:

This happens all the time in DV situations.   I'm not buying the "recanting" story.  Flame away.

The way I read it, she notified Gus Malzahn twice that she was lying, before his dismissal and the morning after Jovon's dismissal.

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3 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

Heck with his name... potentially ruined his chance at a multi-million dollar contract to play football. Certainly took away his best opportunity for the largest paycheck he could earn.

Absolutely. His character is a very big deal

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His dismissal (from what was explained to me) wasn't about this incident...more so about the "Columbus situation" (where I actually live, but heard the incident happened in a different location). And from that story, good riddance, which is saying a lot since he was one of my favorites. I'd be slow to blame AU/Gus for making the wrong decision, but of course, I could be wrong. 

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2 minutes ago, TigerWar said:

The way I read it, she notified Gus Malzahn twice that she was lying, before his dismissal and the morning after Jovon's dismissal.

They way I read it, she notified the Title IX person that she was lying before the dismissal and Gus after. What I read was that they are trying to determine if the Title IX person notified Gus about her recanting before the dismissal.  So far they haven't found an email to that effect and, in fact, when she notified Gus after the dismissal, he forwarded it to the Title IX person as if it was new information, which leads one to believe that he was unaware that she recanted earlier.

The story reads like the Title IX person doesn't know what they are doing.

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36 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

The way I read it, she was pissed that he kicked her out of his room, and in a moment of pure emotion, decided to get back at him by going to Gus.  When she realized that she had done A LOT more damage than she had anticipate, then she recanted.

Ok. This is good. It makes the incident a bit more clear. I was truly wondering if the Rec had devised the whole rouse

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1 minute ago, AidiAU said:

His dismissal (from what was explained to me) wasn't about this incident...more so about the "Columbus situation" (where I actually live, but heard the incident happened in a different location). And from that story, good riddance, which is saying a lot since he was one of my favorites. I'd be slow to blame AU/Gus for making the wrong decision, but of course, I could be wrong. 

I'd certainly be interested in knowing more about that story, but considering no one can settle on where it happened, let alone what happened, it seems like a pretty thin justification for damaging a kids career. 

Don't get me wrong, if Jovon really is a trouble maker and a distraction, which certainly could be the case, considering how willing his high school coach was to roll over on him, then good riddance, but if he's just the victim of a bunch of trumped up charges by immature college students with a grudge, than that's messed up and he deserves A LOT better.

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6 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

I'd certainly be interested in knowing more about that story, but considering no one can settle on where it happened, let alone what happened, it seems like a pretty thin justification for damaging a kids career. 

Don't get me wrong, if Jovon really is a trouble maker and a distraction, which certainly could be the case, considering how willing his high school coach was to roll over on him, then good riddance, but if he's just the victim of a bunch of trumped up charges by immature college students with a grudge, than that's messed up and he deserves A LOT better.

Jovon has had attitude issues going back 2 years, and most of them are well documented. 

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7 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

I'd certainly be interested in knowing more about that story, but considering no one can settle on where it happened, let alone what happened, it seems like a pretty thin justification for damaging a kids career. 

Don't get me wrong, if Jovon really is a trouble maker and a distraction, which certainly could be the case, considering how willing his high school coach was to roll over on him, then good riddance, but if he's just the victim of a bunch of trumped up charges by immature college students with a grudge, than that's messed up and he deserves A LOT better.

I 100% agree - if all accusations against him are false. And if they were, I would be lawyering up and suing for defamation of character. 

While I genuinely hope he did not lay hands on her (sometimes women recant their statement out of fear), her actions (making up the incident) disgust me and are so disrespectful to actual victims.

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There is a lot of talk about lawsuits against auburn/Gus ... What would such a law suit be based on?


playing college football is a privilege not a right.  College scholarships are one year deals.


I'd imagine that he could have stayed at auburn - on athletic scholarship - until the scholarship ran out even if not playing football.  Once he left school, he lost his scholly.  Gus kicked him off the football team not out of college.  (Unless I missed something and the title Ix thing caused him to get kicked out of auburn university - then that is different)

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You guys are looking at this wrong.  If the girl came to Auburn and said she was assaulted, you have to take her seriously.  What if Auburn didn't believe her, kept JR on the team, and it turned out to be true?  Auburn would be in a huge mess.  Not worth the risk.  Her reason to recant could have been financially motivated by someone associated with JR.  Gus specifically stated after Alabama DL transfer from UGA mess, that no player would remain at Auburn that did that.  You have to believe the girl.  

JR had other issues as well.  If the Marshall Taylor issue is true, that alone could get him kicked off.  Auburn most likely had more than probable cause.  We didn't need a Duke Williams situation all over again.

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34 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Jovon has had attitude issues going back 2 years, and most of them are well documented. 

I understand that, though I disagree with the well documented part.  There's speculation about things said on the sideline, once, and the fact that he didn't see the field for a good chunk of the season, but I've yet to run across anything that really says what the issue is.  In any case, it takes more than attitude issues to kick someone off of a team.  

Like I said, it may be completely justified and there maybe a lot more to it than is out there for anyone to see, but it does appear pretty darn solid that his reputation was wrongly soiled on at least one occasion, which calls everything into question.

I don't care about what anyone says about anyone.  If it's proven that they were wronged, I'm going to stand up for them.

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15 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

You guys are looking at this wrong.  If the girl came to Auburn and said she was assaulted, you have to take her seriously.  What if Auburn didn't believe her, kept JR on the team, and it turned out to be true?  Auburn would be in a huge mess.  Not worth the risk.  Her reason to recant could have been financially motivated by someone associated with JR.  Gus specifically stated after Alabama DL transfer from UGA mess, that no player would remain at Auburn that did that.  You have to believe the girl.  

JR had other issues as well.  If the Marshall Taylor issue is true, that alone could get him kicked off.  Auburn most likely had more than probable cause.  We didn't need a Duke Williams situation all over again.

Ah, but you are missing the foundation of our legal system... innocent until proven guilty.  Based on the report, Auburn did not do it's due diligence in verifying the girls claims AND it also appears that the girl recanted before Gus kicked Jovon off, but Gus was not informed. She claimed specific physical injury.  It would have been extremely easy to verify those claims, but no one did. 

It's a double edged sword.  You can't ignore the report, but you also can't falsely accuse someone just based on a report. You have to investigate, because if you get it wrong, the wronged party on either side can come after you.

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So Art Briles reacted too slowly, got into a lot of trouble, was fired and is now almost un-hireable?


Gus was proactive too quickly, is going to get fired and sued and run out of town on a rail?

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2 hours ago, AUDevil said:

This happens all the time in DV situations.   I'm not buying the "recanting" story.  Flame away.

Many women actually recants in fear of retaliation of some point. So you may be on to something. 

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8 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

Ah, but you are missing the foundation of our legal system... innocent until proven guilty.  Based on the report, Auburn did not do it's due diligence in verifying the girls claims AND it also appears that the girl recanted before Gus kicked Jovon off, but Gus was not informed. She claimed specific physical injury.  It would have been extremely easy to verify those claims, but no one did. 

It's a double edged sword.  You can't ignore the report, but you also can't falsely accuse someone just based on a report. You have to investigate, because if you get it wrong, the wronged party on either side can come after you.

I see what you are saying but when it comes to this, you need to default on the side of the girl.  In the legal system, just the girl saying she was assaulted physically/sexually is enough to act.  There doesn't have to be bruises or physical proof for it to hold in court.  I had a friend of mine who was sued for pushing a girl off of him.  She didn't fall and hit her head, or become bruised.  But it still held in court.  Auburn did the best thing in my opinion.  Not worth taking a chance on abuse of any kind. 

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You guys are acting selfishly because some are still emotionally attached to the loss Saturday. Maybe some believe if Jovon was here the team wins. Maybe. Maybe not. However this incident was was not the lone factor in his dismissal. What about missing classes, having a defiant attitude, the issue with Taylor...there are many parts to his dismissal from the team. He was a player I did like, but that was based on him as a ball player and how he overcame adversity to get to Auburn. But I do not know factually what kind of kid he was. He could have been a totally problem child or maybe not. But regardless he has had discipline/attitude problems since he arrived on campus. It's unfortunate how this played particularly with the girl recanting - but situations like this have to be handled carefully and its totally messed up if this was the only reason he was booted. These situations are often under the microscope. If it had went the other way and it was true he beat her up then many would be calling for heads all across the AD dept because he was not dismissed. I read no where this was the only reason he was kicked off the team. If so redirect me to where it was said. 

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with the way other teams are allowing serial killers back on their team after only serving a 1 game suspension, I would be in favor of giving Jovon a chance to rejoin the team, but serve a 2 game suspension. Couldn't you Imagine how much better this would make our offense. He could have very well been the difference in game with Clemson. Just my take and nothing more.

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He was not a good teammate, a good friend to fellow team members yes.  There is a laundry list that he failed to do to have the privilege of playing for Auburn.  His dismissal was weeks later and not an immediate knee jerk reaction.  I am not a Gus backer at all, hate his gimmick offense and keeping that POS Rhett who can't coach a QB for the life of him, but he did the right thing in this situation.

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1 hour ago, lionheartkc said:

Heck with his name... potentially ruined his chance at a multi-million dollar contract to play football. Certainly took away his best opportunity for the largest paycheck he could earn.

I imagine Jovon has some other incidents to merit his dismissal than what's been reported.

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1 hour ago, AidiAU said:

His dismissal (from what was explained to me) wasn't about this incident...more so about the "Columbus situation" (where I actually live, but heard the incident happened in a different location). And from that story, good riddance, which is saying a lot since he was one of my favorites. I'd be slow to blame AU/Gus for making the wrong decision, but of course, I could be wrong. 

I wouldn't sweat it. You couldn't be wrong any more than everyone else in this thread. I'm pretty sure everything here is hearsay...lol

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I absolutely do not fault Gus for  dismissing him, given the information he had at the time. I don't know how on earth Gus could have him back on the team at this point. Would he give Malzahn any respect, either as a falsely accused player or possibly a player who really did do it and convinced the girl to recant. Who knows? It is a no win situation for Gus. Poor guy can't buy a break when it comes to PR. I feel like he did the best he could do at the time.

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51 minutes ago, auburnphan said:

He was not a good teammate, a good friend to fellow team members yes.  There is a laundry list that he failed to do to have the privilege of playing for Auburn.  His dismissal was weeks later and not an immediate knee jerk reaction.  I am not a Gus backer at all, hate his gimmick offense and keeping that POS Rhett who can't coach a QB for the life of him, but he did the right thing in this situation.

I suspect this is close to the truth.  Just getting an email from Jovon's girlfriend making such accusations is bad, even if it does turn out to be false.  Sounds like he did what he was supposed to with it.  But that wasn't the only reason he was dismissed. The only mistake Gus made was not waiting for more confirmation on the assault charge, just as a contingency for something like this happening.  I wonder if he touched base with a lawyer after getting the email?

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