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Malzahn's Weekly Presser - Arkansas State Game


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4 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I think Gus is only concerned with WRs blocking for his RBs. I know that's not true, but man, it looks like he doesn't rep those WR screens at *all* in practice. 

As for Hastings, it just seems like we haven't had a guy get open underneath like he was several times the other night in a long time. A dependable safety valve for medium down and distance? Yes please. 

In fairness to the WR's, on the quick WR screen that JF3 threw, it was Chandler Cox that got his A$$ handed to him on the edge block by the Clemson defender eating his lunch and making the tackle for -3 yards on M. Davis.  Which when you think about a 230 pound H-back blocking a corner is pitiful.

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2 hours ago, ClaytonAU said:

Can we talk about how most people said we wouldn't even see Will Hastings on the field last week? 

Start a thread. ?

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38 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

In fairness to the WR's, on the quick WR screen that JF3 threw, it was Chandler Cox that got his A$$ handed to him on the edge block by the Clemson defender eating his lunch and making the tackle for -3 yards on M. Davis.  Which when you think about a 230 pound H-back blocking a corner is pitiful.


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3 hours ago, aucanucktiger said:

If Gus' game plan for Clemson had resulted in a butt whipping that would be one thing, but the anger is disproportionate to the result.

The game plan was pretty crazy, so why be surprised? I am surprised there isn't more discussion about our QB's missing four different opportunities for six! Those were not the fault of Gus, but probably our QB's.

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3 hours ago, Strychnine said:


With 9 months to prepare a competent offense, it resulted in a grand total of 13 points.  For a team headed by a man often touted as an offensive genius, 13 points is embarrassing enough on its own.  It is made less embarrassing by the fact that Auburn finally fielded a defense capable of holding a good offense to 19 points.  Defense is the sole reason it did not result in a butt-whipping.  I must admit, it is nice to be able to say that about an Auburn defensive performance.

The anger is so scathing because Clemson did not really beat Auburn.  Clemson, and Auburn's defense, did everything they needed to do for Auburn to pull off the upset.  While I think a 3-man QB rotation is one of the most idiotic plans I have seen anyone attempt in football, I am not so angry about it being implemented in the first place.  What I am angry about is that it continued throughout the game, even after it had been clearly demonstrated to be ineffective.  After the game, the plan was doubled down on with stubborn mechanical resolve.  When your rubber mallet is not able to tear down the brick wall, you do not keep bashing the mallet against it while hoping for a different result.  You swap the mallet out for a sledgehammer.

I am certainly not yelling "Fire Gus!" like some are, but I am very concerned.  Given the offensive struggles of 2015, I expected the offensive genius to debut an improved offense against Clemson.  I did not expect to see an offense that struggled to put up even 13 points and failed every category in Stat's post-game analysis.  Everyone on the offensive coaching staff (and Gus himself) is paid entirely too much money to continually produce mediocre to bad results.

i am a big Gus supporter. I share your concern about the lack of planning preseason. with the exception of '14 it seems we enter every season not knowing what our identity is on offense. I got used to that under tuberville for 10 years as we always sucked the first game or two every year.the difference is Gus finds the niche and gets it going.  I think gus has to decide and plan on a qb and an identity and commit to it for a month then make adjustments as the season progresses. we are correct to expect better than we saw in this game. but the "fire gus crowd" is being overly ridiculous. they are probably most of that same people who wanted Rodney Garner fired for the last three years. 

******** i will also note that i recall Gus saying emphatically in the past that he has never ran or wanted to run a two qb system. this is a first for him. 

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On 9/6/2016 at 0:32 PM, tombigbeetiger said:

the first step is admitting that you have a problem....in his case, its admitting that HE IS THE PROBLEM!

"We thought we had a good plan and we didn't"

The "we" kinda of bothers me.  I wonder how much real agreement he had on that decision.  I'd feel better if he had said "I though it was a good plan..."  

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

"We thought we had a good plan and we didn't"

The "we" kinda of bothers me.  I wonder how much real agreement he had on that decision.  I'd feel better if he had said "I though it was a good plan..."  

I have it on good authority that Gus had a mouse in his pocket when he said that.

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7 hours ago, aucanucktiger said:

Many on this board are out of control angry that our unranked team lost by a whopping 6 points to #2 Clemson. Don't type "yeah but it's HOW we lost" because style points don't matter. And if you say data shows letting ANY of our QBs get into "a rhythm" has been clearly successful you're making it up.The man tried a different plan based on his experience (I guess like some here?) that had us trying throws into the endzone to win at the end. If we didn't want funky experiments we should not have hired Gus Malzahn, it's his constitution and what got us 2010 and 2013 as much as anything else.

People are mad because we should have won.

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Just now, homersapien said:

Well, he needs to stop listening to that mouse.

It's obviously a frickin' CRAZY mouse!!!

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30 minutes ago, api1957 said:

Image result for crazy mouse gif


I wish I had some more *LIKES*!

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7 hours ago, AUsince72 said:

I said it in another thread and I mean it - He looks like the 2nd coming of Trey Gainous! 

War Eagle Will Hastings!

Hastings for Heisman

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22 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

@ToraGirl, I know you have been in the position to support these coaches and their families with prayer. Do you know them? Do you think I am somewhat on target or way off base when I say that this may not all be ego on Gus's part, but yet an attempt to "protect" the young men? Idk. I just don't see any other rational reason for not letting one of the QBs to take the reins and make mistakes.  Of course, I am assuming there was a rational reason, or at least an emotional reason, for the QB by committee. I'm probably just being an emotional girl with all my speculation. haha

Hey!  Well, I am "friends" on FB with Kristi M. and Aleaschia Gunn, whose husband is a coach/staffer in some capacity.  Angie Jacobs and I were on the same Walk to Emmaus (a 72-hour life-changing retreat), so we have encouraged one another as well through the years.  Johnna Chizik had a strong hand in raising funds to supply the new home for children of the Adullam House, a local ministry our church supports that shepherds children whose moms are incarcerated at Tutwiler Prison until they can get on their feet again.  So from the get-go of my involvement, I've paid attention to things the eye can't see (ala Chaplain Chette Williams' book Hard Fighting Soldiers) and sought to support that development, people involved and program alike.

NO...I don't think you are far off.  I think, being a committed Christian, there is a strong compassion for the young student athletes.  I do think, as well, just watching, that control and micromanagement (and we all do it...he just gets paid astronomically and has a wider platform of influence and expectation, lol) are at play. I think AUDevil nailed it by bringing the Myers-Briggs personality component analysis into the mix...if you study that theory long enough you really can nearly come close to identifying the traits in others.  If Devil is right and Coach M is an "INTP"...then in lay terms that means he is an introvert (with a higher degree of introspection and not as prone to want or need interaction/input from others), N (meaning iNtuitive...as opposed to S...sensing...this manifests in being an 'idea generator' rather than going by the book, i.e. more than one way to make a bed rather than "do it the way it's always been done"), T (thinker, rather than feeler...not meaning that thinkers don't feel nor that feelers don't think...but in a decision-making capacity, it's mostly head without emotion...idea often defended at all costs, rather than passion for the people involved, if that makes sense.  Sometimes the PROCESS and the PRODUCT are more important than the PERSONNEL with T's).  And finally, the P is what I think is driving fans crazy.  P's (perceiving) vs. J's (judging, but not to be confused with "judgmental", again, it's about decision-making)...are committed to ENDLESS possibilities.  J's like CLOSURE (I am one.).  But closure is not on a "P's" mind...they feel trapped by boundaries.  And again, we are speculating his personality based upon what we are observing...but hey, as a student of Myers-Briggs, Devil's analysis rang a bell to me.  None of us is perfect; we are wise to surround ourselves with people who make decisions in different ways than we do so that the big picture can have a hope of success.

That's more than you asked for!  For some on this board, it's totally about the game, what can be seen with the eyes, and all that goes with football.  It's about decades of observation and participation, win/loss records, and all that goes with it.  Some are alumni, some are not...just such a wide mix of fans, experienced athletes and non, who love Auburn and identify as "Auburn Family."  But for ME, yes...it's always been my hope to look and inspire others to view with "3d glasses"...and prayer is such a huge part of that.  Not praying to win...praying to represent well and skillfully...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from the staff to the players to the fanbase and all in between.  Prayer always for good decision-making and discernment among the staff.  Prayer for safety, sportsmanship, fair treatment from and for all involved.  To be honest, I also pray for whatever results/events/outcome/circumstances will bring God the most glory.  For example, when Gene Chizik stood on national television and hoisted the crystal ball, he used that opportunity to speak his faith.  I have watched like a hawk every year since, and it has not been done.  This gets murky for some, but many will know what I am talking about when I speak of faith and football---and I don't mean believing that God has a favorite team!  

Honestly, as a child of a botany professor dad (AU 1968-his death in 1997), football meant NOTHING TO ME except "that's where Dad works" until 2010 when all you-know-what broke loose concerning Auburn's run to the National Championship, especially where Cam was concerned.  He was misaligned from every direction and he held his head high. The way he carried himself and his faith under pressure increased my own.  I felt a strong prayer burden to stand in the gap for the team that year, and I have tried to, since then, because I believe that more is being done through the program than meets the eye.  My coach-wife friends have expressed their gratitude numerous times.  I sure hope they don't read message boards. :-\

I find myself at this moment at a crossroads regarding the "answer" or the timing of it in our current situation, but I take great comfort and solid perspective in the posts that are pinned to the top of the page.  It's good to be back, and to know that I am not alone in standing in the gap for this team and for us as fans.  #staythecourse  :jossun: 

P.S.  There is IQ and there is EQ.  To understand ALL that is going on right now, the intelligent observer understands and utilizes BOTH.

Image result for god and football book Fun, fun read!!  Think he is an Auburn grad, too!!!  

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16 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:

Hastings for Heisman

Hastings is a great story and a very good football player as well. Right now I think he may be our best all around WR. Four passes thrown in his direction.  Four first downs.  Best quickness, great moves, outstanding routes, and very good hands. Not great size.  We already have Marcus Davis, Ryan Davis, and Stanton Pruitt.  Straight line speed only average  for our receivers (4.42 in 40) as I understand it. He should be in the starting lineup IMO but the reality is we have tremendous depth at WR and when the young guys get acclimated to major college football Will's time on field will be reduced greatly, maybe completely. Our investment is with the scholarship guys of course. Will knows that too.  WH will be remembered as a great WR (and Auburn Man) by me whether he catches another pass or not.  But here's one AU fan hopeful that he will catch many more.  WDE

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We could line JJ up as a blocking TE and maybe SW or JFIII could throw him a pass or 2 and let the big guy rumble down the sideline for 20 yards here and there. This could be done for 3-4 plays in the game just to give him a chance to inflict some pain on some 5-9 175 lbs. CBs. I think JJ may very well enjoy doing this. JJ might make a coach one day. I would love to see him get his masters and learn how to coach in the process. Kodi Burns comes to mind.

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15 minutes ago, doc4aday said:

We could line JJ up as a blocking TE and maybe SW or JFIII could throw him a pass or 2 and let the big guy rumble down the sideline for 20 yards here and there. This could be done for 3-4 plays in the game just to give him a chance to inflict some pain on some 5-9 175 lbs. CBs. I think JJ may very well enjoy doing this. JJ might make a coach one day. I would love to see him get his masters and learn how to coach in the process. Kodi Burns comes to mind.

JJ has the size but the problem is he acts as if he's afraid to get hit. Way too timid when running with the ball in his hand. At this point White poses more of a running threat than JJ and that's not by natural abilities.

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18 minutes ago, doc4aday said:

We could line JJ up as a blocking TE and maybe SW or JFIII could throw him a pass or 2 and let the big guy rumble down the sideline for 20 yards here and there. This could be done for 3-4 plays in the game just to give him a chance to inflict some pain on some 5-9 175 lbs. CBs. I think JJ may very well enjoy doing this. JJ might make a coach one day. I would love to see him get his masters and learn how to coach in the process. Kodi Burns comes to mind.

Have you watched JJ run the football? The kid does not like contact and you want to line him up and tell him to hit someone? Then again, I didn't think 5 different players would receive the snap on Saturday night.

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1 minute ago, selias said:

Have you watched JJ run the football? The kid does not like contact and you want to line him up and tell him to hit someone? Then again, I didn't think 5 different players would receive the snap on Saturday night.

My point is that maybe he could play another position other than QB a handful of plays if that many during a game. Will this happen? No.

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26 minutes ago, ToraGirl said:


If you want religion, go to church. You make it sound like Gus is running the football team like a Sunday School with feelings being what's important. I don't care if our head football coach is a sanctimonious Christian, an atheist heathen or a goat sacrificing pagan, I just want him to coach football and win games (within the rules).

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2 minutes ago, doc4aday said:

My point is that maybe he could play another position other than QB a handful of plays if that many during a game. Will this happen? No.

He could indeed play a different position where contact is rare but our PK and P are pretty darned good.

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@ToraGirl, thank you for your lengthy, detailed response. We are probably boring the heck out of the football minded guys, but I really find all the personalities involved to be very interesting. I think it helps to understand someone's decisions when you look at who they are and what drives them and what limits them. I was familiar with Myers-Briggs, but it has been a long time since I looked at it. I actually went and took an online test myself and ended up as an INFP, so not so far off from Gus! Lol I tend to go with my gut and my feelings alot. Since the death of my mom in 2009, I also have been looking to see evidence of a higher power (as not to offend anyone :-\) at work. I saw a great deal of that in 2010. Not as much lately. I have often wondered if Brother Chette was involved with the team anymore. That doesn't mean it is not there, I just haven't seen too much of it. That may be due to some political environment that I know nothing about. 

Anyway, the whole point is, that I believe, right or wrong, that Gus wasn't willing to accept the idea of Jeremy failing.  Who knows. Keep on with the prayer! It can only help and certainly cannot hurt! All to God's glory!

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1 hour ago, doc4aday said:

We could line JJ up as a blocking TE and maybe SW or JFIII could throw him a pass or 2 and let the big guy rumble down the sideline for 20 yards here and there. This could be done for 3-4 plays in the game just to give him a chance to inflict some pain on some 5-9 175 lbs. CBs. I think JJ may very well enjoy doing this.

I'll give you an old football saying that describes JJ, although it is usually reserved for defensive players that never pan out.

"JJ wouldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat."   Think about it.

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11 hours ago, selias said:

If you want religion, go to church. You make it sound like Gus is running the football team like a Sunday School with feelings being what's important. I don't care if our head football coach is a sanctimonious Christian, an atheist heathen or a goat sacrificing pagan, I just want him to coach football and win games (within the rules).

Wow.  Just.....Wow.

If you'd be happy with a goat loving atheist sacrificing pagans running the program then why would you worry about whether they did it "within the rules"?

You know, Bammer's GOT one of them coaches...

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