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Stephen Roberts Arrested

Charleston Tiger

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3 minutes ago, AUDevil said:

I agree, a half a game, maybe a whole game.  Anything more sends a wrong message and will ultimately come back to bite you on the recruiting trail.

Yep. I am not saying this is a racial thing but alot of young black guys carry guns that they don't have a permit for. Im sure there are alot of white people that do the same but a young black guy having a gun doesnt mean he is a thug that plans to engage in criminal activity with the gun.  Just because SR had a gun doesn't mean he ever intended on using it to say rob somebody or intimidate somebody. I just don't think in my personnal opinion this is that big of a deal. Like I said Saban has given Gus the out of not suspending SR at all and Gus needs to take that out.

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58 minutes ago, alexava said:

I am going to relax and let this play out. I don't like it but there could be a logical explanation that mitigates the perceived stupidity. If so I am all in with it. I hope they get it figured out soon .  

Unfortunately, we'll never know the details.  

If it was his gun and he was carrying it illegally, I find that very disturbing.  


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11 minutes ago, austudnt23 said:

Yep. I am not saying this is a racial thing but alot of young black guys carry guns that they don't have a permit for. Im sure there are alot of white people that do the same but a young black guy having a gun doesnt mean he is a thug that plans to engage in criminal activity with the gun.  Just because SR had a gun doesn't mean he ever intended on using it to say rob somebody or intimidate somebody.

Agreed. As I said in another post, I hope this prompted all the other kids on the team to store their contraband in a safe place until the season's over. 

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15 minutes ago, austudnt23 said:

Yep. I am not saying this is a racial thing but alot of young black guys carry guns that they don't have a permit for. Im sure there are alot of white people that do the same but a young black guy having a gun doesnt mean he is a thug that plans to engage in criminal activity with the gun.  Just because SR had a gun doesn't mean he ever intended on using it to say rob somebody or intimidate somebody. I just don't think in my personnal opinion this is that big of a deal. Like I said Saban has given Gus the out of not suspending SR at all and Gus needs to take that out.

23 I almost always agree with you but there are reasons people get arrested.  We will find out more details but just looking at the evading he appears at least guilty of something.  I also don't think we should base the standard of expectations from Saban.  Let our coach decide on his own.  I think young people young men are good with hardline rules... Like you get arrested it's a 3 game suspension regardless of infraction... Those kind of guidelines.  It's always worked for me with dealing with young men.  They know the expectation and know the punishment before making decisions to frick up.  

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Roberts is old enough to have gone down, paid the thirty bucks and gotten a concealed carry permit. Takes ten minutes. What an idiot. I'm from Opelika. Makes me sick. Roberts was doing well on the team. This need to stick a gun in your waistband and hang out with thugs is so moronic. Roberts was a borderline NFL draftee. With a clean sheet and a great attitude, he had a chance. Toilet=Flush! 

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2 hours ago, Tiger said:

Just not a smart idea to run from the cops. Not only does it give off the vibe that he's guilty but considering all the wild BS cops have been up to lately he could've been shot and killed or injured

"Wild bs from cops?"  What in the world are you talking about? You mean about the cops defending themselves from thugs who want to kill them? 

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19 minutes ago, austudnt23 said:

Yep. I am not saying this is a racial thing but alot of young black guys carry guns that they don't have a permit for. Im sure there are alot of white people that do the same but a young black guy having a gun doesnt mean he is a thug that plans to engage in criminal activity with the gun.  Just because SR had a gun doesn't mean he ever intended on using it to say rob somebody or intimidate somebody. I just don't think in my personnal opinion this is that big of a deal. Like I said Saban has given Gus the out of not suspending SR at all and Gus needs to take that out.

Should have been registered, plain and simple. Why have it while out with friends also? Young adult, barely out of your teen years, riding around with friends at night and carrying a gun would have me worried no matter what the race. Too much testosterone at that age. Gus should not even for a moment consider what NS did as a guideline for his punishment or lack thereof.

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3 hours ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

Right on.


Except I'd get rid of him. (Wasn't he friends with that player that got shot to death last year-Mitchell? Both local Auburn/Opelika guys? He didn't learn his lesson.)

The trouble is that Ruffin is lacking in experience, though he has plenty of talent. "Trigga Trey" makes moronic decisions at crucial times. 


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How the times have changed. Running from the cops is just stupid, but there used to be a day and time you could have a gun hanging from a shoddy rack in your truck and no one would bat an eye. I remember my high school principal telling us a story how when he was in school even in the late 80's you could go hunting in the early morning, throw your gun and boots in the truck without the fear of security monitors turning your truck inside out and being expelled from the school system.

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I think we would be surprised how many of these kids carry guns that have no permit. They don't want to pay anything...and maybe the way they got the gun is a problem too so don't register it.

But why the heck, if you are a passenger in a car, are you carrying a gun? Where were you going to..to need to keep it on them wherever they go? Do they always feel a possible threat depending on where or who they hang around with? 


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10 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

How the times have changed. Running from the cops is just stupid, but there used to be a day and time you could have a gun hanging from a shoddy rack in your truck and no one would bat an eye. I remember my high school principal telling us a story how when he was in school even in the late 80's you could go hunting in the early morning, throw your gun and boots in the truck without the fear of security monitors turning your truck inside out and being expelled from the school system.

Graduated high school in '93. Remember a parking lot with several trucks with guns racked and dudes heading to the bathroom to change out of their bloody camos. Different time, indeed. 

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5 hours ago, bigbird said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you only need a permit if you are open carrying, right?

Doesn't really matter. Idiotic moves by Robert's. This stings. Time for Ruffin and Trey to step up.

You need a permit to conceal carry.

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Kinda feels like an episode of deadliest catch to me. Every time something goes right (like naming our starting qb) something immediately goes wrong. Never fails with Auburn

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Welcome to the doghouse, Mr. Roberts. See you sometime in November

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2 hours ago, imaolgatiger said:

Corrected it for you.

You are TOTALLY correct. But you know what I was saying. 

In all honesty, I'd of probably said the same thing to someone. However saying that someone holding a gun in their pocket,  and someone holding a plant is equal dumbfounds me. How about this...

The gun can be used to kill someone, while that plant will never do the same.


not saying roberts had a gun in his pocket. I know he didn't. Just in case there is any confusion I simply said that for example


Good lord sometimes I am glad I left the South. The propaganda against that plant is beyond me. I don't partake but its apples and oranges...

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1 hour ago, austudnt23 said:

Yep. I am not saying this is a racial thing but alot of young black guys carry guns that they don't have a permit for. Im sure there are alot of white people that do the same but a young black guy having a gun doesnt mean he is a thug that plans to engage in criminal activity with the gun.  Just because SR had a gun doesn't mean he ever intended on using it to say rob somebody or intimidate somebody. I just don't think in my personnal opinion this is that big of a deal. Like I said Saban has given Gus the out of not suspending SR at all and Gus needs to take that out.

I concede that's true but he is a college student, a football player and likely living on campus....and should have no need to feel in danger.


Now, perhaps he should make better decisions about his friends and what he does in off hours.   I expect he will get off light for youthful offender or something but students carrying a gun around, whether legal or not, are putting their futures at big risk and I can't believe that the coaches have not pounded the players over and over about such stuff.

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The plant should be used for those with chronic high level pain that opiates will not work with providing relief. Medical use should be nation-wide without the DEA getting in the way of those who find relief from this plant/drug/etc. Just my 2 cents worth. I do not use the stuff, but know some folks who have stage 3 or 4 cancer and find relief from the plant.

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4 hours ago, AUTIGERinSC said:

Eluding is a grey area. It can mean taking to long to stop to hauling ass.

Here is my biggest problem with the whole thing...he wasn't fast enough to outrun the Auburn PD? WTF? And he calls himself a cornerback. SMH.

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6 minutes ago, thaitopher said:

Here is my biggest problem with the whole thing...he wasn't fast enough to outrun the Auburn PD? WTF? And he calls himself a cornerback. SMH.

Bench him for not being AUBURNFAST!!!

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2 hours ago, DivisionN said:

"Wild bs from cops?"  What in the world are you talking about? You mean about the cops defending themselves from thugs who want to kill them? 

I'm not taking your bait

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7 hours ago, keesler said:
1 hour ago, AU64 said:

I concede that's true but he is a college student, a football player and likely living on campus....and should have no need to feel in danger.


Now, perhaps he should make better decisions about his friends and what he does in off hours.   I expect he will get off light for youthful offender or something but students carrying a gun around, whether legal or not, are putting their futures at big risk and I can't believe that the coaches have not pounded the players over and over about such stuff.

Those kids in Newton should have felt safe as well.  The only person that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  I can't believe all of the anti-guns posts coming from Auburn Alumni and fans.  I carry everyday, and have probably, at some point, allowed my permit to lapse.  Not to turn political, but any post regarding the police is fundamentally political.  Just because is a law states that a person has  to have a permit to carry, does not make that law right.  The only reason this exist is so they can tax you even more.  Do I need a permit for free speech?         


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This like a broken record anb seeing as how we don't have any REC members who are going to get the charges magically dropped, I know I will get hammered for this but kick him off the team. Send a message, YOU SCREW UP YOU' ARE GONE.I know I will get raked over the coals but this how I feel.

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18 minutes ago, oposssum said:


Yep, Jake Mitchell's gun kept him safe though it could have been what got him killed.    JMO but I don't that the AU police department is looking for football players to provide protection for the student body.    Bad law or not, if everyone decides which laws they want to obey, we have a 3rd world country.

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