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Malzahn's Weekly Presser - Arkansas State Game


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I am glad he took responsibility but I got to say I am little confused as,to how and why this came about. I seriously have a hard time believing neither coach hand or Lashley didn't have any push back on this 

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2 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

I believe that the whole QB by committee brainchild has its roots in the fact that Gus does not trust any of his quarterbacks. I don't know if it is that he doesn't trust their ability, their knowledge of the playbook, the ability to think on their feet...he just plainly does not trust them. I think he was rocked last year when Jeremy went south on him. I bet he spent many sleepless nights wondering how to "fix" Jeremy. And part of the 3 QB experiment was to see if Jeremy had indeed been "fixed". Honestly, I don't necessarily think that is all due to ego on his part. I think he honestly cares about his players and didn't want to put them in positions that were going to be too much for them.I think he overestimated Clemson and underestimated his players. I think he has learned from this that he has to let them succeed or fail on their own and face the consequences. I am sure it kills him that Jeremy isn't going to make it as a quarterback. I am cautiously optimistic that we will see a more rational game plan. Y'all were complaining about vanilla and we got rocky road. lol

This is all just my opinion, of course.

As pissed off as I am, I have seen him put some masterful game plans together when it all clicks and he deserves some benefit of the doubt. The JJ experiment is over thankfully. 

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13 minutes ago, DAG said:

I am glad he took responsibility but I got to say I am little confused as,to how and why this came about. I seriously have a hard time believing neither coach hand or Lashley didn't have any push back on this 

+they are "yes men" they don't push back

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2 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

I believe that the whole QB by committee brainchild has its roots in the fact that Gus does not trust any of his quarterbacks. I don't know if it is that he doesn't trust their ability, their knowledge of the playbook, the ability to think on their feet...he just plainly does not trust them. I think he was rocked last year when Jeremy went south on him. I bet he spent many sleepless nights wondering how to "fix" Jeremy. And part of the 3 QB experiment was to see if Jeremy had indeed been "fixed". Honestly, I don't necessarily think that is all due to ego on his part. I think he honestly cares about his players and didn't want to put them in positions that were going to be too much for them.I think he overestimated Clemson and underestimated his players. I think he has learned from this that he has to let them succeed or fail on their own and face the consequences. I am sure it kills him that Jeremy isn't going to make it as a quarterback. I am cautiously optimistic that we will see a more rational game plan. Y'all were complaining about vanilla and we got rocky road. lol

This is all just my opinion, of course.

Great insights...oh, may all that needs to be learned and applied be so done!!  I believe, BELIEVE-WANT-TO-BELIEVE that the negative reaction has been so widespread that we will not see a repeat of it. And hopefully nothing that resembles it in the slightest.

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@ToraGirl, I know you have been in the position to support these coaches and their families with prayer. Do you know them? Do you think I am somewhat on target or way off base when I say that this may not all be ego on Gus's part, but yet an attempt to "protect" the young men? Idk. I just don't see any other rational reason for not letting one of the QBs to take the reins and make mistakes.  Of course, I am assuming there was a rational reason, or at least an emotional reason, for the QB by committee. I'm probably just being an emotional girl with all my speculation. haha

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Given that Gus has tried to keep the QB Hydra alive this far, that would mean that SW has gotten only about 1/3 of the snaps all thru fall camp...instead of about 80% of the snaps you would expect from your starting QB...so, SW has gotten 60% fewer reps with the 1's he should have gotten in fall camp.  Gee, I wonder why that offense might not be gelling the way Gus wants it to gel....he created the damn problem by not picking his starter and then putting 100% of his effort into making his starter effective with the #1's...

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I for one am glad the "experiment" is over; but what I continue to be a bit baffled by is why it takes Gus so long to see the obvious? It seems that he either a.) takes too long to see things are not working or b.) too long to recognize what does work. It seems to me it should not have taken an entire game to see that "the plan" was an epic failure. Why could he not see it and adjust at least in the 2nd half, if not the end of the 1st quarter? 

I guess if it means he has learned his lesson, at least something good can come from it. I just hate it cost us the game to come to that rather obvious conclusion. 

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9 hours ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Gus just said the right things. But does anyone believe anything he says anymore? Proof is in the puddin. 

Haven't in 2 years & don't unless backed up by insider/reporter info or til I see it on the field.

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10 hours ago, auskip07 said:

Once again,  JB grimes left to coach with his son. I would imagine the cancer he had made him re evaluate what he wanted in life. 

No... This is not correct. This was the "feel good" story. The *true* story is Grimes was told that he could take an off the field position on the coaching staff here at Auburn...


That being said... I'm glad someone figured out that monstrosity we saw last weekend didnt work...

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9 hours ago, japantiger said:

Given that Gus has tried to keep the QB Hydra alive this far, that would mean that SW has gotten only about 1/3 of the snaps all thru fall camp...instead of about 80% of the snaps you would expect from your starting QB...so, SW has gotten 60% fewer reps with the 1's he should have gotten in fall camp.  Gee, I wonder why that offense might not be gelling the way Gus wants it to gel....he created the damn problem by not picking his starter and then putting 100% of his effort into making his starter effective with the #1's...

Well to his credit, the gamble with JF3 would have paid off huge if it worked. As we saw in the Clemson game, even he was no threat to pass, the DEs have to respect his edge speed and the run lanes opened up. 

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7 hours ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

No... This is not correct. This was the "feel good" story. The *true* story is Grimes was told that he could take an off the field position on the coaching staff here at Auburn...


That being said... I'm glad someone figured out that monstrosity we saw last weekend didnt work...

So he forced JB out just to make room for Herb Hand?     "good ole boys club"   Just another version

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16 minutes ago, auskip07 said:

So he forced JB out just to make room for Herb Hand?     "good ole boys club"   Just another version

>IF> WDE will answer your question, i think you'll become a clearer on why grimes and craig are no longer here.....pretty sure that he has the answers

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20 hours ago, AUFan21 said:

Malzahn "we thought it was a good plan and it wasn't"



He finally took blame for that circus Saturday.

I will absolutely agree it was a circus on Sat. When has Gus ever blamed his players or the officials? 

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11 hours ago, japantiger said:

Given that Gus has tried to keep the QB Hydra alive this far, that would mean that SW has gotten only about 1/3 of the snaps all thru fall camp...instead of about 80% of the snaps you would expect from your starting QB...so, SW has gotten 60% fewer reps with the 1's he should have gotten in fall camp.  Gee, I wonder why that offense might not be gelling the way Gus wants it to gel....he created the damn problem by not picking his starter and then putting 100% of his effort into making his starter effective with the #1's...

Well, that is speculation and I would tend to think the practice snaps probably was reflected in games snaps. While I agree the whole 3 QB system was a complete joke and led to a first half joke of an offense, we actually gained 224 yds in the second half of the game. That was not against scrubs, it was in a close competitive game. We missed on our scoring opportunities, a missed throwback pass, an underthrown wide open long pass, and a very close dropped (?) catch in the end zone by KJ. Yes the continuing of 3 QB in the 2nd half probably caused some continuity issues, but most of our 2nd half issues was lack of execution.

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Many on this board are out of control angry that our unranked team lost by a whopping 6 points to #2 Clemson. Don't type "yeah but it's HOW we lost" because style points don't matter. And if you say data shows letting ANY of our QBs get into "a rhythm" has been clearly successful you're making it up.The man tried a different plan based on his experience (I guess like some here?) that had us trying throws into the endzone to win at the end. If we didn't want funky experiments we should not have hired Gus Malzahn, it's his constitution and what got us 2010 and 2013 as much as anything else.

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11 hours ago, WFE12 said:

in more ways than one...lol

He's just bragging' that he still gets plucked

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15 minutes ago, aucanucktiger said:

Many on this board are out of control angry that our unranked team lost by a whopping 6 points to #2 Clemson. Don't type "yeah but it's HOW we lost" because style points don't matter. And if you say data shows letting ANY of our QBs get into "a rhythm" has been clearly successful you're making it up.The man tried a different plan based on his experience (I guess like some here?) that had us trying throws into the endzone to win at the end. If we didn't want funky experiments we should not have hired Gus Malzahn, it's his constitution and what got us 2010 and 2013 as much as anything else.

There are those on this board who clearly have no respect for Gus.  Many claim (perhaps they really have) "inside information" etc. and I'll defer to them, if they say so...

However, speaking for me and I suspect (could be wrong, of course) many of the posters I don't think that the ire aimed at Gus is merely for the gameplan itself.  And I suspect that many (most) are actually impressed that despite said monkey-wrench, you're absolutely correct.  The defense kept Auburn within striking distance the entire game.  When's the last time we, as Auburn fans, have been able to hang our collective hats on THAT?!?!

I think that the main reason for the moaning and great gnashing of teeth (mine included) was his post game presser when an apparently obstinate, ignorant and stubborn head coach doubled down on his plan and basically said open up, say "ah" and get ready for more.  THAT is what drove us bat**** crazy with anger at him.

However, after yesterday's presser, I (for one) and as I've read MANY (dare I say MOST) of the poster here have said "Okay good.  Gus has owned up to it and I'm willing to give him a chance".  I, personally (only me) feel like that took courage and was the sign of a true leader.

But..... I do think that he's earned a short leash for now.

Beyond that, you're right.  I am VERY proud of the team.  How the young men played their hearts out, despite the home grown obstacle given to them and that D was glorious!  Just imagine the defensive statistics if the AU offense had actually produced just average football and kept the ball a few more minutes of TOP.  If Gus is truly a man of his word, based on yesterday's presser, and all things being equal, I'm very excited once again (stupid me) to see what this year can hold in store for AU football.

War Eagle!

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35 minutes ago, aucanucktiger said:

Many on this board are out of control angry that our unranked team lost by a whopping 6 points to #2 Clemson. Don't type "yeah but it's HOW we lost" because style points don't matter. And if you say data shows letting ANY of our QBs get into "a rhythm" has been clearly successful you're making it up.The man tried a different plan based on his experience (I guess like some here?) that had us trying throws into the endzone to win at the end. If we didn't want funky experiments we should not have hired Gus Malzahn, it's his constitution and what got us 2010 and 2013 as much as anything else.

You got one thing right in this post. 

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15 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

I've yet to see a single person support his game planning.  All GoAU was saying that all he had to do was watch the film to see it was a debacle. He didn't need someone to tell him.


I don't see it that way at all.  To me it says that he believes it's a positive that, even though we lost, we took what should be one of the best teams in the country to the wire. That does bode well for us.  I would even be willing to say that if we can develop even a halfway decent offense, we will have a shot in every game because our D played that good in their first game against a formidable opponent. By the time we get to A&M and LSU, they should be a well oiled, drive stopping machine.

It was the way he said it to me. I just didn't take it that way at all. Of course it's nice we took the #2 team to the brink of beating them. However, that's not acceptable when he and he alone botched the chance to win. Gus loves to say the right things but this is getting old...very old.  

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13 hours ago, DAG said:

I am glad he took responsibility but I got to say I am little confused as,to how and why this came about. I seriously have a hard time believing neither coach hand or Lashley didn't have any push back on this 

I'm not surprised they didn't give any push back. If anyone spoke up some it would likely be Hand. Gus isn't going to listen to anyone on his offensive staff to a large degree. 

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21 hours ago, AUFan21 said:

I really think Gus got a talking to this weekend. You don't unite a fan base with all the hatred they had towards one person without someone saying something. I have no proof but just my opinion.

Agree 100%. I don't care who it came from...just as long as it came from someone. 

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